Chapter 50
Chapter 50
Ryker pulled me down the back staircase that spiraled down to the sewer, but there was an exit door
down, there. The stairs were narrow, and if you slipped there was no going back.
I heard gun shots up above and couldn't help but worry about the rest of the gang. Ryker then stopped
dead in his track, making me stop as well.
I saw that there was a huge cut off between the steps, that I wouldn't be able to jump. "Shit." Ryker
muttered under his breath.
"We can go back up, there's a window to climb out of." I stated, but then heard banging, making the
whole staircase move in response. My eyes went wide and I looked at Ryker.
"Thompson!" Derrick's voice yelled, and I saw a shadow start approaching down the stairs. "We have
to jump off." Ryker stated, and my eyes grew wider "Are you insane?!"
The spiral staircase was attached to the wall and went around and around, but the sewer was in the
middle. "Yes. Now, jump Rain." Ryker rushed. "We could kill ourselves!" I exclaimed.
Ryker grabbed me by my face and said "I rather die with you then without you." I sighed, and Ryker
quickly jumped off the edge and went down.
I flinched once he hit the water and didn't want to look. "Thompson!" Derrick yelled again, while he was
all the way at the top.
Taking a deep breath, I walked to the edge and jumped off. It was a few seconds of free-falling, but I
made contact with the water and went under.
The water was deep; up to my the top of my neck. I looked around for Ryker, and couldn't find him.
"Ryker!" I screamed, walking against the moving current of water that had been formed.
Water was crashing up against the walls and moving fast, making everything a blur. "Ryker!" I
screamed, and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and pull me under water.
I caught one last breath before going under, and I closed my eyes. I heard a faint voice echo
throughout the sewer, and I realized how close it was.
Waiting for it to pass by, I heard a door slam shut. I gasped for air when I got up and coughed up water
that I inhaled. Ryker came up and pulled me over to the side of the sewer, where the water wasn't deep
at all.
I was freezing cold, because the water wasn't necessarily warm. I ran my hands up and down arms as
my teeth chattered. Ryker shrugged off his jacket and handed it to me. It was soaked but better than
"Thank you." I whispered, giving a forced smile. He just nodded before clenching his jaw "We should go
down and take a left, there should be an exit."
~ ~ ~ ~
I ran, pushing the exit door open it was the first time I saw outside for what seemed like forever. Ryker
across the field Since he came out another door, and I ran as I saw the rest of the gang.
I then saw something with a red flashing light in the middle of the field, and Ryker. "Rain!" Ryker
shouted "Move!" Everything seemed to stop in slow motion, and I realized it was a bomb.
I plugged my ears at how loud it was and waited for it to pass by.
My eyes went wide and I started to move when Ryker sprinted across the field and pushed me over,
making me fall. He fell on top of me, and the bomb went off.
Ryker blocked me from it protectively. I heard gun-shots and yells. When the bomb passed by, Ryker
and I got up from the ground.
Zeke came storming out with a shot gun loaded, at his side. He aimed it towards me and I glanced
back to see Hayes running towards Zeke.
Zeke pulled the trigger and I didn't feel anything. I glanced back from the hill and saw Hayes clutch his
chest before falling to the ground.
"Nooooo!" I yelled, falling to the ground on my knees. Tears pricked my eyes and I gripped my hair in
my hands. "Rain!" Ryker yelled, running back down to me and grabbing my hand to try and drag me up
the hill.
Zeke then moved his gun and I was sobbing, but I didn't even care. The one person that helped me,
was shot because of me. "Rain. Let's go!" Ryker's voice echoed through my ears. Then I heard a bullet
release and my eyes went wide as I saw it come towards.
"RYKER!" I screamed, when it hit him and he fell to the ground. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and
my heart broke in half. Vince and Neil came up to me as the rest of the gang went over to Ryker.
Vince and Neil picked me up from the ground as I fought against the grip by kicking and squirming,
trying to get over to Ryker. "Rain, Rain, it's going to be okay." Vince whispered reassuringly.
I shook my head and Neil walked away to call 911, and I watched as everyone surrounded Ryker in
* * * * * *
- Next Day -
I soothed the dress I was wearing out, and there was a knock at the door before it opened to reveal Ally
walk in, dressed and ready.
"Well don't you look pretty." She offered a small smile. Pressing my lips in a tight line, I looked at myself
in the mirror.
Funerals were never easy for me, no matter how close I was to the person or wasn't, they were still
involved in my life and it was to hard to let go and say goodbye.
