Chapter 59
Chapter 59
Getting into the passenger seat, and Ryker got into the driver's side he started the engine and backed
out and headed down an empty road without a word being said.
My phone then started ringing again, and I looked down to see Joel calling me now. Sighing, I
answered the call "Hey."
"Rain!" His voice was full of worry and weakness as if he was out of breath. "Joel." I sat up straight,
becoming tense "Joel, What's wrong?"
"Dad's been shot."
I froze, and my phone fell out of my hand as those words repeated in my head. My heart felt like it had
stopped, and everything seemed like it had slowed down.
Words couldn't describe how I felt right now. Yes, he's abusive but he hasn't beem for months and he's
been getting himself help just so he won't hurt me anymore. Plus he's my dad..
"My dad's been shot." I managed to get out in complete shock, and Ryker's eyes snapped over to
mine. Ryker quickly grabbed my phone that fell onto the center consol and started to talk to Joel, as he
kept one hand on the steering wheel.
Tears started to escape my eyes, and I clutched the necklace that was around my neck, and tried to not
go into a panic attack. I didn't pay attention to what Ryker was saying, all I could focus on was those 3
Dad's. Been. Shot.
When it kept repeating in my head, I officially lost it and broke into tears. I still had an hour and half ride
back to New York city and I may never get to say goodbye to my dad again.
I covered my mouth with my hand, as a sob escaped my lips and I felt like my whole world had come
crashing down on me. It felt like I had lost all control, and everything just was tumbling down and I was
just watching waiting for it to hit me..and It did.
Ryker hung up the phone before he gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and slammed his foot
down on the gas; going as fast as possible on the windy roads. He kept his eyes focused on the road,
not daring to look away or we could crash in a second.
The tires streaked against the road, and we flew past trees and signs, on the empty back road and I
closed my eyes shut tightly and held back sobs.
* * * * *
When Ryker pulled up to my house, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door before
running up the driveway and ran up to the house because I guess Joel had to call the paramedics to
the house because they wouldn't have had time to get him back to the hospital.
Ryker parked, and I ran into the house after forcing the door open because it had been jammed or
blocked. Ryker came running up behind me and I ran into the living room and yelled at the top of my
lungs "Dad!"
Then I froze when I walked into the entry of the living room. "Now, now Rain. Didn't anyone ever tell
you not to yell in the house?"
Ryker came behind me, and my eyes were wide and at the point I almost fainted when Ryker grabbed
me quickly so that I wouldn't move.
There was a man the same height as Ryker, with brown hair that was done up with a small amount of
gel, his jaw was sharp, he was built, and had the exact same bright blue eyes as Ryker. He had a
stuble beard growing, and he had two sleeves at tattoos on his arms that connected towards his chest.
"Ryker." His lips tugged into a wide evil smirk as his eyes narrowed at him "It's nice to finally see you,
My eyes went wide and the shock hit me once again when I realized that it had been Callum; Ryker's
father standing in front of us.
He had 6 other men, and they all held my brothers and dad with their hands behind their back and a
hand over their mouths so they couldn't speak. My dad was standing completely still, with blood and
bruises all over his face but he wasn't shot.
Callum forced Joel to call me and tell me dad was shot, so that I would rush home and fall right into his
trap. And I fell right into it without a second thought.
"Callum." Ryker gritted through his teeth, as he let go of the grip he had on my forearm. Callum tsked,
and tossed something in his hands and I tried to focus my eyes onto the object.
I reached into my pocket which is wear I had a tactical knife, and I flicked it by a button, keeping it
hidden by my side.
Callum walked slowly towards me and I gulped, swallowing a lump that had built up in my throat. He
looked me up and down, and then reached his hand out to me, putting his fingers under my chin and
making me look up to him.
"You must be the famous Rain Thompson, I've heard so much about." He said while he examined my
face, keeping his fingers under my chin and his touch made me feel unease and sent chills up my
"Pretty face, No wonder you're a model." His lips grew into an evil grin that screamed trouble "Wonder
what you're like in bed."
