The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 RYN

With that said, I dropped my defense pose and placed my knives on the table while staying close to it.

"What do you want?" I asked, reaching into my pocket.

Dutton's eye cut to my hand. "Don't even think of dialing anyone's mumber. You're only going to put them in more trouble."

He said it so calmly that I believed him. In my experience, I have learnt the hard way that people who make threats calmly. tend to be very dangerous,

"Fine." I removed my hand out of my pocket. "What do you want?"

Dutton hesitated. "Your help"

I frowned, watching him warily. "Why? My help with what?"

Dutton folded his arms behind him and cocked his head to the side. "Sit"

"I prefer standing, thank you."

His green eye glowed red again. "I said, sit!"

-My body trembled under the essence of his authority, but I raised my chin, staring him

something from me, then you better be polite or you get out!"

t in the eye. "If you want

Dutton blinked at me in disbelief before laughing out loud. It was a loud, humorless laugh that grated on my nerves. He shook his head as his laughter decreased to a chuckle. "You are fire!" He said with fervor. "Now I see what the twins see in you. Aside from your beauty "I really don't know what you're talking about."

He cocked his head to the side, giving me a side eye. "Come on. We both know you're trying to seduce the twins to see which one can help you climb the ladder to success right?"

1 stared at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious, right?"

"But I'm damn serious." He said, taking a step forward. "Deadly serious." He said, with all traces of amusement gone.

An unpleasant shiver ran down my spine. "Well, you have me all wrong." I folded my arms across my chest, giving an air of confidence I didn't feel. "The twins and I are just friends."

Director Dutton chuckled, and I was starting to hate the way he made a mockery of the things I said. "Friends? Have you ever known the Windermere twins to have friends? Especially lady friends. Those two don't trust anyone farther than they can throw them. If you are fr My internal defense began to falter. Theon already made it clear that he was using me and I was using him too but what about Miro. Where do we stand? "You're lying." I said, just for the sake of saying something and not seeming speechless. "Come on, Ryn!"Dutton said. Tve read your file. You're supposed to be smart! Dig into their past. You'd see the truth. For years, people have known the Windermere Twins for their wild sexcapades. They use girls and fuck them and then discard them. Especially Theon." Myeyyes cut to him.

"Ahhh, there she is." Dutton smirked gleefully, knowing he had my attention. "Theon is the worst of the twins. He crafted his

deadly desire from iliem, using women to gain a reputation for the torturous kind of lovemaking! Dutton gritted his teeth. "You sound like he hurt you."

Director Dutton blinked, and readjusted his suit jacket for composure. "Theon and Miro are bad guys."

"And you?" 1 queried with a raised brow. "What are you?"

"I'm a bad guy too." He smiled coyly. "A bad guy who can give you what you want." He took another step closer.

"And what is it I want?" I eyed him warily.

"You want to be an Elite." he said, with fake compassion.


I studied his demeanor and tried to find any hint of weakness or low confidence, but I found none. This man is too cocky. "I can become an Elite with or without yourself."

His lips curved into a smirk. "You sure about that?"

"Yes." I raised my chin and steeled my spine.

Director Dritton twisted his face to show mocking sadness. "What a shame." He down turned his lips to mimic being hurt. "We could have been a formidable team." He took a step back from me. "I guess you're not as smart as I thought. I would have helped you reach your He parned towards the door, seemingly about to leave and a cold thought crossed my mind.

"Wait!" I said and Director Dutton half turned with his lips curled in a smile.


"What do you have in mind?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I looked away.

"Interesting"Dutton said. "I want you to spy on Theon for me."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

"I think I already established the answer to that." He snapped.


are you our

"That's my business. Are you in or are

"What's in it for me?"

He smiled, "I won't sabotage your efforts to graduate."

I pondered on his words. "What if I say no?"

"Ooooh." He shook his head. "It's going to be really bad for you You can trust me on that"

Anger sparked in my blood. "You tried to sabotage my simulation test!"

"And best believe, 1l be waiting for you in the next one. You can see it's been postponed. I made that happen. Just know any changes made were because of you. Every inconvenience suffered by your class is because of you."

1 gripped the edges of my shirt. "Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?"

"Nothing" He raised a brow. "Although, you are the reason my cousin can no longer pursue his career as Director of the



Training Centre. He had big dreams and you crushed it."