"He's off in a better place, Rain." Alessandra sighed, getting teary-eyed herself. I turned around to look
at her and shook my head "He shouldn't have died." I whispered, before breaking into tears "He's
Dead. He's really dead."
Alessandra pulled me into a tight hug and rubbed circles on my back "'ll be okay." I softly sobbed
into her shoulder as she hugged me tightly.
"I just want to go home." I whispered, pulling back. She gave me a small forced smile "Just one more
day." We were still in North Carolina, because the funeral was being held here.
But after that we were going back to New York, and honestly just wanted to go home and see my
brothers and Alex. I wiped my eyes from the years and sniffled. "You're going to ruin your makeup."
Alessandra chuckled.
I rolled my eyes at her, and sighed "Let's just get this over with."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Hey." Reece came up to me and hugged me quickly "How you doing, kiddo?" "I don't understand why
you call me kiddo, you're only a year older then me." I scoffed.
Reece chuckled slightly and put an arm out to me "Walk me in?" "I'd be delighted." I forced a lightful
wholehearted tone, then taking Reece's arm as we started to walk towards the church.
"I haven't been to church in forever." Reece whispered "So we do that smacking forehead thing?"
"You me the sign of the cross?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. His mouth formed an 'o'
shape, and I sighed in disgrace. We entered the church and I walked over to the fountain of holy water
and dipped my finger tips in before doing the sign of the cross.
Reece just followed my lead, and I scanned over the church. It had stain glass Windows, the aisle was
a shiny marble floor, the alter was placed in front of a mural. Tears started to prick my eyes again, and I
walked down the aisle to the pew where the rest of the gang was. I moved over and sat down my Leah.
"You look pretty." She whispered, with tears in her eyes.
"You do too." I whispered back. I was in a black skater dress Liz had lent me, red high top Converses,
black leather jacket, with my hair curled slightly and make up done with red-lipstick from "compliments"
of Alessandra.
"We are gathered hear today, to celebrate a life but not a death." The priest spoke to everyone in the
church. A tear escaped my eye and traveled down my cheeks.
He died because of me..
Peter; who was on my other side, pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear "I'll sing you Beyonce
songs later, if you want." I bit my lip and I laid my head on his shoulder.
I glanced over and saw Will on the verge of tears and an ugly cry face. Peter whispered in my ear
"Will's a very emotional person. He's on his man period, his whoremones are messing with him."
"We shall not focus on the death, but the life that has been lived and for them to live in eternal heaven."
The priest preached out to everyone.
I looked to see the casket being pushed up to the stair that led up to the alter and my heart fell. Tears
started to escape my eyes more and more, and my heart fell. "We have been asked to do an open
casket by the family." Father said, and the alter boys opened the casket slowly.
"Excuse me." I said to Liz, and walked past everyone that was on the end of the pew. I ran up the aisle
and the guilt was killing me, because it was all my fault.
I ran out of the church and tears were streaming down my face. "Rain? What are you doing out here?"
A voice spoke up, and I shook my head "I can't do it. I can't do it, Ryk."
Ryker sighed, pulling me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me, and resting his chin on top of
my head. Clutching his shirt in my hands, I cried into his chest "This is all my fault."
Ryker was saved from the bullet proof vest he was wearing, and it didn't make it through all the way to
injure him.
"No it's not, princess." He whispered, combing his fingers through my hair, "It'll all be okay, I promise."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I got out of the taxi cab and slammed the door shut as he stopped in front of my house. I walked up the
driveway and to the front door of my house, taking my keys out; I unlocked the door.
Turning on the light, I put my suitcase to the wall and threw my keys down onto the small table by the
door. It felt good to be home, after a long drive back from North Carolina with Liz and Peter.
"Rain." A voice whispered shocked, making my eyes snap up to see my dad standing at the end of the
stairs. "Dad." I nodded, bracing myself for getting into massive trouble. He approached me and I
flinched with every move.
He stopped in front of and let out a deep exhale in relief. I was then pulled into a tight hug, and froze;
not expecting this. "Rain Eliza, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for treating you like have, I didn't realize how
much you meant to me until I didn't have you." noveldrama
I blinked slowly, and pulled back to see tears in his eyes. "I'm going to turn myself around and start
seeing a therapist, and quit back on the vodka."
"Really?" I asked and he nodded stern "Really." I guess it was true that you don't realize how much you
love someone until they're not in your life anymore, no matter what impact they had on You.
My dad was telling the truth, you could see it his eyes and hear it in his voice. He finally found closure
from my mom and him getting divorced, he was finally over it. "Dad...Can I ask you something?" I
asked, shifting in my place.
