Chapter 51
Chapter 51
"I wouldn't doubt it." Abe narrowed his eyes at me, making me roll my in response. "Oh mio Dio! Cibo
americano!" Andre and Tate exclaimed, coming up with a bunch of Twinkies.
"Twinkies?" I questioned, "They're not very good in my opinion. Definitely put to higher expectations
then what they are." "Americani ingrati." Seb muttered under his breath in Italian.
"Io non sono un ingrato americano! E parlo Italain, idiota!" I exclaimed, sending him a glare. "Can we
get them, Rain?" They all begged, and I sighed "Fine. Put them in the cart."
They all broke out into smiles, and I rolled my eyes in response. I had to do some grocery shopping
because it was my turn to pick up food for the warehouse, and the guys wanted to come see an
American grocery store.
I walked down an aisle; leaving the guys to stare at American junk food in starstruck. I shifted the
basket on my arm, walking down an aisle of pasta sauce and other sauces.
I scanned over the shelves when a voice broke I'm "Rain." I whirled around, and jumped from being
startled. My eyes then grew wide and I blinked slowly "W-What are you doing here?" I asked in
complete shock.
"I had to see you. I had to make sure you were okay." He said honestly, coming closer to me. "A phone
call would have done fine." I stated, still in shock.
Rolling his hazel eyes at me "Don't be ridiculous, Rain." He took the basket off my arm and set it down
on the ground before taking my hands in his only to intertwine our fingers, bringing us closer together.
"I was thinking..and you're not back with Anderson-" He trailed off, and I blinked slowly. He started to
lean in, and I froze about to pull back right when James was pushed away from me.
I looked to see an overprotective jelaous Ryker step in front of me and shove him back "What the hell
do you think you're doing?!"
"Ryker." I warned, tugging on his hand to pull him back but he wouldn't budge. "James, maybe you
should leave." I spoke up, and his eyes snapped to mine then looking at Ryker.
"I think I'm getting the girl you don't deserve." He said stern. "You better get the hell away from her
before I kick your ass all the way back to North Carolina." Ryker gritted.
James through the first punch and hit right into Ryker's jaw. He quickly went tense and clutched his fist
before sending a fist flying to Jame's stomach.
James shoved Ryker back into the shelves and a couple of the glass containers fell, breaking once
they hit the ground. Ryker stumbled a bit before regaining balance and sending a punch right into
Jame's nose, kicking him in the gut.
James hit the other shelves and more things fell off and broke. "Stop! Stop!" I yelled, but they continued
to argue. Walking up, I quickly caught Ryker's fist before it came in contact with James.
"Enough!" I yelled, and people were circling around us. "I'm not dealing with this bullshit!" I yelled. "Rain
what about us-" James started.
"No, there is no us James. You know I'm in love with Ryker." I sighed, running a hand through my
brown long hair. I then saw Ryker's lips tug up to a smirk, and I turned my attnetion to him.
"Don't. Because we're done, you lied to me about everything. I'm not dealing with that." I stated stern,
and Ryker grabbed my hands in his.
"Rain, baby. You know I love you, and I'm sorry. Can't we just get past this-" He said, but I took my
hands out of his. "No, we already talked about this."
I picked the basket up off the ground and walked away, pushing through the crowd that had formed.
~ ~ ~ ~
I opened the front door of the house, walking in and dropping my stuff on the side table by the door. I
heard someone playing the piano, which echoed throughout the house.
Shoving my phone in my back pocket and heading towards the living room; I saw Joel and Alex sitting
at the piano. I leaned up against the wall, crossing my arms; I watched as they played at the same time
and Alex hummed softly.
They both ended the song then, and Joel gave her a kiss. My heart fell and Ryker just kept appearing
in my mind. Snapping out of my thoughts, I clapped.
They both pulled back and looked at me startled "Hey." Alex gave me a small smile, hugging me
quickly "How you've been?" "Okay, I guess." I shrugged.
Since we've been home, I've been sending a lot of time with my brothers, Alex, and Shaliene from
school. The gang is just a lot to handle with right now, and its a lot to take on.
