The Summer Moon

Chapter 25 -


The next week I spent with Ty was amazing, better than I ever could have imagined. He had to work a lot, but every night when he was done with work he came over and I'd fall asleep in his arms. He had to leave early in the mornings to get back to work, but he always kissed me on my forehead before leaving and I'd fall back to sleep happily. Then all day he'd send me cute texts, asking what I was doing and telling me he couldn't wait to see me again. Whenever Ty had time off, we'd go out on the most wonderful dates. Each time he impressed me with some new romantic idea. He showed me around town, we went to see an outdoor movie, he'd taken me canoeing out on the water and wasn't even mad when the boat tipped when I leaned over to see a fish. One day he even made us dinner and we had a picnic down by the beach and I nearly cried at how romantic it was.

Tonight he was going to teach me how to ride his dirt bike. New York me would have been absolutely terrified by the idea of this, but there was something about Ty that just calmed me and I knew I had no reason to be nervous. I loved every second I spent with him, but part of me still held the doubt that something was off. Sometimes Ty seemed to be holding back about things and, although we'd been on several dates, he still hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend. It made me wonder if he truly was as serious about me as he said he was. But I tried to push the doubt out of my mind, I just wanted to enjoy my time with him.

"Hey gorgeous," Ty suddenly said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I giggled and leaned into him.

"Hi," I whispered, turning in his arms to kiss him. "How was your day?" I asked and he just shrugged. I'd learned that he didn't like to talk about his work, every time I asked he never had much to say. To be honest, I still wasn't even really sure what he did. All he had said was it was some sort of family company and he had a lot of meetings, even at weird hours of the day sometimes.

"Are you ready to go?" Ty's lips travelled to my neck and I leaned into him, enjoying it.

"Yes," I said, but my body wasn't so sure I was craving him. Ty pulled back and I felt needy.

"More of that later," he winked at me, then grabbed my hand and I followed him out the door. His dirt bike was parked at the bottom of the porch and I felt my nerves jump up again. Ty wrapped his arms around me though, and I felt calm wash over me. He grabbed a helmet off the bike and placed it over my head.

"But what about you?" I asked, noticing that he only had one helmet. He couldn't expect me to be riding by myself. Ty chuckled and shook his head.

"I'll be okay, you need it more, trust me," He kissed my cheek then strapped the helmet to my head. I climbed on the bike nervously and felt Ty climb on behind me. "Gas is here, break is over here," he said, showing me the handle bars and I brushed my fingers over them. "Just pull on the gas lightly when you're ready to go," his breath brushed against my neck and he kissed my shoulder gently.

I slowly pulled back on the gas and the bike shot forward, which made me release it. Ty let out a laugh and I cringed. "Relax baby, I won't let anything happen to you. You've got this," his arm tightened around my waist and I believed him. So again, I pulled back on the gas, slower this time, and the bike lurched forward.

We did a few circles around the open yard and when I got off, I couldn't stop smiling at Ty. "That was really fun," I said, grinning up at him. Then his lips were on mine and I was breathing him in. I couldn't get enough of his taste and my hands caressed his back under his shirt.

"There's a bunch of people going to Al's tonight. Do you want to go with me?" Ty asked as he pulled back, his breathing heavy. I nodded my head and grinned, we hadn't spent a whole lot of time together around other people and I wanted to get to know his friends better. I ran in the house and threw on the sweater Ty gave me that first night we spent together over top of my jean shorts.

When I came back outside, Ty was checking his phone, leaning against the bike. As I approached him, he looked up and smiled, sliding the phone back into his pocket. He pulled me into his chest, "you look so good in my clothes," he said as he pressed his lips against my hair. "Come on," he climbed on the bike and I climbed on behind, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. Then we took off down through the forest, Ty obviously taking a shortcut to Al's across town. The whole time at Al's, Ty kept his hand on my knee and kept turning to whisper in my ear. Sometimes he'd say sweet things, other times he'd make jokes that made me burst out laughing in front of everyone, which only made him grin that gorgeous smile. All of his friends welcomed me warmly.

"You know Ty's actually always been the trouble maker in our group, you're lucky he hasn't gotten you into any trouble yet," Ty's best friend Jesse said, nodding his head at Ty with a chuckle. Ty rolled his eyes in return and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You sound like my dad, just because I like to have a little fun doesn't make me a trouble maker," Ty winked at me, then looked back over to Jesse.

"Sure," Jesse laughed. "You know one time he convinced me it would be funny to fill the fountain in the middle of town with dish soap, then I spent the next 20 minutes running from the cops. Only for them to show up at my door the next day and get me in shit with my parents," Jesse explained, and I burst out laughing.