"Of course." He nodded. "I want to move out." I breathed "And Move in with Liz, she offered me a room
and I think it'd be good idea considering I'm graduating soon and everything."
My dad clenched his jaw, "Will talk about it in the morning. How about to you go to bed?" I nodded
slightly then starting to walk upstairs, when my dad stopped me "Rain."
Turning around to face him, I asked "Yeah?" "I love You." He smiled, and I smiled slightly "Love you
too," then walking upstairs to my actual bedroom.
* * * * * * *
- Next Day -
SECRET!" Vince sang obnoxiously into the microphone, and I quickly hit the buttons on the fake guitar.
I watched the TV screen and watched the color circle things appear on and I hit the buttons on the
guitar. "I'll keep you my dirty little secret!" Vince sang, then pointing the Mic at me.
"Dirty little secret." I whispered the back up vocals and the song came to an end. "97%, suck it
Thompson!" Vince, dropped the Mic as his score came up on Band Hero.
My score then came up and I turned to look at Vince "99%, swallow it Baker!" I joked, earning a glare
from Vince. After school today, the guys decided they were going to 'help me with my homework ',
because quote "Its just High School homework and is the easiest thing in the world."
So when we got the warehouse they took one look at my Trigonometry homework and decided we
should take a 'break' for awhile to play band hero. "Alright, you're going down Thompson." Will said,
grabbing the mic and guitar.
I laughed, shaking my head at him "Oh you're on, Douglas." I heard the door swing open and my eyes
snapped over to see Ryker walk in, as he threw down his keys on one of the tables.
Tensing up, I took the guitar strap off and nudged Will "Rematch later. I have to start my homework."
"Chicken." He called after me, as I walked into the kitchen.
It's been really awkward between Ryker and I lately, we're not back together and we don't even seem
like friends, but how are you suppose to even be friends with someone while knowing you love each
In the back of my head there's always that part that reminds me that he lied about everything. Our
relationship was based off lies, no matter how much truth there was.
"Hey". Liz smiled at me, as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. "Hey." I said, jumping up on the
counter and unscrewing the cap. "How was school and catching up?"
"Hell." I answered without a doubt. I've been out so long, I came back and got pounded with work, "I
have a History paper due tomorrow and I suck at History."
"Ask My brother, he's good at it." Leah shrugged. "Reece is good a History?" I asked, raising an
eyebrow. Leah narrowed her eyes at me "No, your boyfriend."
"We're not togeth-" I started, but quickly stopped when Ryker came into the kitchen. I pressed my lips
in a thin line, shifting in my spot, Ryker grabbed a water bottle from the fridge as well.
Silence filled the room, and Leah spoke up "Hey Ryk, can you help Rain with her History paper?" His
eyes snapped to mine, and she raised an eyebrow.
"No, it's fine. Really-." I started, but Leah cut in "Great, Ryker is going to the Doyle's tonight, Rain
you're going as well." "Yeah, you can sleepover too." Liz offered, popping a chip her mouth.
"Rain!" Will's voice yelled, as he came in "Are you done being awkward around your boyfriend-or-not-
boyfriend? Because I declare a rematch from earlier."
I sent Will a warning look, and his eyes widened as he gulped. "Run." I said stern, and Will quickly took
off "PETER! HELP!" He yelled.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Rain, it's really simple." Mrs. Doyle sighed, tapping her pencil at my textbook, "Just pick someone and
"But I don't understand what I'm suppose to write about." I frowned, running a hand through my hair. "I
don't know how to explain it to you. Liz get the guys, maybe they can help."
Liz nodded before yelling there names, making them come upstairs moments later. "Rain doesn't
understand this writing assignment and I don't know to explain it."
"What's the subject?" Neil asked, and Mrs. Doyle answered "History." "Yep, nope, I'm out." Neil shook
his head.
Ryker rolled his eyes before coming up behind me and scanning over the textbook page. My breath
hitched and I froze once Ryker's chest pressed up against my back.
He then reached for my pencil that was in my hand and when his hand touched mine, electricity shot
through my arm.
"You pick a historic person that supported a cause, like the social reform or something and you write a
debate on what the person wanted to represent and then you have to represent the public's side."
Ryker explained.
I nodded slightly, trying to figure out why it electricity shot through me at such a small touch. "Oh." I
said, kinda of understanding what Ryker said, "Thanks."
"Alright mom." Neil spoke up "Will be back," grabbing his keys. "Where are you going?" Liz asked, And
Niel smirked "Platinum Plus."