"Well I have homework I'm going to head to the library for some books. I just wanted to drop off some
groceries." I stated, standing up straight. "Drive safely." Joel nodded.
"Always do." I whispered loud enough for them to hear, before turning around and walking out of the
house again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The bell rang when I opened the door of the library, only to be greeted b the librarian; Mrs. Brooks.
"Oh my snickerdoodles. Rain, its been so long since I've seen you." Mrs. Brooks gasped, hugging me
quickly. "Hey Mrs. B." I smiled, pulling out of the hug.
"I heard everything on the news. I was so worried, are you okay?" She asked concerned, tucking a
piece of hair behind my ear. "Yeah, I just caught up in a bunch of stuff."
"Well if you ever want help, you know where I am." She smiled. "Thanks Mrs. B." I chucked, then
walking away to the back of the library.
Scanning over the shelves to find a world history book on world history of the middle ages. I flipped
through the papers and skimmed over to decide if I needed it or not.
"Rain?" A innocent voice questioned behind me, making me whirl around to see Melanie. "Mel? What
are you doing here?" I asked, sqautting down to her height.
"Getting a new book since I finished mine." She grinned. I looked around but couldn't find anyone "Who
are you with?"
"My mom." She stated. "Your mom?" I asked confused, furrowing my eyebrows together. "Melanie." A
voice called "Oh there you are."
I looked up to see a women with long brown hair, a light complexion, pink plump lips, skinny figure
dressed in a white shirt, black jeans, and heels. But I knew those bright blue eyes.
"Oh I'm sorry- She just walks off sometimes." The women apologized and I was in a state of shock.
"Mommy." Melanie tugged on her hand.
I stood up from the squatting position I was in and stared at her. "Mrs. Anderson?" I asked, blinking
slowly. "You must be Rain.." She trailed off.
"How'd you know?" I asked. "Because you're exactly how Ryker expalined you as the most beautiful
girl in the world." She stated with a small smirk tugging at her lips.
"I'm sorry..I'm just in shock. Your Ryker's mom?" I asked, and she nodded with a small smile "Yes, they
ran into me at South Carolina and Leah and Reece encouraged me to move up here."
"Oh my God.." I whispered in a mumble. "Want to grab some coffee? I'll expalin everything." She
offered, and I looked up to her bright blue eyes that were identical to Ryker's.
~ ~ ~ ~
"He really did that?" I asked laughing wholeheartedly. "Yes he did." Mrs. Anderson laughed. I sobered
up, and Melanie was asleep in my lap with her head on my shoulder.
"Mrs. Anderson." I spoke up as she took a sip of her coffee. "What about your husband?" I asked pit of
She gave me small forced smile "Callum and I aren't married anymore, but aren't legally divorced
because it cost money and we just never got it filed." "Callum? Thats their dad?" I asked, reffering to all
the Anderson kids.
"Yes. Callum and I met in High School, when we were in the same gang and I got pregnant with Leah
at 15." She explained. My eyes went wide "You had Leah at 15?" I questioned surprised.
"Yep." She nodded "I was in a gang that pressured me into things and being a virigin wasn't
acceptable. So things happened and I got impregnated by Callum; and don't do what I did Rain, you're
a smart girl."
Pressing my lips in a thin line "Thank you." Arena was the birth mom of Leah, Ryker, Reece, Faith, and
Melanie. She expalined to me about everything and why she had to give them away.
She said Callum; Mr. Anderson weren't financially stable to raise a kid let a long 5. Once they started to
get back on their feet, they searched and searched for them but couldn't find them anywhere. Mr.
Anderson resorted to alcohol and apparently just got out of jail from 4 years because of a drunk hit and
run, and he alsp use to abuse the kids when he got drunk. Arena got kicked out om the streets when
Callum first got arrested, and she's been struggling to get a job.
The gang ran into her in South Carolina while looking for me. Leah and Reece encouraged her to move
up to New York to gain custody of Faith and Melanie. She also got a job as a 'daycare' for kids that deal
with family issues.
