Twenty: Training and Mates
Twenty: Training and Mates
Twenty: Training and Mates
I could hear several voices as I made my way down to the kitchen for breakfast this morning. I am still
worried about Kaleb. I have been trying to mind link him for the last hour, but he has a block up. I was
going to try last night but figured he needed some time to himself. I knew he was having a hard time
coming to terms with Kylani being a goddess, but I still believe he is overthinking the whole situation.
Chris said they would be back today, and he said he would bring some friends to help with everything. I
asked if they were more gods, and he said that some were half gods, but most were immortal. Mykayla
is with me as we walk into the kitchen since the girls have already left for school. We were supposed to
work today, but I called the office and let them know we had a family problem that I had to deal with.
Plus, both of us can work from home if needed. Thank god that there is nothing important going on
right now. With Kaleb, Nate, and I need to be here to deal with all this. We have been in the kitchen for
about half an hour when Nate, Ashton, and Brighton walk in. Still, no, Kaleb and I are getting very
worried. I try again to link him, but he still has a block up.
“Good morning all,” Chirs announces as he and six other guys walk in.
“Good morning,” I replied.
Chris introduces us to the rest. They are Reece, Donte, Rye, Tarlek, Terrell, and Brandon. We all start
to talk and begin to get to know each other. We find out that they all have certain talents, and all seem
to be cool guys. We all get along well. Poor Mykayla; is the only female in the room, and I am sure she
feels a little unsure. I see Chris look around and watch as a smirk spreads across his face. I'm not sure
what that is about, but I feel he has noticed that Kaleb is still MIA.
“Well hot damn look at all this fucking eye candy. Which one to try first.” Natalya blurts out.
She is eyeing the guys top to bottom. I chuckle when I hear Brighton give a low growl, but Natalya
completely ignores him. She walks over, plops down on his lap, and kisses him. As expected, Brighton
wraps his arms possessive around her. Mykayla lets out a giggle, and I just laugh as well. Natalya has
no problem letting people know how she feels. She always says that just because someone is taken
doesn’t mean that they can’t appreciate good-looking men or women.
“Oh, please Brighton. You know that I am yours. Besides two out of the seven have rings on their
fingers which means they are off-limits.” Natalya replies with a wink.
"Yeah, if you guys can appreciate a sexy woman, then we can appreciate all the sexy men in this
room," Mykayla adds.
I raise an eyebrow at her. She does have a point. We sat there last night and blatantly stared at
Mykenzie and Kylani. Kaleb finally makes his grand appearance in the kitchen. I give him a look, but all
he does is shrug his shoulders at me. I can see a few scratch marks on the back of his neck. I don't
see a mark on his neck though. Chris shoots him a smile and wink. Reece shoots him a side glance
and a smirk.
“So I was wondering if you might know why we couldn’t find my wife’s twin this morning. Mykenzie was
looking for her but couldn't find her or reach her when she tried to talk to her.” Reece casually
Kaleb actually blushes a bit at the comment. I raise an eyebrow at him. I have a feeling that he and
Kylani probably mated last night. I try to see if I can smell her on him, but I have no luck. He is about to
answer when all of our parents walk into the room. Not sure why they are here, but I guess they need
to know what all these new people are here for. I wonder who told them? I can barely hold in my
laughter as Aunt Lisa levels Kaleb with a glare. I am sure she heard that he found his mate and is
pissed since she wasn't the first to know about it. Liam, Kaleb's dad, is laughing at his wife and son.
“Kaleb why is it that as your mother I am the last to hear about you finding your mate?” Aunt Lisa asks.
“Sorry, mom it happened late last night.” He answers.
“Son, who are all these men?” My dad asks me.
Chris and I explain what is happening, who they are, and why they are here. Chris takes the lead when
it comes to explaining the guys and his sisters. Needless to say, the parents are shocked to learn about
“Oh for fuck sake, I thought we got rid of all you obnoxious asshats.” A new female voice snarks.
“Baby, you can never get rid of us.” Donte quips back.
We all turn to see not only Mykenzie and Kylani but five others. Kylani rolls her eyes at the exchange of
words. I have a feeling that this happens a lot. My jaw hit the floor when I saw Mykenzie, Kylani and
five other drop-dead gorgeous women standing there. Seriously, where did they find these women?
“I guess we should introduce you to the rest of our pack.” Chris casually states.