Ryker immediately reacted after that comment, and shoved him off me "Don't fucking touch her, you
fucking rapist." "Well if the condom fits, where it." Callum gave an annoyed shrug "Just like what I
should've done with your mother so you wouldn't of been born."
My heart sunk for Ryker just to hear those words come from Callum's mouth, and I knew the exact
feeling because my dad has done the same thing to me and it's one of the worse things in the world
you could ever here.
Ryker and I still hadn't talked, and the tension between us was strong but the way he reacted picked
my heart up because it gave me some hope that he still cares.
He stayed silent at Callum's comment, and the more I examined the two of them, the more they looked
alike. Ryker really was Callum's son, they both carried themselves in the same way, had the same
glare, same seductive smirk, and their personalities were obviously a lot alike.
I kept the knife hidden by my side, and when Callum started to turn around walk back over to my dad. I
pulled the knife out, and went to go up behind him, but he quickly turned around and grabbed my wrist
and pryed my fingers off the knife.
"I don't think you want to do that Rain. I mean, unless you want your sex tape released." He tested in a
stern tone before the evil grin tugged at his lips again and my eyes widened.
"What?!" Ryker gritted, making me turn around to face him "Ryk-" I tried but, he refused to listen.
Callum tossed the flash drive that was in his hands, to Ryker which he caught in his hands.
"There's your 16 year old girlfriend's sex tape." Callum stated "You should take a look, maybe Tyson
can teach you a few things."
The sex tape..It was of Tyson and I, when he got me drunk and took advantage of me and recorded the
whole thing. It's him raping me, on tape and I've done everything possible to keep Ryker from seeing it.
"What do you want?" Ryker snapped at Callum, I could tell he was angry and holding back from ripping
his head off. Callum rubbed his jaw for a minute "Well revenge of course, But let's start with the girl."
He snapped his fingers and two guys came towards me, when Ryker quickly pushed me behind him.
Ryker sent a punch to the guys jaw, and sending a kick into his stomach which sent him flying back into
the glass table, that shattered from impact.
The next guy came up, sent Ryker a punch to the face and Ryker immediatly shook it off before
clutching his fist and uppercuting him to the jaw, making the bones snap.
The guy groaned in pain, and Ryker kicked him into the lit fireplace. Callum gave a pissed off look "You
shouldn't have done that."
Callum came towards Ryker, punching him from the side, so his fist slid across his face and Ryker's lip
busted and nose started to bleed. Ryker quickly moved to grab something, and he took the glock that
was in the holster of his jeans.
With a steady hand, he slapped a mag into it and raised it to Callum while wrapping his finger around
the trigger. "You leave my girlfriend and her family alone, or you're leaving for fucking hell." Ryker's
eyes were dark black, and I've never seen his face so stone cold.
I hid behind Ryker, as I clung to his shirt tightly, and kept my eyes on Callum who was staring at Ryker,
waiting for him to pull the trigger. Ryker was about to pull the trigger, when everything seemed to go in
slow motion and I saw Callum grab my dad and push him in front of him just as Ryker pulled the trigger.
My ears popped from the gun, and I screamed at the top of my lungs when my dad fell to the ground
where shattered glass was everywhere, and his head was bleeding. The door busted open and I my
head slowly turned to see our neighbors and the rest of the gang come in with police who must of been
called already.
I fell to the ground on my knees as I broke into tears, and Rykers arms were still around me, keeping
me from falling or anything as I looked at my dad who's eyes were shut and completely silent on the
Cops rushed over to Callum and his goons in handcuffs, and put him into handcuffs since he had blood
all over his hands and I watched paramedics run in and hurriedly out my dad on a gurney and rush out
of the house.
I was completely broken inside, and sobbed my eyes out. Cops rushed over to me, and bombarded me
with questions but I stayed on my knees, with Ryker's arm around me as he yelled at people to back
* * * * *
"Rain!" A voice called, and I looked over to see Ally run over and hug me tightly "I am so so sorry." It
was currently 5 in the morning and I ended up sleeping in the hospital last night, which was not fun.