"Now you've asked me a bunch of questions, now its my turn." She cleared her throat, sitting up
straight "Why are you and Ryker broken up?"
My lips parted and I blinked slowly at her "What do you mean?" "If he loves you as much as he makes
it sounds, then you two are meant to be."
"He lied.." I trailed off in a whisper. "Every relationship has lies Rain, if they don't then theres something
wrong." She sighed. "I just don't know if I can trust him anymore." I breathed.
"Ryker's been through a lot. He was abused when his father got drunk, then put in foster care for years
only to be beaten by a million other people. He was in and out of juvie, got into sex, drugs, and alcohol
at a early age because he had no one to guide him. He was split up from his siblings and felt alone like
no one cared." She listed "He was moved to a different family every other week and promised that it
would get better. Ryker was lied too about everything, which made him the way he is today. He was
taught it was okay to lie because the truth didn't matter."
"Wow.." I trailed off realizing how hard he actually had it. Everything Arena was saying was true too,
because it was all backed up with a reason that matched up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Rain, come on." Shaliene pouted at me as we walked down the corridor. "Its not really my scene
Shae." I shrugged, hugging my books to my chest.
"Its prom." She narrowed her eyes at me "It's everyone's scene." Rolling my eyes at her, we stopped at
my locker as I quickly punched in my combination to transfer my books.
"I just don't know...I just got back after a month of being kidnapped, and it'd be weird if I showed up at
Prom. Plus you have a date, and I don't want to go let along by myself." I stated.
It was Friday night, and our High School; The Dalton private School was throwing Prom tomorrow. I
went to Prom last year with Alex and a couple other people, but hated it.
"You don't have to go by yourself." Shaliene spoke up cheerfully "What about Hudson?" "Kai? Hudson
Kai? The football jock...that I've only talked for a month because we had a History assignment together
and Study hall.." I trailed off, narrowing my eyes at her.
"He's had his eyes on you and ecspecially since you're single now." She stated. "Well I don't know..I
kinda just got out of a serious relationship, and still don't know how I'm not crying all the time," I shut
my locker door.
We headed outside and it was pretty hot out. "Rain!" A voice yelled, making my eyes snap over to see
the whole gang leaning up against their cars. I grabbed Shaliene's forearm and pulled her over to
"Hey. Why you guys here?" I asked. "Just figure'd we'd pick you up." Craig shrugged. "Nice uniform."
Felix snorted.
"Fight me, Felix." I said, giving my books to Shaliene. "Come at me, Thompson!" He joked back and I
laughed, taking my books back.
"Oh, this is Shaliene. Shaliene this is Craig, Vince, Neil, Liz, Will, Peter, Reece, Leah, Alessandra,
Juliet,Celeste, Luca, Seb, Valentino, Aaron, Levi, Abe, Andre, Tate, Augustus, Dawson, Felix,
Memphis, and Ryker." I breathed at the mouthful of names.
Shaliene immediately looked at Ryker while her lips tugged up to a smirk, "You're the Ryker Anderson,
I've heard so much about." I nudged her in the ribs, sending her a warning look.
"Heads up!" A voice yelled, and I quickly caught a football in my hands. Looking at the football it had
'Will you tackle Prom with me?' In big letters.
Pressing my lips in a thin line, I looked up and saw Hudson jog up to me with a wide smile "Hey Rain."
"Uhh..hey?" I trailed off confused.
Hw scratched the back of his neck nervously and said "So I know you're single now and all.." Ryker
stood up straight, ready to pummel the guy, but Reece put an arm put in front of him. noveldrama
"And this is really late." He admitted, "Do you want to go to Prom with me?"
"Prom?" I chocked, my eyes widening.
Shaliene sent me and I-Told-You look. "Oh hell no, you better back off my ship cause you're sinking it-"
Liz started getting defensive, but Peter and Neil grabbed her back.
