The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Princess and The Plan-2

"You don't have to," I said, catching Liu's arm as she went off to find Jace.noveldrama

"I kind of want to," she said, giving me a small smile.

I let go of her and watched her walk over to him. This is a bad idea.

I had to admit: the girl had confidence. She walked right over and interrupted him as he stood there talking to Beta Chen and Diedrick Schneider. Liu stood on her tiptoes and said something into his ear. I saw Jace bend down slightly to hear what she was asking him before he nodded and handed his drink off to a waiter. Then, the two of them walked together over to where everyone was dancing, including a beaming Vega and a smiling Nwabueze. "Shall we?"

I looked over and laughed as I saw Tyler holding out his hand.

Nodding, I took his hand and he led me out to dance.

It took us a few minutes to adjust, seeing as I had only danced with men that were much taller than me up until that point and Tyler was only as tall as I was.

I heard someone clear their throat and we stopped dancing to see Adam standing there.

"My turn," he said to Tyler.

Tyler didn't dare protest as he handed me off to Adam.

I smiled up at Adam as he slid his arm around my waist and I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Your timing is impeccable," I whispered. "I was on track to step on his toes for the thousandth time."

Adam laughed at this.

"First he calls you 'hot as hell' and then he asks you to dance? The kid has nerve," Adam said.

My eyes widened.

"You heard that?" I asked him.

He nodded. "I hear lots of things."

"Like what?"

He was silent for a few moments, only staring into my eyes as we continued to dance.

"I hear Barret Schneider slipping silverware into his pockets. I hear Alpha Chen speaking to his son in Mandarin, telling him they are leaving right after their meetings tomorrow. I hear Nwabueze asking Vega what she likes to do in her free time and I hear Jace asking Liu to stay the night."

My eyes widened as I looked over to the pair as they danced and saw Liu nod.

"I don't get it!" I said, stomping my heel. I narrowly missing Adam's foot by a few inches. "Why does she keep running back to him? He treats her like dirt..."

Adam sighed as he looked over to the two of them.

"Jace doesn't know how to treat a woman," Adam said, "It's one of the reasons I don't trust him. But, they're mates. They'll continue to try and work things out, no matter how skewed it may be, because they love each other." "You think he loves her?" I asked him.


I shook my head.

"I just don't understand how you can love someone and treat them so poorly. I would never let you treat me like he treats her."

Adam's face grew very serious.

"You would never let me treat you like that, but you let your father."

I gulped.

"Everyone looks for affirmation," Adam said. "Often we try to find it in the people we think love us. All she wants is for her mate to love her, the same way all you wanted was for your father to accept you." I shook my head. "It's not the same."

"Maybe not to you," he said. "But Jace and your father? That's how they feel powerful. They feed off of fear because they think it equals authority. Jace will continue to treat her like a dog as long as doing so makes him feel in control." "It's not fair," I said.

"No, it's life."

When Adam and I returned to the room that night, I didn't bother changing out of the dress before I collapsed on the bed.

He laid down next to me in his tux and I sighed.

"You're not what I expected," I said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

I propped myself up on my elbow and I turned to look at him.

"Before I met you, I thought Alphas were old, white-haired men who couldn't let the glory days die."

Adam laughed.

"Well, I don't have white hair yet."

"I'm serious," I said. "I didn't even think the Alpha-Beta pack mentality even existed anymore. How do you make it look so effortless? You never seem stressed and you never complain about the fact that you're literally in charge of three continents full of people."

Adam smiled.

"I signed up for it," he explained. "There's no sense in complaining about something you signed up for."

"How can you be so selfless?" I asked him. "You never tell me your problems, you only want to help me fix mine. Are all Alphas like that?"

"For the most part," he said.

I shook my head as I sat up.

"That's so unfair for you guys, though. Don't you want someone to fix your problems too?"

"I fix my own problems."

I rolled my eyes and made him sit up to look at me.

"Tell me your problems," I said.

Adam laughed.

"I'm serious!"

"That's what's so funny," he said.

"Tell me," I reiterated.

He took a deep breath, still smiling, and sighed.

"Alpha Schneider is giving me problems with Europe," he said finally.

"You don't think you'll be able to overtake him?"

"No, I do," he said. "It's just taking longer than I thought."

"You've still got one more day," I said, trying to encourage him.

"I'll get them tomorrow," he assured me. "Don't worry."

After that, Adam told me about a letter that Alpha Schneider had tried to send and he told me about a man with a silver signet ring that tried to pick it up, not knowing it had been intercepted. "And you think the letter is going to help you?" I asked him.

"If we can find out who he tried to send it to. But, if that doesn't work, I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve."

We stayed up for most of the night after that, talking. There was even some making out at one point.

When I woke up the next morning, Adam was gone to his final meetings. The sound of the phone ringing prompted me awake and I rolled over to grab the phone off the nightstand. "Hello?"

"Alpha Superior Deveraux would like to see you in his office," the woman's high-pitched voice spoke.

"Thank you," I said, hanging up.

That woman's voice could wake someone up quicker than coffee could.

I got out of bed and changed. Glancing at the clock, I noticed I had slept until lunch and I knew that Adam was calling so I could eat with him.

I went downstairs and began to make my way to his office.

I began to hear yelling the closer I got and I quickened my pace.

"How could you do this to your own flesh and blood?! I will never forgive you!"

My eyes widened as I heard Alpha Schneider's shouting.

I walked around the corner and saw him being forcibly removed from Adam's office by the guards, still bellowing out insults.

I went into Adam's office and saw him shaking hands with Diedrick.

I knew I looked confused as I looked between the two of them.

"Guten Morgen, mein Fräulein," Adam said to me, winking.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Pack your bags, darling. We're going to Germany."

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