The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Warrior 244


As soon as I entered the warehouse, I began setting the bombs in strategic places as quietly as I could.

Somehow, I found it odd that there weren’t security swarming everywhere. Could it be that they were all sent to apprehend me? Does this mean this mission will be easy–peasy!

I shook my head, willing myself not to think that this seems too good to be true. Of course, I just thought that. I may have possibly jinxed this.

Oh well. There’s no turning back now.

Biting my lips at the pain slicing into my shoulder from Adam’s ferocious bite, I willed myself to keep going. The bullet wound from Mr. Blackwell was fully healed but I couldn’t wait for the bite to heal. According to the giant timer dashboard in the lab up ahead, these soldiers would awaken within ten minutes and I don’t have time to sit and heal.

I need to move now.

After making sure, no one was around, I snuck into the main lab and began to set bombs where I was sure they’d destroy the pods. I had set all but one, setting it for seven minutes, when suddenly, I felt eyes burning a hole through the back of my neck.

Immediately, I turned around, my gun aimed straight ahead and my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw Finnegan Windermere, staring blankly at me.

But then, I sighed in relief when I realized he was in a pod as well, bobbing softly in the liquid he was in.

Curious, I took small steps closer and was in awe at how he looked younger and fresh. There were no scars whatsoever on him. It was almost as if Theon never ripped his spine out of his body.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted and from the corner of my eye, I saw something come for my head. Immediately, I lowered myself, dodging it only to turn and see a fish hook run into one of the pods behind me. To my dismay, my attacker was a woman but not just any woman.

Adam Blackwell’s mother.

She was tall and blonde, with piercing blue eyes and had a bit of a chubbiness to her.

“You killed my son!” She snarled, baring her fangs at me as she forcefully yanked out the hook. Pressured smoke went in the air, and the pod which she seemed to have damaged began to blare a warning alarm. “You killed my sweet boy!”

Immediately, I raised my gun while simultaneously taking a step back. “Mrs. Blackwell, I know you’re hurt, but your son was trying to kill me too!”

“ARGH!” She swung again, aiming for my stomach, and I pushed my butt back, trying to avoid being disemboweled. “I’ll kill you too!”

I didn’t want to do it, but as she raised her fish hook weapon high, ready to strike, I closed one eye and pulled the trigger.




My ears rang as I watched her stiffen, before going down on her knees, still with her hand raised. Blood sputtered out of her

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mouth as the fish hook fell off and then she blinked, trying to say something before falling to the ground, dead.

Tears cascaded down my face as I watched her dead body. noveldrama

How did I go from being an orphan to a cold–blooded killer?

This was not the vision I had for my future.


Suddenly, a loud and terrible growl echoed throughout the lab. So terrifying that my entire body shook and even the walls trembled as well.

I didn’t need anyone to tell me that, that was Mr. Blackwell. I had just killed his mate and he would be coming for me.

I checked my bag and reloaded my gun. No matter what, I’ll be ready for him.

Without a second glance, I stepped over Mrs. Blackwell’s body and went into hiding amidst the pods.

I had one more bomb to set and after that, I can leave this building and leave Mr. Blackwell in here to burn with his soldiers.

After listening and sniffing the air to detect where Mr. Blackwell was and hearing nothing, I checked the time and realized I had four minutes to get out there so I came out of hiding and went to set the last bomb on a large gas tank in the lab.

In order to set it up. I had to put my gun on the ground, and attach the bomb to the tank, but somehow the bomb wasn’t sticking, so I moved some feet away, searching for a good spot. Eventually, I found one and just when I set the timer, I heard a growl that made the hairs at the back of my head stand straight.

My body stiffened of its own accord, and my eyes shifted to the right, trying to sight Mr. Blackwell. But he was too far back for me to see, so my gaze landed on the floor several feet away. I wondered if I could reach for my gun before he strikes.

Without hesitating, I dashed for it and one minute, I was reaching for my gun, the next, my body was flying backwards through the air.

Panic thundered through my heart and everything seemed to slow as I saw the humongous beast before me. I could tell it was Mr. Blackwell, but he had two wolf heads, four arms, and two powerfully built hind legs.

My back hit something sharp and hard, eliciting a painful cry out of me, but before I could even get used to the pain, Mr. Blackwell’s beast had me gripped by the neck, raising me up in the air.

His eyes were burning embers of fire mixed with blue and when his two wolf heads snarled at me I realized they had teeth like a shark instead of a regular wolf. I tried to take in a breath, but my lungs were caving in on each other, making it hard to draw in a breath.”

Still, I tried with blood trickling into my eyes as I kicked and flailed about.

“You think you can destroy everything I have built?!” He queried, squeezing tighter, and a tear slid out of my eyes, knowing fully well that the bombs I set will detonate and we will both burn in this bitch.

I managed to draw in another breath while looking him in the eye. “Yes.” I choked up and, as one of his arms raised to strike me, something happened.

Something, or rather someone, pushed Mr. Blackwell out of the way, making me fall to the ground. I closed my eyes, expecting the cold, hard ground to hit me, instead, I fell into softness, and when I looked up through my blurry vision, I saw eyes like an eerie forest.

“Miro?” I whispered, and he brushed a wet strand of hair out of my face. “You found me”

“Yes.” He mindlinked, “You know I’ll always catch you when you fall.”

Something about that statement made my insides flutter, and somehow I knew the old Miro was back. Theor

me into my

line of vision

Despite the storm in his ocean blues, I could see some relief in there, but if they are both here, who pushed Mr. Blackwell?

Twisting my head to the side, I saw Mr. Blackwell’s beast fight an equally tall bus ompletely muscled bear with horns.

“Is that?”

“Yes. That’s your Uncle.” Miro said, carrying me up bridal style. “We need to get you out of here immediately”

That’s when panic filled me again, making my blood rush with adrenaline. “The bombs” My voice came out hoarse!

“How much time do we have?” Theon asked, and I looked at the giant timer to determine my answer.

“Less than two minutes!”

Theon turned to where the two beasts fought. “Dominic! We have to get out here!”

His beast turned towards us, its nostrils flaring. “Goooo!” It said in a deep dark voice and Theon gave him a respectful nod before turning around immediately.

At full speed, the twins climbed the stairs up and more panic grew within me, as I grew further apart from my Uncle.

“What about him?!” I tried to scream but my voice came out broken and when neither of my mates answered, I began to writhe and wriggle out of Miro’s hold. “Let me go!” I cried! “I can’t lose him too!”

My mates paid no heed to my cries. Instead, they led me out of the warehouse into the bright morning light, where I saw Sadie standing next her father in the distance with El and my mother.

I barely acknowledged them as Miro lowered me to my feet and the moment he let go, I dashed for the building again. “DOMINIC!” I cried out, not getting anywhere because someone snagged my waist with their arm.

Still, I hoped in my heart of hearts that my uncle would show up last minute, and just when Theon pulled me back, carrying me off my feet, the warehouse exploded.

Dominic never came out.

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