Chapter 58
Chapter 58
"How'd you know I wanted something?" I asked shocked, that he knew. He narrowed his eyes at me
"Because I know you." "Food, I'm starving." I stated as we headed into Walmart.
We walked through the doors of the store to see a bunch of people dressed in black and had mask
covering their face as they turned towards us and a guy pulled out a gun, aiming it in our direction.
"Oh God.." I gulped nervously, turning to look at Ryker "Why does this always happen?"
"Rain Eliza Thompson." A guy pulled down his mask and revealed his jet black hair with dark brown
eyes "You're coming with us."
Ryker clenched his jaw, tensing up, and pushed me behind him prospectively. "Ryk," I whispered and
he grabbed hold of my hand while holding a glare to the guy.
The whole store was filled with people down on their hands and knees in complete horror. I looked over
to see the gang all held captive in numerous guy's arms.
"She's not going anywhere." Ryker gritted with a glare in his eyes. The guy started approach towards
us and Ryker quickly pulled a gun out, before holding it up to his throat.
"I said she's not going anywhere." Ryker demanded, keeping me behind him by his side. "Mr.
Anderson, I suggest you give up the girl before Callum is called."
Callum is Ryker's biological father..
Ryker wrapped his finger around the trigger and I heard the sobs of regular people that were down on
the ground, huddled together in fear. A girl then screamed at the top of her lungs as she rocked herself
back and fourth while covering her ears.
The guy took this as a chance to try and grab me, but Ryker quickly pulled the trigger and a loud
gunshot went off, making me jump and everyone began screaming.
The guy clutched his throat before immediately falling to the ground. The rest of the men let go of the
gang and went up to man that was shot in panic. "Boss! Boss!" They yelled, tapping his shoulders and
shaking his body but there was no response.
Slowly raising my hand to cover my mouth that was jaw dropped, as I stared down at the guy my
boyfriend had just shot and killed.
Yes, I've seen Ryker shoot people before but never so up close and never the way to cause death.
Craig ordered everyone out, but I stood frozen in shock as to what had just happened.
Ryker yelled my name repeatedly but I didn't answer since my eyes were stuck on the shot dead man
laying on the ground in front of me.
I heard Ryker groan before he picked me up and gunshots started to be fired everywhere.
We eventually reached the truck in the parking lot and Ryker lifted me up into the passenger seat
before buckling me in and slamming the door shut. He ran around to the drivers side and got in before
slamming his foot down on the ground and speeding away.
He pulled down a dark empty street with trees surrounding it on both sides and it had no street light.
"Ryker, take me home." I slowly looked over at him.
"I'm not doing that Rain." He flicked his high-beams on. "Ryker, take me home now." I ordered sternly,
as the panic kept eating at me slowly "I want to go home."
"Babe, you know your house isn't safe. That's the first place Callum will look if he hears you're back in
town." Ryker stated, and I immediately snapped "I wanna go Home!"
"Rain, I'm sorry but I'm not taking you home." He clenched his jaw, keeping his eyes on the road and
pressing down on the gas and I saw everyone's cars approach once we merged into lanes on the road.
"Ryker!" I yelled, my voice raising in annoyance and anger "I'm gonna fucking get kidnapped again!"
"I'm not letting anyone lay a hand on you," His hands clutched the steering wheel and his knuckles
began to turn white.
Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, the screen was bright on my eyes and I scrolled through my
contacts before landing on James Landlock.
Biting my lip, I clicked on his contact and glanced out of the corner of my eye to see Ryker who was
looking ahead at the road. Taking a deep breath, I hit the text icon and began typing.
* * * * *
Ryker pulled down a road and it led to the middle of nowhere. "Where the hell are we?" I asked,
unbuckling my seat belt as I stared at the abandoned warehouse in front of us.
"We just need to sleep here for tonight and then will head back to New York tomorrow, we convinced
Callum to follow us to New Jersey and he's only going to keep going south." Ryker opened the driver
door and got out.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked down to see a text from James. I looked out the window to
see all of the gang get out of there cars.
James Landlock: Here
Quickly pushing the door open, to the truck I saw a car pull up and James get out. I ran up to him and
he pulled me into a tight hug "Oh thank God you're alright."
I heard a car door slam and I pulled back and turned around to see a very pissed off Ryker. "What the
fuck do you think you're doing?!" Ryker yelled, anger rising in his voice and his fist clutching at his side.
"I invited him, so he could help." I stated stern and all the gang watched uneasily. Ryker's eyes were a
black color and you couldn't see the difference from his pupil and iris.
"Get the fuck out of here." Ryker gritted towards James, and James stood up straight "I don't take
orders from you Anderson." Ryker's fist clutched harder and he rose his fist to send a punch to James.
When his fist was suppose to make contact with James, I quickly stopped it with my hand and wrapped
my fingers around his knuckles.
