
Chapter 82 -

Chapter Forty Four -Gabriel Heath

Every time William and I were together, it felt like the first time all over again. William riding me was by far the best so far. I had not only the pleasure of being buried deep in his body, but also the fulfillment of getting to watch him. I could see every facial expression, every muscle that tensed and released. I could reach up and touch his lithe body, trace the hard planes of his chest, his shoulders, his biceps. Best of all, I could touch him intimately. I curled my hands around his erection, and pumped him in time to the thrusts of my hips. He moaned and leaned forward, bracing his hands against my shoulders. He rocked against me, setting his own rhythm and his own pace, staring deeply into my eyes. There were no words needed, only primal feral sounds escaped from both of us. Having marked each other, I could feel his desire building, mounting, soaring to the breaking point, and it fueled my own feelings of anticipation, and then desperation, until I stiffened under him. The moment I came, he also arched back, his muscles clenching, and released his seed on my stomach.

He collapsed forward, resting his forehead against my shoulder, his ribs heaving from the aftermath of his exertion. "Heath," he whispered, his hand curling around my neck. "I love you."

My throat spasmed and I had to swallow down a strange emotional lump. Love? Was this really love, or was it just a mate bond?

We went into the bathroom and cleaned up. I felt a little guilty, that we had been here, enjoying such intimate pleasures, while in another room that human man was struggling for his life. I had to borrow clothes again, in the form of a pair of William's gym shorts, and a t-shirt that must have come from the Alpha. I wrinkled up my nose, not liking his scent on my body. William too sniffed, and his jaw twitched. "We'll have to keep some extra clothes here for you," he said with a playful wink, "just for the occasional sleep over."

All playfulness fell away though, when we went back to the bedroom where the man was tied to the bed. He was writhing in pain. His eyes were screwed shut, and his teeth were gritted together to hold in the screams. I sensed that the man was trying to keep himself together for the sake of Daisy, his wife. Trying, but not quite succeeding.

I stayed by the door, so as not to crowd the room any further. People moved in and out keeping vigil with Daisy. The Luna was there when William and I arrived. She vacated her chair and gave it to William. She gave me a tight smile as she passed me, and patted my arm in a strange, motherly gesture. William took his friend's hand, and spoke quiet and encouraging things to him. It was hard to watch, as the pain seemed unrelenting.

The Alpha came in and stood by the head of the bed for a while. I studied him. He was a big man, yet he moved with grace and confidence. He was also quiet and soft-spoken, a quality I've never seen in any Alpha before. Every Alpha I had encountered in the past had been loud, brash, bossy to the point of bullying, like Alpha Michael, out in the barn. I barely knew him, so maybe I had a false perception of him, but Shane seemed almost gentle, and thoughtful. "Call me, if there is any change," he said to Daisy, before he pushed away from the wall and excused himself from the room.

The change came after about twenty minutes. The color in Gabe's face drained out, and for a moment his eyes bulged before they rolled back in his head and he began to seize. His entire body was spasming violently, as though there was an earthquake inside his core. Daisy cried out, and choked on a sob.

Something started to come out of his mouth, like foamy bile. William's face looked grim as he untied one of Gabe's hands and rolled the man onto his side, presumably to keep him from choking or drowning in his own vomit. The Luna returned again, but as there seemed to be little she could do for the man, she held Daisy instead. The blond woman clung to Nina, crying her heart out, while the Luna stroked her hair and rubbed her back and made soothing noises. Through it all my sister sat a little distant, curled up in her chair. The only outward sign of her anxiety was the way her white knuckled fingers twisted together. Other wise she remained silent and still, her face blank and expressionless. It was only because I was her brother, and I knew her as well as I knew myself, that I was able to see the sadness in her eyes, the kind of haunting despair that tears your guts out. I knew it was because of Michael, but I felt helpless, because I didn't know what I could possibly do to relieve her pain. I hurt for her too. She would never know the satisfaction, the contentment, the pure bliss of being together with your soulmate. Why did Hannah always seem to get the short straw in life? Seizure after seizure racked the man on the bed. After each he was dazed and silent. Daisy lovingly and gently cleaned away the saliva and god-only-knows what else was coming from his mouth. Then, around 2 AM, he had another one, this one bigger, harder, worse. His body arched stiffly off the bed, muscles ridged, jaw clenched, before he began to shudder and shake so violently that even William couldn't hold him down. And then... his whole body went limp. Even from the doorway, I could see it was different this time.

Daisy screamed, and threw herself over the man's body. William pressed his fingers into the man's neck, his eyes widening in panic. "Move! Move Daisy!" He shoved Daisy roughly aside, climbing up on the bed, arranging his friend on his back and straddling the body so that he could begin CPR. Nina and Shane returned, running into the room. Everyone was silent, even Daisy had bit down on her knuckles as William worked, counting chest compressions, and then leaning down to force breath into the man's still chest.noveldrama

After what seemed like an eternity, William stopped, and leaned down close to his friend's face, his cheek turned, feeling for the slightest breath of air. He checked for a pulse in his neck. His head bowed and his shoulders hunched, as he slowly shook his head.

"No! No Gabriel!" Daisy screamed again. This time William moved aside and let the woman gather the body up in her arms. Daisy looked at her Luna desperately, "Nina, Nina please! Please!!"

Nina seemed to understand what Daisy was begging for, and nodded to William. William ran from the room, pushing past me. He returned a moment later with a sleepy looking child in his arms. The baby girl was rubbing at her eyes in confusion, looking around at the room full of panicked adults. William brought her to the bed and set her down next to Gabe's still body. I didn't understand it. Did they want the child to say a final goodbye? Surely she was too young to understand what was happening? The toddler stuck the fingers of one hand in her mouth, and reached out the other hand, one finger touching Gabe's blueish face. Then she turned her face away, as if it hurt to look at it, and crawled back to William. She crawled into his arms and hid her face against the fabric of William's shirt.

Daisy broke out in a wail that split my heart in two, and I didn't even know the woman. Gabriel was gone.

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