The doctors have told us nothing, except that he lost a lot of blood so they had to transfer a lot of blood
and run some test to get a match. Apparently they had to remove a lot of glass, because it was all in
his body from when he fell. Jax, Ryan, and Joel were questioned all last night by the cops and Ryker
was then accused as the culprit but he said the shooting was for self defense. We still haven't talked
much, only a few sentences here there.
Graduation is tomorrow, and I'm an absolute mess. I pulled back from Ally, wiped my year stained face
and finished making my coffee, that I had sat down on the counter of the hospital cafeteria.
There was a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around and to see Blake and pulled me into a hug
immediatly "I came as soon, as I heard. God Rain, I am so sorry; I can't even imagine."
It was the same words over and over again, and everyone gave me hugs after hugs but they didn't
mean or feel like anything there was no comfort whatsoever. I just felt cold on the inside and like I was
just a space.
"Things happen, I guess." I shrugged once I pulled away then turning towards Ally "Uh hey, I'm gonna
take a walk with Blake for awhile. I'll see you later." She nodded slightly, giving me a concerned look
before I gtabbed Blake's forearm and pulled him out of the cafeteria as we walked down the hallways of
the hospital.
"How you holding up?" He asked, breaking the silence that was held. "I'm alive, aren't I?" I gave him a
glance as I fidgetted with my coffee cup. I didn't like coffee, but I needed something at this point.
"Doesn't seem like it." He muttered under his breath, and I gave him a confused look while cocking an
eyebrow at him as we continued to walk side by side.
"You don't stop living when your heart stops beating, you stop living when your heart beats stop having
"You've been on tumblr lately." I pursed my lips as I took a sip of my coffee and he rolled his eyes at
me, and silence appareard again.
I kept wishing for silence, because it meant I wouldn't hear "Are you okay?" "I'm so sorry." "You must be
so heartbroken." But when I finally got it, it made me feel tense and uncomfortable.
"Blake." I breathed, preparing myself to say what I was about to tell him because with Blake it was a hit
or miss "I need to ask you something, and I have no idea what to do."
He looked over at me and just gave me a nod. "So Ryker and I are fighting, and he keeps pushing at
the idea of marriage and the future but I have no idea what to do."
Blake's eyes went wide before he yelled "What?! MARRIAGE?!" "Shh!" I covered his mouth with my
hand and looked around to see attention on us.
"Yes okay." I took my hand away, and we continued walking. "Rain you're 18!" He exclaimed in a
"Yeah I know, but Ryker keeps saying age shouldn't matter if you love someone. I just have no idea
what to do, because we keep arguing and we're already moving in with each other..I love him to death,
but I just think I'm so young." I explained.
"Well is he gonna propose?" Blake asked, and I bit my lip nervously before looking over at him.
~ ~ ~ ~
I stared at the altar and and the flowers, crosses, and candles that we're everywhere and I held back
tears and took in a deep breath as I dropped my head and looked down at the ground.
I was currently in the chapel of the hospital, just thinking and praying that my dad was going to be
alright The doors opened, but I didn't look back because I just suspected someone else came to pray
for a loved one or something, but the pew creaked, when someone sat down next to me.
I lifted my head to see Ryker, and sighed in response. "Look, Rain, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed
the thought of marriage on you, its just that I saw you with James and I've already lost you and I don't
want too again."
My eyes seemed attached to him from our shared gaze. "It's fine." I wiped a tear "It's just..My parents
were my age when they got married, and well look how they are now."
"Is that what you're so afraid of? To become like your parents?" He asked, and I stayed silent. Ryker
pulled me into his side and wrapped his arms around me "Rain, my dad got my mom pregnant at 14. I
don't think you could screw up worse than that."
"My dad didn't even love us, he wished we were never born." I mumbled "I just don't want that to
happen, and most young marriages usually end in some kind of conflict."
"Rain, I would never lay a hand on a kid or you. I am not you're dad, I'm not my dad, your not your
mom, you're not my mom. We're our own person, who can make our own descions." Ryker tucked a
piece or hair behind my ear.
