Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 75


Our Luna, Our Mate Chapter


Athena's POV

Never in a million years would I ever find myself missing Artemis as much as I did now, for after my first inital waking and finding her gone from the recesses of my mind, I had all but panicked, scared she would never return to me until he showed up telling me he had all but given me enough wolf's bane to keep her asleep for a least a week or so, so why is it that I haven't heard from her yet.

'Artemis?' I try, hoping that by some small miracle, that the week would be over and d finally have my wolf again but here we are, sitting at a week, maybe longer and still no wolf, Artemis still fast asleep, buried deep within my mind as I'm left an empty vessel for the Rogue King who all but comes to me at night as he busy's himself in pleasure.

Pleasure he takes from tormenting me for after the first time, I had all but stopped fighting him, realizing that if I simply gave him what he wanted then he wouldn't prolong my torture or that of my mates and he would just simply leave me alone once I satisfied his needs, laying here naked in all of my glory for him and only him.

Shivering at the thought I attempt to push all the awful memories to the back of my mind, not wanting to dwell on them as I try to remember all the good memories I had of me and my mates, of Ares and Eros and of Zeus and Deimos, remembering our night of passion under the moonlight sky or that of Ares and Eros proposing to me after a romantic evening in the garden, a small tear making it's way down my face as I move to wipe my face along my inner part of my arm unable to use my hands because of the stupid silver cuffs. "Ares, Eros... wherever you are I hope you can forgive me... I never wanted to hurt you or for you to think that I've betrayed you but I haven't.. I am nothing but a slave to the Rogue King, a pawn in his game of chess as he thinks that by claiming me I will just roll over and become his Queen, well he can forget about that as I'm nobodies Queen except to those that I'm destined to be with" I murmur with determination until something flutters across my mind.

That is if they'll ever take you back, muses a voice softly, a slight possibility that the twins could reject me after everything that I managed to put them through even if it was something I never wanted to do like hurt them with the mates betrayal.

But you did, whispers the voice again, pulling me from my inner turmoil when the sound of a door could be heard, my body freezing in terror as it opened, my eyes moving to gaze at who it was that was entering the room, as it was too early for the Rogue King, as he only came to me at night, so who was this that was coming to see me until finally the door moves to reveal a young girl maybe no older than 16 as she moves to stand before me.

"Who.. Who are you" I whisper, tad frighten by who this could possibly be, the girl in question moving to smile as she moves to close the door her hands moving to hold up a set of keys as she moves to unlock my wrists from the silver cuffs before moving to look at me. "Hurry we must flee before he realizes his key is missing and you've all but escaped" whispers the girl in a panic, for helping me to escape would mean death set forth by the Rogue King, a death the girl knew she would receive if caught.

Worried for the girl who was now risking her life for mine, I move to scurry off the bed before moving to follow as the girl in question moves to inspect the hallway before gesturing for me to follow once again, making sure that the hall was clear before leading me through a series of twists and turns until we eventually reach the outside, sticking to the shadows of whatever we could find, until we eventually reach the Forest edge where once there, the girl quickly moves to hug me once more before telling me which direction to run in before she herself moves to run back towards the way we came all while stalling for time.

"If you keep running off in this direction it'll eventually bring you to the boarder of your pack, the Mystic Shadow pack, and maybe with luck one of your mates will be there to greet you" was all I remember the girl telling me as I took off in a mad run, not wanting to risk looking back encase someone had seen me and decided to follow as my legs continued to run.

Ares.... Eros..... I cry to myself, tears threatening to fall at the thought of finally seeing my mates, my emotions overpowering everything else as I ran, no longer caring about myself until I was safely in the arms of my mates.

Just then, I feel it, the faint sensation of home, as the closer I got grew stronger until suddenly I trip, my foot catching itself along a fallen tree branch in which I fall, landing on the forest floor as I move to cower in a fetal position, my body knowing that I was already within the pack boarder so it was only a matter of time on when my mates would finally find me as I cried.

Sobs wracking my body, I finally let all the pain wash over me, the pain for hurting my mates to the pain I felt for not having Artemis with me to the pain of just feeling hopeless while failing to protect my pups from the dangers of the world around us, no longer caring if someone had come to take me back or if I was suddenly left for dead, as none of it mattered any longer until suddenly I hear it, the sound of pounding feet as they run over in my direction.

Feeling another sob take hold, I move to bury my face within my arms attempting to pull my legs closer to my chest, attempting to look small as I cried until the smell of Chocolate and Caramel reach my senses as it enlopes me in a gentle hug as the scent of one my mates come rushing to the fore front of my mind.

Ares... for Ares's scent was one of the more dominating scent between my two mates which meant Eros had to be back at the packhouse as his scent did not reach now held onto my fetal position, knowing that Zeus my senses like Ares when I suddenly feel the touch of a snout, the snout moving to sniff all along my body as was taking this time to smell all along my body, warmth slowly flooding itself throughout my body until finally I cave once more.

"A-Ares....." I choke, my tiny hands moving to touch his soft warm fur another sob ring from deep within my chest as I fire to control it.

"Mate" I hear him whisper, his head moving to nuzzle me as he did, the dam finally breaking once more un finally take over.

"I'm sorry... So sorry... please don't hate me.... Please" I say between sobs, not knowing what I'd do if my mates truly did hate me, for it want my fault that the Rogue King took advantage of me, or that he forced himself upon me night after night, no none of this was ever my fault I was just a pawn used to break the bood 1 had with my mates which resulted in us becoming broken.

'Shhh, easy love, your safe and it's going to be alright, Promise' was all I heard through our reconnecting bond as darkness slowly takes ahold of me, my body welcoming it like a tide as I slowly sink into the feeling of emptiness.noveldrama

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