Ryker's dark eyes that held nothing but a glare of hatred moved to my eyes. He didn't say anything,
and everyone stayed silent; not daring to make a noise.
Ryker dropped his fist, and tore his eyes away from me before turning around and walking away. I
didn't call his name, I didn't run after him, I just stood there and hope that this would solve itself.
"Rain-" Ally spoke up, coming up to me and hugging me tightly "He'll calm down, it'll be okay. Just let
him get some space to think for a bit."
"God I'm such a horrible girlfriend." I ran a hand through my hair once I pulled back from Ally. "No, no.
He's just has a lot going on right now, tomorrow you guys will be perfectly fine."
James came up to me and sighed "Look Rain, I can leave if you want. I completely get it, if you were
my girlfriend I'd act the exact same way. Plus I left Phoenix with my sister, and the house might burn
down if I don't."
"I just feel bad, you came all the way out here-" I started, but James shook his head and his lips tugged
up to a small smile "Think about yourself for once, it's okay to be selfish sometimes. See you Rain."
He kissed my forehead before turning around and walking away to his car before backing away and
speeding down a road.
"Rain." Craig spoke up and I looked over at him "Go find him, I'm sure he wants to see you." Vince
gave me a nod to the side "He went that way, here's a flashlight."
Vince tossed me a flashlight and I nodded slightly before biting my lip and I pulled out my phone as I
started to walk and went to the find my phone app because Ryker's was programmed into it and I got
directions to where he is.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After walking for a half hour in the freezing cold woods, stepping over wet sticks and logs, and trying to
avoid mud as much as I could to keep my converses from becoming a disastrous decision.
I came to a Lake which is where the phone was located, and it was correct when I saw Ryker sitting on
the small slope of grass that led down to the lake and he skipped rocks into the lake, and I watched as
it skipped 3 times.
Turning off my flashlight, and putting my phone away, I grabbed a flat thin rock and walked up behind
him as silently as possible and turned my wrist in, before flinging it out and it skipped across the water
5 times.
Ryker turned his back to look at me, and I gave a small smile "I use to call myself a professional rock
skipper when I was 9." When I didn't even get a chuckle, I sighed and sat down next to him.
I looked out to the lake and on the other side was trees upon trees, and the dark night sky was full of
bright white stars that glistened down onto the water of the lake that was almost completely still, with a noveldrama
few ripples here and there.
"Pretty Lake, I would kill to live somewhere like here." I commented, and looked over to the side to just
see him staring out straight without a movement. He was mad, and the guilt was eating away at me.
"Ryk, look." I sighed after a few moments of silence "James left, he went home. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of
told him to come. It was wrong of me."
"Damn right it was." He kept staring at the lake and skipped a rock as hard as possible and it skipped
across 6 times. "Is this how we're going to be?" I asked, my heart sinking "Fighting constantly?"
He looked over at me and his eyes went directly to mine "I don't know, that depends. Where do you see
us in a few years Rain?"
I was taken back by his question, and blinked slowly "Is this what you're so hung up about? The
future?" "That doesn't answer the question." He clenched his jaw as he turned his attention back
towards the lake.
"I don't know. I'll be in college, will both be in the gang, and moved into an apartment that we both have
been talking about." I shrugged, unsure of what the future holds. Of course I had my own thoughts and
hopes, but I wasn't going to say them.
Ryker shook his head and scoffed a laugh. "What?" I asked confused as to why he still seemed
annoyed. "That's what you want for the future?" He questioned, looking back at me "That's where you
see us?"
"Well where do you see us Ryker?!" I asked, my voice rising a bit from how he was making mad from
asking questions and liking the answers.
"If I asked you to marry me right now, would you say yes?!" Ryker yelled, his eyes boring into me.
My eyes went wide, and I was in complete shock and I couldn't speak. Ryker rolled his eyes "That's
what I thought." "I'm 18, Ryk..marriage is a pretty big thing. I haven't even graduated High School yet." I
managed, still in shock.
"Do you think will break up in the future?" Ryker asked, cleaning his jaw as he waited for answer. I
pressed my lips in a thin line "No, I see us still together."
"Then why wait, Rain? If you think will always be together, why does it matter what age you are to get
married?" Ryker snapped.
Rubbing my temples, I looked away for a second before looking back at him "I don't understand what
you're getting at. You're not asking me to marry you, right?"
"No." He stared at the lake, skipping another rock "I'm not asking you to marry me Rain. I've just been
thinking about us a lot lately."
"And what have you been thinking?" I asked nervously, swallowing a lump in my throat. He scoffed
another laugh under his breath and looked down at the grass "You don't want to know."
I felt tears prick my eyes, my heart dropped, my palms became sweaty and I found it harder and harder
to even manage to be able to talk because I felt tears start to well up.