I took a deep breath, and laid my head on his shoulder, not wanting to fight. He wrapped an arm
around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head and I stared ahead at the altar.
"Callum being questioned in court?" I asked, lacing my fingers with his free hand. "Yeah, You're house
is currently under restriction, cops want evidence for the crime scene." Ryker explained.
"Well what about you?" I asked, playing with his fingers "You told them you fought back for self defense
He sighed, cleaning his jaw and stared down at our hands "Yeah I did but with my prison record, they're
not going to believe me. I'll be put in court and maybe they'll keep in the prison for awhile. Depends if
your brothers or Dad want to testify for me."
"They will." I said certain, it would be insane if they didn't want to defend him. Ryker is the reason
they're alive, for God Sakes. He shifted in his spot "I don't know about that, You're dad and brothers
want to see nothing more then me in a jail cell."
"Ryk, you're the reason they're alive." I turned to face him, letting go of his hand and pulling out of his
grip "You're the reason I'm alive for crying out loud, they're going to defend you."
Ryker didn't say anything, just started at me with his jaw clenched and muscles tense "Let's just take it
one step at a time, princess."
The doors of the church opened and I looked back to see Ryan. His lips tugged up to a slight smile
"He's okay." I stood up from the pew, and ran over to hug Ryan.
He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and relief came over me that my dad is okay. Ryker came up,
and I pulled away from Ryan. "Thank you." Ryan nodded slightly at him "You saved a life Anderson."
Ryker nodded in response while Ryan walked out of the church. My lips were in a grin by now, and I
pressed my lips to Ryker's, and threw my arms around his neck.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My dad didn't get hit by the bullet that Ryker shot, but instead when he fell onto the shattered glass it
impaled into his skin and bone.
He lost a lot of blood, but Joel donated some of his since they're both the same type of blood. Doctors noveldrama
and Nurses want him to be in a wheelchair for a couple weeks, to stop accessive walking. He is staying
overnight in the hospital, but he's going to be okay.
"Rain, sweetie." My dad squeezed my hand "You need to go home, get some sleep." "Dad it's fine-" I
started, but he shook his head.
I was currently in the hospital room with my dad. My brothers, and Ally were here too. "Rain Eliza, you
have graduation tomorrow. Go home and get some rest. Plus I'm sure Alessandra would love for you
two to have a sleepover."
Ally smiled at my dad "That's right Sheriff Thompson." My dad looked back at me, narrowing his eyes
"Now go. I'll see you tomorrow at graduation."
Sighing, I gave in "Alright." Getting up from my seat, I gave my dad a hug and he kissed my forehead.
Ally and I left the hospital after bidding my goodbyes to my brothers.
Ally slung her arm over my shoulder as we headed out of the hospital and heading to her jeep. "Where
are we sleeping?" I raised an eyebrow at her "My house is under restrictions."
"Your boyfriend's house." She smirked, putting the jeep in drive and speeding down the road. My phone
buzzed and I saw it was a text from Craig.
Craig Brown: Good luck tomorrow, I'm glad your dad is okay. See you at graduation Rain
Twiddling my thumbs, I responsed back before seeing if Ryker had texted me at all but there was
He had left a couple hours ago, because he had Melanie, Faith, and Reece all at his apartment tonight.
The rest of the gang left about an hour ago to go home and get some sleep since it was 3 in the
"Lighten up girly." Ally looked over at me with a small smile "You're going to be an offical adult
"Now that's a terrifying thought." I narrowed my eyes at her and a laugh escaped her lips with
mumbling "Tell me about it."
"You and Ryker figure out the whole marriage thing?" She sat up straight and glanced back and fourth
between me and the road. I tensed up and looked straight ahead at the pitch black road that Ally's
headlights lit up.
"Yeah." I nodded, staring at the road "He apologized for trying to push it onto to me and will talk about
when I'm ready."
"Well when are you going to be ready?" She asked curiously and my lips pursed before pressing in a
tight line together. Moving my eyes from the road over to her, I took a deep breath before speaking.
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