The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0703

Luca's head snaps up. “So that's it, then, right? We get her out of here, now? Lock her away in a bunker somewhere until we blow that entire nation to pieces?"

"As tempting as that sounds," dad murmurs, pressing a kiss to my hair, "we can't risk it. Any individual truck leaving the battlefield now will be a major target. They know we're launching an offensive tonight – they'll be watching for changes, watching us try to sneak her out of here."

I sigh, feeling completely out of my depth and very, very tired, my mind hardly able to turn from any thoughts except worry for my friend dying somewhere in this camp.

Alone, apparently.

Why is he alone? Why are none of our friends there with him?

I scowl, lifting my head, glaring around the room.

Ben, Jackson murmurs directly into my mind, sensing my worry. We sent for Ben. He's there with him now.

I pause for a moment, considering this, but then I nod, mollified.

"So, what the hell do we do?" Jesse asks, glaring around the room.

"Well, none of you hot heads are going to like it," Roger snaps, crossing his arms. "But the best move here is to make no changes."

Rafe growls, proving Roger correct. "We are not sending Ariel out to -"

"Look, they don't have enough firepower to blow up this entire camp, or else they would have done it," Roger snaps. "But if this boy got orders from them to attack Ariel specifically, then we have to assume that they know the basics of what we have planned at least. Any changes to that basic plan are going to be us panicking and trying to get her out of here. Any deviations are going to be a massive target."

"I can't believe this," Rafe groans, turning and tilting his head back as he covers his face with his hands. "I can't believe you want to send Ariel to battle after this -"

I sit up straight, surprised. Seriously? that what they want to do?

Soft snarls come from both Jackson and Luca, who vehemently oppose the idea.

But Jesse just sighs, looking at me evenly, watching and waiting to see my reaction. "Ari?"

I tilt my head up and look at my father, wanting his guidance, knowing he'll know what best to do.

He sighs and looks down at me. "You're all grown up, Ariel, and a soldier," he murmurs. "You make your own choices now. My instinct is to pin you to my side where you'll be safe, but Roger is right - the safest place for you may be to blend in with the other Cadets in a nondescript part of the line."

Luca continues to growl but everyone else goes quiet, waiting for me to make a decision.

I take a long, shaky breath, and close my eyes, forcing my sluggish mind to think.

But even as I do, I already know what I want.

I want a clear head. I want Tony alive and by my side, where he belongs, a part of my team. I want to kick Atalaxian ass for even trying to stop me. And while I can't have one of those things right now, I can have the other.

"I want to go out into the field," I whisper, giving a nod.

Several protesting snarls break out in the room, but I ignore them.

"As nice as it would be to hide in dad's shadow and stay safe right now," I continue, opening my eyes and looking around, "I made a promise to this nation. I want

kick my ass if I gave up the chance témake a difference because I was crying too hard."

fight Tony would

Uncle Roger smirks at me, his pride clear on his face, and dad tightens his arm around me. "That's my girl," he whispers.noveldrama

Roger comes forward quietly, offering me the battle gear under his arm.

I sigh and grimly accept it, tracing my fingers over the vest as I look down at it, noting that it's still the wrong size. “I think I need to be out there,” I murmur. "To help defeat the people who tried to kill me. Who hurt my friend."

Inside my chest, I feel both Jackson and Luca's wolves growl, a mixture of worry and pride in their grumbling fury.


The battlefield is dark when our transport finally brings us to our point on the field. When the vehicle stops, Rafe and Jesse are the first out, pushing back the doors and ordering the gathered mass of our Academy Cadet troops downand quickly into place by the huge anti-aircraft guns that are already here waiting for us to operate.

Luca and Jackson are by my side, of course, refusing to be elsewhere, as we move towards the back of the truck. Rafe looks worriedly at me as he holds out a hand for me, offering to help me down.

I just swat it away, hopping down like everyone else.

"Stop fussing," I mutter, too tired to muster real anger. "I'm fine."

Rafe just rolls his eyes and moves on as Jesse Barks out orders for where everyone should stand. I look

around as I move with my mo

the center of the formation,

adjusting my too-large body armor as go, staring around at the black

sky and all the stars scattered above it.

I mean, it's a gorgeous night. Almost too gorgeous for the kind of violence that my nation is planning to rain down on our enemies. But I can't find even an ounce of pity or regret in my heart for that - not now, not after today.

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