"Yes I do."
I hoped I wouldn't regret those words, after he told me and I took a deep breath to steady my breathing.
In the future of course I wanted us to be married, doesn't even have to be the future and sometime
have kids; cause I was completely in love with Ryker Anderson.
He took a deep breath and looked at me, and the stars were are only light source. "You'll have to stick
with me to find out." Ryker stood up from the grass, and headed back to the woods, leaving me by
~ ~ ~ ~
Tapping my fingers on my stomach, as I laid down and stared at the ceiling the music from my
headphone blasted into my ears.
Once I finally got back to the warehouse, it had already been past midnight and we apparently had to
get up really early to get back to New York the next morning so Craig made everyone go to sleep, and
we were all laying on blankets in the main room of warehouse.
Ryker and I haven't spoken a word to each other since the lake, and it was driving me insane from him
not telling me what he was thinking about. I wanted us to be okay, and go back to how things were
before the whole kidnapping thing went.
I felt a tap on my arm, and I flinched because I expected everybody to be asleep but I took out my
headphones and Ally turned on her side to face me.
"Hey." She whispered "Can't sleep?" I shook my head and glanced over to where Ryker was asleep by
the guys on the other side of the room. Ally must of known what I was looking at "Rain, it'll all be okay."
"How many times have I heard that before." I shifted so I was on my side and facing her. "You guys are
just going through some rough times, you have before and that didn't stop you guys." She reassured.
Our voices were very hushed and quiet in whispers, trying not to wake anybody. "Yeah, but we've been
arguing constantly and I just want it to stop."
"Well," She rested her head on her hand and so did I "Where do you actually see you guys in the
future? And you can tell me, I won't tell him because I know what you told him was complete bullshit."
"Its embarrassing." I sighed, and she cocked an eyebrow at me "So having a future with your boyfriend
is embarrassing?" "No, No." I shook my head "Its just- I don't know. It's embarrassing to say."
Ally glanced back at Ryker then looked back at me "Well what if I told you, that Ryker and I were talking
one day and he told me where he wanted you guys in the future."
"Yeah, not together." I rolled my eyes, and she shook her head as a smile tugged at her lips "The
complete opposite Rain." My eyes widened "What do you mean?"
"Not my place to tell you." She shrugged. "Ally-" I began, but she chuckled softly "You'll find out soon
Rain, just be patient and you'll find out. Goodnight."
Before I could say anything, Ally turned her back towards me and tried to head back to sleep.
Aggravation was the word that could most describe how I was feeling right now.
I laid back down on my back and stared up at the ceiling and put my headphones back in as I tried to
get myself to sleep but it was no use.
This is going to be a long night..
* * * * *
"Rain, you're freezing." Vince came up to me and rubbed his hands up and down my arms that had
been crossed over my chest. "I'm f-fine." My jaw chartered from how cold I am.
It was 5 a.m. and it was freezing out and my leather jacket wasn't doing much and we were all outside
packing up to go back home to New York.
"I'm gonna go find you a blanket." Vince stated, and I nodded slowly before he walked away in search
for a blanket. My phone started ring in my back pocket and I pulled it out, and saw Jax's number
flashing on the screen.
"Hello?" I answered, after getting my frozen fingers to be able to answer to call button.
"Hey sis." Jax said in a tired voice "I was just calling to see if you're okay?" "Yeah," I lied "Fine,
everything is just prefectly fine."
I heard Jax's name being yelled in the background and he must have been at work already. "Alright got
to go, Love you sis."
"Love you, Bye." I hung up, and Ryker walked over to me as I was standing against the tailgate of the
truck, and he grabbed something out of bag before I saw him take a couple of prescription pills, but I
averted my eyes and rubbed my hands up and down my arms.
Ryker threw the bag back, not making eye contact with me; he took off his leather jacket and laid it over
my shoulders so it hung. He didn't say anything, and he walked away towards where the rest of the
gang was to finish packing up.
Vince came back with a blanket and handed it to me "You okay?" I nodded in response, and he wiped a
year that had escape from my eye with his thumb "I don't think tears mean 'okay'."
"Just tired." I shrugged "Didn't get much sleep last night." "Yeah, neither did Ryker." He sighed "Was up
all night."
"Wait, what-" I started but was cut off when Craig clapped his hands together "Lets head out!"
Everyone started to walk off to the cars they were in on the way here and I sighed before heading over
to Ryker's truck.
Getting into the passenger seat, and Ryker got into the driver's side he started the engine and backed
out and headed down an empty road without a word being said.
My phone then started ringing again, and I looked down to see Joel calling me now. Sighing, I
answered the call "Hey."
"Rain!" His voice was full of worry and weakness as if he was out of breath. "Joel." I sat up straight,
becoming tense "Joel, What's wrong?"
"Dad's been shot."
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