My eyes widened and I was about to go all jealous girlfriend on Ryker but realized that we weren't
together anymore.
"Bye Liz, Bye Rain." Ryker quickly said before walking out of the house. "Understand the paper?" Mrs.
Doyle asked hopefully, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Uh..yeah." I nodded, lying just so that she wouldn't have to explain it again.
~ ~ ~
"Liz, come on." I said, getting out of the truck and waiting for Liz to get out.
"Rain! I'm not going in there!" She exclaimed. "Oh please," I rolled my eyes "You haven't been to a strip
club, before."
"Not for women!" She exclaimed, then her eyes going wide "Is this your way of saying you're lesbian?!"
"What?! No, Elizabeth!" I yelled, shaking my head at her "I am not lesbian, not that there's anything
wrong with being les-..No! I'm not!"
Platinum Plus was a strip club that was popular around the city, and guys went crazy for it. "Let's go." I
said, dragging her hand inside and she groaned.
"ID?" The security guy asked. We both handed them to him for him to examine. "You may go in." He
nodded, handing back the ID's.
Once I walked in, I had no idea what to expect because I've only been to strip club of men before. "I
already hate this." Liz muttered under her breath, "Why couldn't You and Ryker just have stayed the
power couple, so we wouldn't have to be here?"
Shooting her a glare, I made my way through the crowd of people. A women went up to Liz, and Liz
shook her head profusely as I laughed.
"No, No, I'm good." Liz decline the stripper, but the stripper insisted. "Rain, help." Liz mouthed over to
me. I sent her a thumbs up and wink in response before walking away to go find the guys.
Music blasted a throughout the building and lights flashed. Not to mention there were poles with a lot of
kinky stuff, making a shiver go up my spine.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ryker and some stripper sitting on his lap, talking. My body tensed
up, clutching my fist, I stormed over there.
Ryker's eyes snapped up to mine. "Off ." I ordered the girl, snapping my fingers. She looked at Ryker,
and Ryker clenched his jaw "Ex girlfriend."
Her golden eyes snapped up to mine "This is the ex-girlfriend I've heard all about." Ryker sighed,
nodding and shifted the girl off his lap before standing up.
"What do you want, Rain? Don't you have a History paper to finish?" He questioned, his voice already
filled with annoyance. I took his hand in mine "Dance with me?" I asked, pulling him out to the middle of
the dance floor.
His eyes bored into mine, and I took his hands in mine; making him move his arms as he just stood
there. "Ryk, come on." I frowned at him.
"No Rain." He said, annoyed. I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "Can we talk?" He clenched his
jaw before nodding slightly and following me out of the strip club.
Once we got out to the cold chilly air of the night, we walked over to the side of the building and the
street lights lit up the night sky. "I've been thinking..and maybe we should just go back to being friends."
I trailed off.
"No." He said. "What do you mean 'no'?" I asked, standing up straight.
"You want us to go back to being friend?!" Ryker asked in an Are-You-Serious tone "Rain, we can
never go back to being 'just friends'!"
"Why not?!" I asked, raising my voice. "Because I love you!" He yelled, his eyes boring into mine. My
whole body became tense, I swallowed a lump in my throat, and bit my lip nervously.
My heart fell and shattered into a million pieces. "Ryker..I love you to; but we can't be together.." I
trailed off. "And why not, Rain?!" He yelled, getting defensive.
"Because it won't be the same! You lied to me about everything! I can't be in a relationship where I
don't know if this I'm being told the truth or not! But let me tell you, I didn't want to find out my
BOYFRIEND was Bipolar,a a drug dealer, and his past from being kidnapped!" I shouted.
"I did it to protect you!" He shouted back and I instantly shouted back "Protect me from yourself!" He
became silent, clenching his jaw and looking off to the side for a moment.
"I did it because I love you, and goddamn it Rain; I never want to hurt you. I didn't need you to put me
first before yourself." He said sincerely.
"You know you'll always come before me." I said, laying my hands flat on his chest. "And that's the
problem. You're 18; you have other things to worry about." Ryker stated.
"Does it really matter my age?" I asked my voice cracking a bit, "Just because I'm still in High School
doesn't mean I'm some kid who got caught up in a gang and fell for some Bad Boy."
"Some Bad Boy?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me while he clasped his hands around my
wrist. I bit my lip, looking up at his bright blue eyes.
"I like to call it The Bad Boy's Gang." I whispered, making his lips tug up to a trademark Ryker
Anderson smirk.
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