Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 84

O rom Chapter 84

Eros POV

The moment I heard the words ATTACK being yelled from Ezra's mouth I knew there was no going back, the battle to see who would finally get Athena once and for all was about to commence and I would be damned if I or Ares lost to a bunch of wolves, especially ones who were Rogues.

'We just have to hold them off long enough until Elise and the others arrive' remarks Ares to me just as Deimos pushes himself forward, shifting our bodies into wolves just as one tried to pounce on me, Deimos smacking it with a paw as he moves to knock it away. 'Easier said than done Ares' I grunt back to him just as Demios moves to pounce on another, his jaws wrapping around the neck of a Rogue before snapping it, the wolf now sitting lifeless between my jaws as I move to drop the now dead body. 'ENOUGH! Less talking more fighting' snaps Kai to the twins as he moves to fight a group of wolves, five of them trying to ambush him at


Growling, I send a quick glare over to him in his direction, Ares off to my right as he continues to take down wolves. Just then I hear our mate's worried voice as she yells out to us, "NO!" cries Athena, as she's forced into watching, another thing that had pissed Deimos off for somehow Ezra had managed to get a hold of her without so much as trying and that just didn't sit well with us.

'ATHENA' I call to her, hoping my voice would somehow manage to calm her down just as a stray wolf had managed to sneak up behind me before snapping its jaw around my back paw, causing me to howl in pain as I move to turn around, my eyes narrowed as I move to swipe my paw, my paw catching the wolf across the face just as Arden moves to yank the wolf away.

"Focus" snaps Arden as he moves to kill the wolf that just attacked me, his body now standing close to mine as we continue with our fight.

"I'm trying but it's so hard when Ezra has her" I growl back at him, not wanting to be rude but the thought of any other male touching what was rightfully ours was enough to make my blood boil.

"Look I know how you feel, but if you don't get your shit together soon, you'll be long dead before he ever will" remarks Arden hoping to get his point across for it was true, so long as Ares and I remained distracted by our mate, the harder it was for us to do our job, a job in which we needed to do in order to keep her and the babies safe.noveldrama

Nodding, I moved to push Athena out of our thoughts knowing Deimos needed to focus as did I. "Thanks Old man" I tease, knowing Athena's Uncles were anything but old as werewolves usually stopped aging by the age of 30 so even if Rick and Alex were older than 30 it would never show as they stopped aging.

"You wish young pup" chuckles Arden as he moves to fight more Rogues.


Turning my focus back to the fight at hand, I all but move to jump head first, my focus on the task sitting before me or at least it was until I heard Ezra speak once again, "Surrender, and I'll give you a swift and painless death" laughs Ezra, enjoying are struggles as we continue to fight the wolves who stood before us, my focus on him for only a second but a second to long as Rogues move to pounce, one taking me by surprise as it jumps onto my back biting me in the shoulder as another moves to wrap its jaw around my neck just as I howl out in pain.

"EROS!" cries Athena, her eyes shining with fear, a fear at losing a mate as she tries to fight the Rogue King off the need to get to her mate more urgent.

'N-No... Athena, don't' I call out to her attempting to get her to stop as I'm still caught between two wolves, her eyes still on mine as she èries.

'No please Eros, Fight, Don't let them kill you please' come Athena's cries as she looks to me with tears, tears I wish I could move to wipe away, Demios whimpering at her pain as we try to think of a way out of our situation.

Chapter 84 "EROS!"

Hearing our sweet little mate I all but moved to shut my eyes not wanting to look at her in case my life came crashing to an end only to feel as the Rogues were instantly thrown off me, my eyes snapping towards the person who saved me only to see Ares. "Don't go dying on my yet brother, we still have pups to welcome into the world and beautiful mate to marry too" remarks Ares as he looks to me sternly before each of us move to charge head on, no longer afraid of losing our fight as Ares and I would always come out on top and that was a guaranty promise, Deimos and Zeus now taking full control as we move to slaughter each and every wolf that stood before us, Elise and Cara along with Isaac, Ashton, Brayden and Addison each joining the party, warriors from each of the packs moving to attack as Dragons began to take to the skies, Addison and Brayden leading the air assault.

"NO MERCY!" cries Cara, her wolf Zara diving head first into the carnage, her teeth bare as her white fur with tints of black began to turn a crimson red as blood began to splatter all around her, warriors from the Snow Moon pack moving to aid their Alpha while Brayden and Addison fought as dragons, one black the other white, Sapphire and Nightshade both casting fire along the wolves who dared to eat towards the woods, creating a barrier to prevent them from leaving.

Elise and Ashton both fighting together as Elza and Xavier fought side by side, Elza a stunning black wolf with a symbol on her right hip, the symbol being a crescent moon and star while Xavier was a stunning reddish brown wolf with hints of white showing off his Beta heritage as they too move to slaughter wolves.

Watching as the Rogues began to flee, the Rogue King begins to get furious, his grip on Athena tightening as he moves to howl at his followers, hoping to keep them planted as the battle continues, Isaac and his wolf Orion weeding out the weak as they move to finish them off as Addison eventually swoops down to blow fire at those who were in range of her fire breath, howls of pain ringing throughout the area as wolves started catching fire.

Giggling at their blight, Addison moves to rejoin her brother her eyes now trained on Cara as she continued to fight in the battle, warriors from the Dark Moon Pack and the Midnight Pack all fighting as a team until finally Ezra had enough, his roar now sounding angry as he moves to focus on Ares and I, his voice on the verge of snapping.

"NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" cries Ezra his hold over Athena tightening as he all but glares daggers at us before moving to shove Athena to the ground. Demios and Zeus both growling in displeasure as they move to watch the angry Alpha.

"Surrender Ezra, this battle is over, we've won and you've lost" I move to say to the Alpha, my eyes still trained on him as Athena attempts to move away, Ezra's expression turning almost Feral as he moves to charge at us, shifting into his own massive wolf as he did. "NEVER" is all we hear as we move into a fighting stance, our last chance at ending the Rogue King once and for all presenting itself to us as we move to brace for impact.

'Here he comes,' whispers Deimos just as the force of a body hits us, sending us flying as they did.

Chapter Comments


who is Arden





Our Luna, Our Mate

Ares POV

The moment we had been thrown backwards was the moment we knew we had to act, for if we didn't then Ezra would be free to do as he pleased and that was something we couldn't risk nor afford to have, especially when our mate was the target of this mad man. 'ZEUS' I call to my wolf, Zeus taking control of our body as we move to hold firm against Ezra's attack his teeth bare as he moves to approach us once again my eyes briefly moving to that of Athena who was now surrounded by Arden and Elstan, Athena's Uncles as Elise and the others finish taking care of the other wolves who had been following Ezra.

Feeling Deimos fall back into line next to me we move to stand side by side, our wolves posed as we get ready to charge the Rogue King, 'Ready Eros?' I asked him through the link. 'Ready' was all I heard as we moved to charge, ready to end it once and for all as / and I moved to go head to head with our teeth and claws.

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