The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 53

Chapter 52 RYN

I arrived early at the Academy before any of my colleagues and with lots of time to spare, I did my warmups and then sat in a classroom to go over everything Theon told me about the simulation test.

"This test will be a little different friss the one you experienced last time, The difference is that the mutant is fixed and will be required to get from point A to point B without getting killed or hurt." Back then, I had raised my brows in question. "Getting killed?"

Theon nodded. "Killed in the simulation of cour as much as possible not to get killed."


but the shock of it can be very heavy on a person's nervous system, so try he shock of it can be very heavy on a person's nervous system, so try

I went over more lessons in the back of my mind as people slowly began to trickle in. To my dismay, colleagues that usually ignored me when I arrived in class, now waved at me with smiles. I waved back, still weirded out by the whole act but nonetheless glad that I was fir Later on, Konan and his gang swaggered in and after greeting his fellow male colleagues, he threw a glare my way before choosing a seat right behind me.

"The Teacher's Pet finally decides to be early." Konan muttered and his friends sniggered. "What happened? Your lover can't save you anymore?"

More snickers.

I felt my wolf stir for the first time since the Chelsea incident. My hands tightened around the edge of the book I was reading, but I decided Konan was the least of my worries, so I ignored him.

"Want my

advice? You should sit this test out, Ryn." Konan whispered behind me, his voice much closer to my back. "We don't want you having a pom pom meltdown like last time."

A bunch of laughter sprung up behind me, making my face burn with embarrassment and anger but I closed my eyes, and took deep breaths to calm my nerves.

I bet I am being watched and provoked to anger so the slightest thing can be used against me. I wouldn't be surprised if the new Director was around a corner waiting to pounce.

"Answer me, bitch!" Suddenly, I jerked forward as I felt something hit my chair from behind. The classroom got quiet as the other guys focused their attention on us. When I looked back, I discovered Konan had kicked my chair from behind. I raised my gaze to look into his a Then I shifted my chair back and grabbed my reading materials to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" Konan drew me by the scruff of my uniform, pulling me back roughly. Suddenly, I found myself surrounded. I looked past him to the glass demarcation but couldn't find a single guard on patrol. Why? They were there just minutes ago.

"What? Looking for help?" Konan smirked and I became convinced this attack was orchestrated.

"Yo, Konan. You need to stop. Leave her alone, man." Someone said from the other group of guys. He had dirty blonde hair and kind brown eyes.

"You need to shut the fuck up and mind your business, Fred!" Konan reacted as he turned to him. "Isn't your mother working as a secretary for my Dad? I can make her job disappear in seconds if you don't back off!" WBB

The boy looked defeated but he stepped back.


"Anyone else?" Konan asked and the boys frowned and looked down at the floor. My heart began to hammer faster, I thought I was safe with the guards on patrol and the boys on my side but it seems Konan has some sort of influence or power over them. Konan finally turned to me and shoved my shoulder. "Now where were we?"

"Don't start with me, Konan." I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "I really don't want problems with you. Just leave me alone." I said, and tried to move past him but he blocked my way

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Not so fast, Teacher's whore. Why don't you just go home?" He asked, closing the distance between us. "You were never going to graduate anyway."

"Who told you that?" Someone said and everyone turned to see Adam Blackwell standing at the entrance, looking powerful and mighty in his black on black uniform. He

looked pissed as he assessed the situation between Konan and myself before venturing further into the room. Konan, who seconds earlier had a plastered sinister smile, now looked shaken and disturbed as he stepped out of Adam's way.

I silently released a sigh of relief.

Adam turned to me, "Wait for me outside."

With a simple nod, I gave Konan my best smile before walking out of the classroom. Once I was out of earshot, my smile faded and I raised my hand to see it trembling. I sighed as I leaned against the wall, touching my pendant. What would have happened if Adam hadn't "Hey." Adam called softly and I turned to see him approach me. Follow me." He said and I instantly obeyed. When we entered a deserted hallway, far from the earshot of others, he turned to me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yes, thank you. I'm glad you came in time."

Adam smiled as well. "Actually," He scratched his head, "Me showing up wasn't a coincidence."

I frowned, wondering what he meant by that. "I don't understand."

"I mean, Prince Theon called me and asked me to show up at the Academy and find you as soon as possible. I thought it was weird but it makes sense now seeing you needed my help. I just don't know how he knew you were in trouble."

I blinked in surprise. "Me neither." I lied and smiled. "I guess I'm a lucky girl."

Adam stared at me with amused eyes as if he knew I was lying. "If you need anything, Ryn, just give me a call, okay?"

"Yeah, Sure." I replied and afterward, Adam left the hallway first. After a few minutes of getting myself together, I turned a corner to the main floor where the classroom was and immediately froze.

Standing several feet across from me was the new Director, glaring at me. When I stared back, he smiled to himself before walking away.

Finally, the time came for the test to happen.

We all followed Adam into the simulation room and I was surprised to find that the whole place had been transformed. There was no glass demarcating anything anymore. The seat was now in the middle of the room and people could sit upstairs and look down at the process as it was happening.

The contest began and people were chosen randomly by Adam pulling out a strip of paper from a jar full of names. Thankfully, with this style, many others were able to go before me and I was able to learn a thing or two from their footage..


Just like Prince Theon said, the goal was to get from one point to the other without being caught by the beast. In this case, our goal was to run through a garden maze and retrieve the

flag in the middle before the beast caught up to us. Also, the moment you enter, you get a weapon to fight the beast as well.

Everyone appears in an open field, next to a giant tree and the beast appears at a far distance either sleeping or preoccupied with something else. The moment you make a sound, it finds you and you have very few minutes to reach your goal before the beast pounces. Sadly, over a dozen people went in before me and none of them were able to make it past the first set of maze before the beast caught up with them in a terrible manner. Then Konan went in, and I saw how he was able to destabilize the beast by aiming bullets at its eyes. Unfortunately, or fortunately, he made it halfway before the beast tore through the garden and tore through him in a terrible manner, so much that he screamed his way to reality and appeared severely traumatized.

After him, two more people went in and failed as well.

"Ryn Ashmore." Adam read out my name next and my body began to tremble as I made my way to the chair and got bound to the seat. The last time I was here, I was bound against my will and the act alone triggered me. I looked up and found Prince Miro watching me fro the high seats. His face was like stone and I could not tell whether he was still on my side or not.

A stinging pain pierced my neck drawing my attention to the person injecting me and to my horror I realized it was the new director. He hadn't been the one to do the injection for others so why now? Why me?

"See you on the other side." He smirked and then I drifted into darkness.


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