The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 25- Peeping Dads-2

Lincoln and Blaine pretty much gave him the long and detailed version of what Luca

had told me. Turns out, Possente Lupo border patrol estimated that there was close to seventy to eighty wolves camped out about a half mile away from our border. "Send a group of eight warrior wolves to go and negotiate tonight. Bates, you'll go with them," Luca said.

Bates gave Luca a sarcastic salute and I had told hold back a chuckle.

Luca pulled Blaine and Lincoln to the side to have some secret conversation that was clearly not for my ears.

Bates, who was standing beside me, nudged my shoulder indiscreetly.

"So..." he said.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Bates Jr.?" He asked.

My face fell.

There was no was I could insure I wasn't... pregnant. Pregnant. Luca and I hadn't exactly

been strict on that at all.

"Oh my God," I whispered.

"Seriously?!" Bates exclaimed.

If I hadn't been so stressed out I would've laughed at his face; it was priceless.

"Luca!" He exclaimed. "You got her preg-"

I kicked his shin as hard as my leg would let me. I didn't need Luca stressed out too,

one of us had to have a clear mind under these circumstances.

Bates fell to the ground, gripping his leg.

"That hurt you cold corndog!" He groaned.

Luca turned to look at us and I shrugged nonchalantly. A slight smirk appeared on his

face before he turned back around to finish his conversation.

I picked Bates off the ground by his t-shirt collar.

"Listen, Bates, you can't let Luca know," I said.

"So you want me to keep it a secret that I'm going to be an uncle?" He asked.

"Possibly be an uncle," I corrected. "Don't. Tell. Anyone."

He nodded and I let go of his shirt.

When we turned around, Luca and the other boys were turning back to us. I just hoped they didn't hear us.

When Blaine cringed, my eyebrows furrowed and I immediately tried to find the source

of his pain. On his leg, there was a green, yellow, and purple bruise the size of a baseball.

"What happened?" I gasped.

"Oh," he said sheepishly looking down at his calf. "I was sleepwalking last night and fell over the coffee table," he said.

"I can confirm that, I was there," Bates said.

Lincoln, Luca, and I all turned to give Blaine and Bates skeptical looks.

"There was a football game on," they both answered at the same time.

"Mhhmm," Luca and I scoffed.

"I swear," Blaine said, holding up his hands. "I'm straight as a stick and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't go for this moron."

This caused Lincoln to howl laughing.

Bates scoffed.

"I can't say I'm completely straight," he admitted. "I'm a little wobbly considering that I would totally date myself."

I snickered.

"Seriously though," he said. "You wouldn't date this?" He asked me as he pulled up his shirt to reveal a set of washboard abs.

Luca's hands covered my eyes.

I swatted them away.

"I would date you, Bates, but I've got too much hotness to deal with already," I said shaking my head.

"Thanks, babe," Luca said kissing my head.

"I wasn't talking about you," I said pointing at myself. Luca rolled his eyes.

"I swear the moon goddess got something wrong," Bates said. "Carrie and I were made for each other."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you had seen us last night," Luca smirked. My jaw dropped.

"And you told me to hold off on the sex jokes!"

Several hours later, I was pacing the bedroom floor with two problems floating around in my mind.

The first one was the possibility of a pending pregnancy. I can't handle being a mom at this age. I can't even keep track of my paint brushes let alone a child. What would Luca do? Would he be mad? I mean, wouldn't he want to enjoy this new stage in our relationship before moving on to start a family?

The second problem was the fact that my old pack was camped out less than a mile away from me and I had no clue how to feel about it. Was my dad mad at me? What was I going to say when I saw him?

Luca walked through the bedroom door running a hand through his hair.

"Are you as stressed out as I am?" I asked.

He shook his head even though we both knew he was.

"Bates and the other men left a few minutes ago. They will get things taken care of, I

have trusted them to that," he said sitting down on the bed.

I sat down behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I rested my head on his back.noveldrama

"I'm super nervous," I admitted.

"Don't be," he said.

I took a deep breath but as hard as I tried, I couldn't shake the anxiety off me.

"It's not helping," I groaned.

He chuckled and swung me around to sit in his lap.

"I have other ways of stress relief if you're willing to explore other options," he said


I smiled and he leaned down to kiss me.

Just before my eyes fluttered shut, they caught the sight of the window... and who was standing outside it...



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