My anger spiked. "How?! I didn't do anything to him!"

"Oh but you did. Because of you the Windermere Twins hunted him down like an animal and busted his kneecaps." I blinked in surprise..

I never knew.

His face twisted in anger. "My cousin will forever be a cripple because of you!"

1 ground my jaw tighter and bared my teeth at him. "Good! Next time, in his next life, he'd learn to keep his filthy hands to


Director Dutton scoffed at me. "You have no idea about family reputation, do you?" He asked, staring at me with disgust. "Of course you can't, you peasant. It's why you can never understand the gravity of what you've done or the people you've pissed off

"The Duttons were raised to take positions of power. To rule on mankind. This is our destiny and you ruined an entire generation by making up lies!"

I blinked in surprise. "Lies?" Now it was my turn to smile. "Seriously, what did your cousin tell you? I'm curious. I want to hear it" I folded my arms across my chest again

In the midst of his righteous anger, his glare faltered. "He said you came on to him, asking for tips on how to level up in the Of course, he wouldn't accept and because he threatened to report you to management, you made up lies about him."


"Wow!" I laughed. "What a big fat liar! I did no such thing! Your brother or cousin or whatever came on to me! He tried to rape me! And when I did not let him, he forced me to partake in the simulation test when I wasn't ready. He tried to ruin-my life ""Lies"

"I'm not lying!"

*Where's your proof?"

"Where's his proof?"

"My cousin's word is proof enough

I scoffed and glared at him from head to toe. "For someone so ambitious to rule the world, you sure are daft!"

In a flash, Director Dutton pounced on me, gripping my neck just like his cousin did. This time, he lifted me off my feet, instantly making it hard for me to breathe..

"Perhaps it would be better for me to end your life here and save myself the hassle of getting you to fail He growled, his red eye gleaming at me as I gasped for air. "I can just see the news. First Female Elite commits suicide by hanging due to pressure of being a Warrior." "It would be fantastic! Dutton beamed. "And no one will investigate your death, you poor orphan girl!"

9% 71%


No. I can't die like this.

Since I was standing next to the table. 1 raised my leg up, failed, and raised it again. This time, it landed on the table and I gripped his wrist while I raised my other leg

With my weight supported, I was able to slightly breathe better. De tried to pull me off, but I held on to his wrist with all the strength I had. I calculated the times he pulled and when he was pulling, I shifted my weight backwards, grabbed a knife and stabbed his arm merciles He growled, releasing me instantly and 1 staggered back on iny table, gasping for air. My throat felt caved in refusing to open as I tried to breathe in. Dutton's men broke my door in as their leader gripped his arm in pain.

Instantly, I grabbed the two knives on the table and posed in the defense, ready to fight.

I don't care if I live. I'm taking them all down with me.

"What are you waiting for?" Dutton yelled. "Get her!"

Panic made its way to my heart as their eyes changed color and they snarled at me.

"Touch her and you die."

Instantly, the air changed and everyone paused and turned towards the voice at the entrance. There, standing with power- and an aura so lethal, Dutton's security whimpered in fear. Theoh carefully rolled up his sleeves, seemingly unbothered - "What are you waiting for?!" Dutton screamed at his men "Get forn!"

They looked at Theon who watched them with black, beady eyes. His claws were long and each pointy end looked like a sharp object. They slowly stepped his way but when Theon took a step in and his men rushed into the already small room. the men surrendered instan Seeing he was backed into a corner, Director Dutton glanced my way and tried to come for me but before he could reach me, something happened like a

gust of wind, making my hair flutter. In a flash, Theon's massive back was to me as he held Director Dutton's raised hand.

""Let me go!" He commanded.

"You've been doing too much lately." Theon whispered, pushing Dutton's hand away, "Out of respect for my father and the council, I am warning you to stop."

Dutton snarled, sneering at Theon. "Or what?"

What happened next took me by surprise.

Theon's hand moved swiftly and the next thing I knew, a hot slap resounded on Dutton's face which automatically had him staggering and falling. As he fell, he hit the side of his head on the edge of my bed with a loud thump!

I cringed as Dutton gripped his head in pain and to my horror, blood started streaming down his already bloody arm.

Theon turned to Dutton's security men. Take him out of here."

Immediately, they bowed their heads and hurried to their leader. In a matter of minutes, he was carried out of my stood in shock, watching it all.

y room. I


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