We come to find out that three of the new women are half goddesses. He tells us their names: Bryn,
Alexis, Daniylla, Leah, and Jailynn. Bryn, Alexis, and Jailynn are their cousins. I wish I had cousins that
looked like that. Not that Natayla and Nymyra aren't beautiful, but damn, these seven women are in a
league of their own. I am just about to say something when I hear two different voices say, MATE. I turn
around to find Ashton and Nate walking over to the girls. Nate grabs Daniylla and Ashton grabs Jailynn.
Well, this is not what I was expecting to happen today. I sit there and watch the scene play out,
wondering what else is going to happen. Well, this is not fair. Don't get me wrong, I love Mykayla, but
my best friend is mated to a goddess, not to mention one of my best warriors is also. Then my gamma
is mated to a drop-dead immortal. Lucky fucking bastards!
“Well isn’t this an interesting morning,” Donte smirks out.
He has his arm around Bryn's shoulders, and that’s when I notice their matching rings. So that answers
one of the questions I have yet to ask. Mykenzie ignoring the scene, walks up to Reece and gives him
a kiss. Here's my other answer. I am not surprised that one of these guys grabbed one of the sisters.
“Ok son, when do we get to meet your mate?” Uncle Dan asks Kaleb.
Kaleb looks at Kylani, but she just looks down and keeps her distance from Kaleb. Maybe I am wrong
about what is going on between them, but I don't think so. Aston and Nate’s parents are bubbling with
excitement about their newfound mates. Neither of the girls seemed bothered to get manhandled by my
guys. I am still trying to get a read on Kaleb when Mykayla bumps my hip with hers. I give her a sexy
smirk when she tells me to look at Kylani’s neck. Well, shit there on her neck is a mate mark. I take a
discrete sniff and smile. Kaleb’s mark, I can smell his scent a mile away. I knew I was right! Kylani has
not made an attempt to go to Kaleb. Kaleb is trying to get to her, but she keeps slipping to a different
side of the room. I notice Uncle Liam watches what is happening between Kaleb and Kylani.
“Hey, sis, who gave you that mark?” Chris asks, breaking the tension in the room.
“None of your business you ass.” She snarks back.
Kylani glances at Kaleb and then walks out of the room. I notice Kaleb’s mother watching the scene
between him and Kylani. I can tell when she sends him a mind link. We hear the back door shut, and I
look up to see Kaleb follow after her. His parents look at each other than where Kaleb went. The rest of
us continue to talk and get to know each other. They need to figure this out on their own. After a while,
it is like all of us have known each other forever.
The scene in the kitchen when we finally arrive is chaos. Chris introduces Bryn, Alexis, Daniylla, Leah,
and Jailynn to everyone. Then it happens Nate and Ashton growl out “MATE” and swoop in and
manhandle Daniylla and Jailynn. As I figured neither of them up much of a fight. In fact, they have huge
smiles on their faces. I was happy for them, and Nate and Ashton’s parents seemed to be thrilled that
their son’s mates were immortals. Oh yeah, the parents. Dustin had introduced all of us girls to all of
the parents. I knew this wasn't going to be good for Kaleb and me so I stayed away. He kept looking at
me and I saw his mom look between the two of us. I decided to look away. I made sure to keep enough
distance between Kaleb and me. That’s when his parents decided to ask about his mate. I know how
shifter parents can be. Most believe that they shouldn't mix blood. I can only imagine the freak out they
would have when they find out their only son (child) is mated to me.
“Kaleb, why is it that as your mother I am the last to hear about you finding your mate?” I hear his mom
“Sorry, mom it happened late last night.” He answers.
I take a deep breath and notice that he is trying to get close to me. I already know how this is going to
go. He’ll tell them that I am his mate and they will get pissed. They’ll tell them that he needs to find a
new mate, preferably a she-wolf. I continue to keep a distance between us. It’s breaking my heart, but I
know this is the only way. I know his parents will not approve of me. What I failed to notice was his
parents watching us.
“Ok, son, when do we get to meet your mate?” His dad asks.
That’s all I can take. I turn and walk out the back door and over to the pool. I always seem to end up
around water when I need to think or am having a breakdown. I am very close to the breakdown point.
All I can think about is the last 24 hours with him and how happy I was. I already know I have fallen in
love with him, but that it is going to come to an end. I have been standing there a while with my arms
wrapped around my shoulders when I feel hands on my hips as a kiss is placed on my neck. I know
exactly who it is when I feel the sparks. I can’t bring myself to look at him. I know it’ll hurt too much.