Hudson gave a confused look, before turning his attention back to me. "Uh.." I trailed off, and everyone
stared at me to hear my answer. "Sure." I pursed my lips, nodding slightly.
Hudson bit his lip, before smiling "Great. I'll pick you up at 6." He winked, walking away. "Fuck this shit,
I'm out." Liz muttered angrily, walking away.
"Sis!" Neil called after her but she ignored him. I sighed, running a hamd through my hair before my
eyes met Ryker's.
He clenched his jaw, shaking his head at me disgrace "Wow Rain, really shallow." Ryker walked off,
getting into his truck and driving away. "Hey, don't listen to him." Celeste reassured.
"Yeah, he's just being jealous. He'll get over it." Juilet offered a small smile. "Why am I such an idiot?" I
whispered to myself, clutching my hair.
"Rain, you're not." Leah shook her head, "Juilet's right; he's just being jealous."
"Noowww, what about dress shopping?" Alessandra grinned trying to lighten the mood.
~ ~ ~ ~
"Liz, this is the 18th time I've called. Please answer." I sighed, before hanging uo the voice mail that
she kept sending my calls too.
"What about this?" Alessandra asked, holding a dress up. "Yeah I guess, fine." I mumbled, typing
quickly on my phone to try and get Liz to answer. "Rain, you didn't even look." Alessandra sighed,
making my head snap up from my phone.
She held a bright blue short lace dress up in her hands. "I guess, I can't really think about dresses right
now." "Well Prom is tomorrow night." She narrowed her eyes at me.
My phone buzzed in my hands, making me quickly look who it was in hope to see Liz texting me back.
Hudson Kai: Hey babe, can the team and I come to your house for pictures because you have the
nicest scenery. ;) ♡
"Who is it?" Celeste asked curiously. "Hudson.." I trailed off, "He wants to have pictures at my house
with the whole football team and their dates."
"Rain." Juliet's voice approached, making my eyes snap up to her. "Wow..." I whispered, staring at the
dress she held up. It was probably one of the most gorgeous dresses I've ever seen and I'm not really
a dress type of person.
"You like?" She asked with a smile. She had a red lace long mermaid dress that had somewhat of a
travel behind it. I bit my lip, and nodded "That one."
~ ~ ~
Parking at the warehouse, I got out of my truck with my keys twirling around my finger. I heard
something smash from inside, then yelling.
I froze in my place and the front door opened and slammed shut. I saw Ryker walk with a angered
expression, and I stopped him "Hey, what's going on?" I asked confused.
"You're the last person I want see right now, Rain. So I suggest backing off." He gritted, starting to walk
to his truck. "Ryker!" I called, grabbing his hand.
He turned around to face me and his eyes were a dark blue which were filled with anger. "Whats going
on? Why are you so mad?" I asked.
"Why am I mad?!" He yelled, "Oh I don't know?! Maybe because the girl I'm in love with broke up with
me and is going out with some jock, and that she met my mom without fucking telling me!" He yelled.
I froze, "H-How you'd know about that?-" I started but was cut off by Ryker. "And that she knew for 4
months that my sister was pregnant and didn't tell me!" He yelled.
I blinked slowly "You find out?" "I can't believe you, Rain!" He yelled, "My own sister and you hid that
she was pregnant with Craig's baby!"
"It wasn't my place to tell you!" I defended. "I don't know who you are anymore!" He yelled, shaking his
head at me.
"What do you mean?" I asked soflty, becoming tense. "You're not the same Rain. We aren't the same.
We kept hiding everything from each other." He clenched his jaw "And maybe you're right..maybe we
just shouldn't be together anymore."
My heart broke at hearing those words escape his mouth. "Yeah, we should just move on." I blinked
"Thats the thing." He said, making me look up at him, "I can't." "Ryk..we have too. We're not
compatible; we fight constantly just like right now." I stated "We have to move on. You have to move
"I'm not going to be able to stop loving you Rain!" He shouted, "I have never loved someone like I love
"We can't do this." I sighed, shaking my head, starting head towards the warehouse and Ryker got into
his truck without saying another word.
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