The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 41

As I stood on the branch of the tree watching that vampire with her so-called children since she created them, I couldn't help but wonder why. Why the hell was she so determined to get back in good with the head of the Vampire Council? I mean, most vampires stay away from the council if they can. They don't want anything to do with Alexander because he's so ruthless.

But then it struck me. A passage in the book.

Alexander has a lover. He's had a lover for many years. Decades who he cast out when he

realized that she had betrayed him.

His feelings for her were the only reason why he didn't have her killed.

That has to be it.

She has to be the infamous Opal. The one vampire that has ever betrayed Alexander and

gotten away with it.

I can't believe she's the one that's doing this.

I knew she was real, but I didn't think she would bother herself with triplet werewolves. It seems a little beneath her.

I had to act fast, before they got past me.

I focused completely on Opal and I focused on her mind.

I put all of my energy into it when she started turning around suddenly, looking at something

behind her.

She started looking all around her. Turning like she was seeing something flying around her.

Her vampires saw this and stopped walking. They all came back to check on her. It was obvious that they respected her and they all loved her.

She started fighting off any vampire that tried to touch her before she started screaming and saying that they were everywhere. That they were surrounded. "Who is surrounded?" A guy asked.

"We are. The wolves. The werewolves. Can't you see them?" Opal yelled. And the vampires started looking around.

"There aren't any werewolves, Opal. What's gotten into you?" A girl asked.


+10 Bonu

"I can see them. They're everywhere. We're surrounded." She yelled.

She started backing away from her vampires and looking around everywhere like she was ready to fend off a blow.

She started screaming and swinging in every direction until she was knocked to the ground by an invisible force and she hit her head on a rock.

She laid there for a moment and her vampires gathered around her, not knowing what to do.

Opal stood up and looked around at everyone.

"Opal. We need to keep moving if we're going to get to Alaska by daybreak." The guy said.

"We're not going to Alaska." Opal said.

"Why not?"

"Because the triplets aren't there anymore. They're gone. They've gone back to their homebase." Opal said. "How do you know this?" A girl asked.

"I don't know. I just know. They're back in California." Opal said, turning around and looking

back at the direction that they came.

"Everyone here needs to eat. We're all hungry." A guy said.

"Yeah. Food. There's animals all over this forest." Opal said.

"You want us to drink animal blood. You said that it would poison us." A girl said, confused.

"I lied. I just wanted you to drink humans. We can't do that. The vampire council will kill us if we keep killing humans the way we have." Opal explained. But as I was in the tree, I was whispering the exact same words that Opal was saying. Commanding her on what to say. No more killing humans. And to get the hell away from Alaska.

"You're doing this to get Alexander back." A guy reminded her.

"Yeah. To kill the triplets. They're in California. Don't ask me how I know, I just do." Opal said. "She's never done us wrong yet. We need to follow her back." The guy said.

So Opal turned around and the vampires started following her.

"How do we hunt animals?" A guy asked.

"The same way we hunt people. It's just more fun. They put up a better chase." Opal smiled at them. She smiled at them almost like she was seeing everything in a whole new light. A smile that none of them had seen on her face before.

+10 Bonu 

But it didn't surprise me. Because it wasn't her.

I knew that this would wear off. But they were still commanded not to kill humans. And no

matter how far away they got, I made sure that was the one order that stuck. They were to eat

animals. Not humans..

As they were all walking back towards the states, the vampires were all confused but they were following Opal and doing everything she said.

She was their sire. The one that made them. They couldn't disobey her even if they tried. I

mean, they could. But it would cause them actual physical pain to defy her. And that's all I needed. 

The order came from her and she couldn't take it back. And she wasn't going to. It was stuck

in her brain now.

I could have made anything stick in her brain. But that's the one that I wanted.

I waited up in the tree for a long time until I knew the vampires were far enough away when I finally jumped down out of the tree.

That was almost too easy that it wasn't even any fun.

The only fun I really had was watching her see those imaginary werewolves that I put all

around her that she thought she had to fight.

I grabbed my phone out of the bag and I dialed a number.

"Hello." Jacob answered.

"Hey. Listen, there's a group of vampires. I don't know if you know about them. But get the pack ready. They're headed for California." I said.

"Is this your way of protecting the triplets?" He asked.

"Yeah. And it was also my way of forcing their leader to command them to stop killing

humans." I said.

"Well, I guess that's good. I'll make sure everyone's ready. How far away are they?"

"They're still in Canada. It'll be a couple of days. Their leader is Opal. As in Alexander's ex-lover." I said.

"Damn. I've heard some stories about her. She's a little nuts, isn't she?"

"Yeah. She's not all there in the head. We already know that. Which is why you need to be ready. Kill on sight. There's a lot of them. At least about 70 or 80 of them." I said. +10 Bonusnoveldrama

When I got off the phone I turned around and I ran straight into something solid that was standing behind me and I realized that it wasn't the tree that I had been standing in.

It was a man that was right in front of me and I looked up to see his face staring down on me.

Vampire fangs bared for me to see, his large stature staring down at me with lust in his eyes. Licking his lips like he was ready for his last meal.

I took a step back so I could get an even better look at him.

He was definitely bigger than me. I couldn't hear what he was thinking. He obviously knew

what I was. He had a brick wall put up in his head that I couldn't break through. I couldn't read his thoughts.

His smile widened as he realized that I didn't know what he was thinking. That he had gotten the best of me. The only vampire who's been able to do that so far.

I stared at him straight in the eyes, ready for what was about to happen. I knew how this was going to end. And it wasn't going to end with me dead on the ground.

Not this fight.

Not this vampire.

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