“Hey gorgeous, why’d you leave? Kaleb asks.
“I needed some space to think. Kaleb, you should go back in and visit with your parents.” I tell him.
He turns me around to face him. I feel a finger force my chin up, and I find myself looking into his eyes.
I am holding back tears, and I don’t need him seeing me break. I see him trying to figure out what to
say when I hear a deep voice behind us.
“Is this your mate, son?” I hear his dad ask.
FUCK, I pull myself away from Kaleb and look at the concerned faces of his parents. I knew they
completely disapproved of us being together. Before I can assure them that no, we are not, Kaleb steps
forward and answers.
“Yes, this is my mate. Kylani is the daughter of our moon goddess.” He answers confidently.
I close my eyes and wait for the yelling to begin. I hear his mother gasp, and I take a few steps back. I
have got to put some distance between him and me. Before I can get too far away he grabs my hand
and laces our fingers together pulling me back to his side. Fuck, this is not going to go well. I try to
break free but he won’t let go. I brace myself for the inevitable talk of how he needs to find a new mate,
preferably a wolf.
“Oh, son how did you get so lucky as to have the moon goddess give you one of her daughters who is
also a goddess as your mate.” His mother asks in awe.
Well, that was not the comment I was expecting. I still haven’t looked at them up to this point. I look up
at them, and they both smile at me.
“You aren’t mad that Kaleb has me for a mate and not some she-wolf?” I ask quietly.
“Of course not. I always knew my son’s mate would be special.” His dad responds.
I look at them and smile. Kaleb pulls me into his arms as I shiver a little. I hadn’t realized till then that it
was cold outside. The weather just turned this last week.
“Come, honey, let’s get you out of this cold and back into the nice warm packhouse. Oh, my grand
pups are going to be so gorgeous.” His mom exclaims.
I hear Kaleb give a groan. All I can do is laugh and rub his arm. We all walk back to the packhouse
To say the last week has been interesting would be an understatement. Work has been quiet; not much
going on there. However, back at home, you could say it is organized chaos. The guys have been
training with us, and damn, can those guys fight? They are all strong and have their own unique talent.
Not only have they guys been training with us, but so have Mykenzie, Kylani, and the rest of the girls.
At first, we had no intention of letting them into the sparring ring. Our women-only train with other
women. They were insistent and finally we agreed. Kaleb was not happy that I let Kylani in the ring to noveldrama
engage in hand-to-hand. Well all five of us soon found out that those seven girls could thoroughly kick
our asses. Mykenzie and Kylani took on all five of us at once. They handed us our asses on a silver
platter. The other five girls were just as dangerous. After training, the five of us walk into the house and
are greeted by Natalya, Mykayla, Chris, and Rye. We promptly collapse onto the couches.
“Damn, Peter really gave you guys a hard training session today.” Mykayla comments.
None of us wants to admit who actually handed us our asses. I see Natalya smirk and give her a glare.
That doesn’t work on her, DAMN IT.
“Something tells me it wasn’t our trainer Peter that handed them their asses.” Natalya quips.
“I heard that all five of you were taken on at once,” Natalya adds with a smile.
“Who could take on all five of them at once?” Mykayla asked shocked.
“Oh, no one special, just a couple of girls who everyone thinks are breakable. Although apparently, girls
can’t train with guys.” Mykenzie answers.
“I was told that this pack had some of the best fighters. I am beginning to think someone was lying to
me.” Kylani comments with a roll of her eyes.
I heard Kaleb let out a grumble and he heads off towards his room. I guess I understand his irritation
with himself. His mate just royally kicked his ass and was teasing him. I watch as Kylani runs up the
stairs, and as she passes him she slaps his ass hard and laughs. Kaleb gives chase, and that is the
last I see of them. I sat by Mykayla and noticed that she had not eaten much. I have actually noticed
that this has been happening a lot lately. When I ask, she says it is just the stress of everything, which I
can believe. I still think there is more to it. I haven't pushed the subject as of yet. If it goes on much
longer, I will. I know something is up because her scent changed about one week ago. It went from that
sweet coffee with a hint of coconut to having a hint of mint mixed in. I am unsure why it changed, but I
worried she might be sick. I can’t lose her; it would kill me. I marked her during her heat and our bond
is now complete.
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