"Dish soap?" I turned to Ty and actually saw him blush a little. I loved seeing this playful side of him.

"It was hilarious, bubbles everywhere," Ty wrapped his arm around my waist. "Wanna do it tonight?" Ty looked up at Jesse, that playful sparkle in his eyes as he looked between us.

"I'm not spending the night getting chased by police," I said and Ty rolled his eyes at me.

"You won't, we're smarter now. Besides, we'll take the bike. There's no way they'll catch us," Ty smirked at me. And I couldn't believe it as I felt myself wanting to agree. Bubbles filling the fountain did seem pretty funny and I trusted Ty. Besides, it was just a harmless prank, and for the first time in my life I wanted to let loose a little. So I turned towards Ty and nodded.

"Okay, let's do it." I grinned.

Jesse looked at us in shock, then groaned, "Fine, let's do this, but I swear Ty if I get in shit again." Jesse glared at Ty, who just laughed him off.noveldrama

"Relax, I'll bail you outta jail," he said, taking my hand and leading us out the door. Jesse, Liam, and Liam's newest girl followed.

After we collected some dish soap, I found myself wading through the water in the fountain and climbing the structure to the top with Ty. Jesse stood at the edge of the fountain, agreeing to be the lookout. Liam and his girl were standing in the water making out and I giggled at them. If I ever saw Liam without a girl I think I'd be surprised, he definitely seemed like a bit of a man whore.

"Okay, here we go, you can have the honour Malia," Ty grinned at me, handing me a bottle of dish soap. I smiled back at him, watching his eyes light up in the moonlight, then poured the soap into the fountain. Bubbles immediately began to form and flow everywhere.

"Come on" Ty whispered, grabbed my hand and pulling us back down into the water. I slipped as we landed back at the bottom, splashing into the water. Ty stood laughing at me. I was completely soaked. I smiled up at him, suddenly having an idea. I jumped up then kissed Ty passionately, stepping impossibly close to him and forcing him back under the water falling from the fountain. It washed over his face and he gasped, pushing us back.

He shook the water from his hair and I held my stomach, unable to contain my laughter.

"Dude you earned that," Liam laughed along with me.

"Oh yeah?" Ty took a threatening step towards me. He squinted his eyes at me, but I could still see that playful smile on his lips. "Guys!" Jesse suddenly interrupted us and pointed towards some flashing lights in the distance.

"Time to go," Ty said, grabbing my hand and rushing us out of the fountain. He hopped on his bike, and pulled me on behind him. Jesse and Liam climbed on their bikes as well and took off down the road. "Hold on tight baby," Ty whispered and I did as told, my heart was pounding in my chest with adrenaline.

Ty took off down the road, my hair whipping behind us as we went much faster than earlier. Ty cut off towards the forest, knowing the police couldn't follow us there. We weaved though the trees and I buried my face into Ty's neck. The bike then came to a stop at a familiar place, the opening in the trees by the river where Ty had taken me that first night.

Climbing off, Ty pulled me with him. He looked me over cautiously and I couldn't help but smile and burst out laughing. He laughed along with me, then pulled me into his chest, wrapping one arm around my shoulders and letting the other rest on my ass.

"That was the most fun I think I've ever had," I said when I could finally control my laughter. I looked up to see Ty's eyes sparkling back at me.

"I'm glad I was a part of it," his eyes suddenly turned dark, filled with lust as his lips pressed against mine. His tongue danced with mine as Ty began stripping our clothes. He pulled my sweater over my head and pushed me up against the tree gently, lifting me into his arms. On instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist and tangled my hands in his hair as his hardness pressed against my core. He looked over my face, slowly freezing there, but a fire was burning inside me and I needed him. I pulled his lips down to mine and as they touched he thrust into me.

Our bodies moved in synchrony as he continued to thrust into me, passion building inside me. I moved my lips to suck on his neck, leaving small hickeys down his neck and across his shoulder in my path. One of his hands squeezed my ass while his other came up to rub small circles around my nipple. I arched my back towards him and moaned. "Baby you're so fucking amazing," he whispered in my ear, then kissed down my neck. My nails dug into his back as I reached my climax. "Fuck Lia," Ty groaned as he pulled out and finished on my stomach. I brought my lips up to his again and pulled his body tight to mine. He pulled us away from the tree and began walking towards the river.

"It's gonna be cold," he said as he lowered us into the water, washing our bodies clean. I shivered but held him tight, loving the warmth coming from his skin. I was amazed at how Ty was never cold, and loved how he could always keep me warm. He pressed his lips against mine again gently and in that moment I couldn't have been any happier.

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