Chapter 10
Chapter 10
“How many times do I have to tell you, Victoria? I don’t fucking want your needy pussy,” I shouted,
trying to concentrate while these assholes in the living room were whistling and clapping. Harry
mentioned something about the pole dancer, but I didn’t give a damn.
“We had a great time together, Dex,” she purred, spreading herself on the bed and showing me her tits.
Her eyes glittered as she started licking off her finger. She was poisonous, draining me of my precious
“Stay the fuck away from me, or I’ll ruin you,” I snapped and left the room ready to smash something.
She was unbelievable. We fucked a few times and then she started talking some shit about being in a
relationship, following me around and spreading some silly rumours.
I ran my hand through my hair, cursing her off in my head. All the lights in the living room were off and
everyone looked mesmerised by the girl that was performing. I lifted my gaze to check what all the fuss
was about, and my heart fucking stopped. For about thirty seconds I tried to figure out if I was having
problems with my eyes. This wasn’t possible. There was no way that she was doing this shit.
Sasha was on the pole, wearing a strapless sequin romper and red devil horns attached to her head,
exposing her magnificent body, bending and spinning around the metal bar.
How could I have fucking missed that?
My Barbie was like a fantasy come true swirling itself around me, thickening my desire for her as my noveldrama
heart pounded away. I couldn’t breathe. Surging heat shot down to my groin, hardening my cock in an
instant. I watched as Sasha smiled and grabbed the pole. She kept her outside leg straight as she
swung it out to the side and stepped all the way around the pole, pivoting on her inside foot at the same
The shit she was doing with her legs was unreal and I was so fucking turned on that I thought I was
going to lose my mind. This was better than a strip club. She finished whatever she was doing by
arching her body backwards, lowering her hand to allow for a deeper arch.
I stood there watching her as she was doing all sort of spins, looking comfortable and shooting her
audience sexy glances. I wanted to devour her lips, biting her softly, teasing her tongue with mine. I felt
like I was in a fucking lustful trance the whole time I had my eyes on her. I could feel my blood heating
every second she bent her body on the pole, exposing her glorious ass to all these men in the room.
The next thing I knew she was lying on her elbow, extending her legs straight up towards the ceiling
and pointing her toes. Then she bent one leg at a time and rotated clockwise.
If Harry switched on all the lights now everyone would be fucking aware of my stiff cock. Blood
pounded in my ears, and it looked like she was only just starting this show.
She was dancing and crawling up the pole. This shit was unbelievably erotic. I imagined bending her
over my bed and pounding my cock into her, replacing that metal bar. She used her hand to hold
herself and lifted her lower body up, over her head. Then she wrapped her legs around the pole,
crossing them at the ankles and gripping the pole tightly between her legs. She had a devil-may-care
attitude about some things and I loved that naughty sparkle in her eyes when she was mischievous like
Her every move was provoking, pulling me in deeper, and this whole thing was happening right in front
of my eyes. I pictured my head between those strong thighs, licking her swollen clit. Sasha was one
hundred percent woman. She was perfect, sensual, beautiful and all I wanted was to have her in my
She loosened her grip to slide down the pole, tucking her head in. My cock kept throbbing painfully and
sweat broke out on the sides of my neck. Sexy, rough music was blasting. Every time she bent over or
gripped the pole with her legs I almost came in my pants. This wasn’t fucking normal. It was a torture.
Several minutes later, she was done, and men around me were whistling, women were clapping. My
head was clouded with lust. The lights came on and she bowed, smiling. I licked my lips waiting for her
to look at me, but after a second she disappeared, not paying much attention to anyone.
I pressed my dick down with my palm, breathing like I’d just run a mile, and strolled after her. Harry
stepped in, blocking my way.
“Get away. I need to see her,” I said, ready to force my way past him.
“Come on, man, give her some space. She's changing,” he said, looking at me with irritation. What the
fuck did I do now? “Dex, you really need to be careful with this girl.”
“Why? What did she say to you?”
“She didn’t need to say anything, but she isn’t like the ones in here that you can use and then toss
“What the fuck happened to you? Did those blond curls fuck with your mind too?” I challenged him,
trying to figure out if he wanted Sasha now. This was getting out of control. I was ready to beat on my
friend over a blonde.
“I mean it. Just don’t screw with her, and we shouldn’t have a problem. She’s in my bedroom,” he
added and then stepped away. Shit, maybe he was right. I couldn’t just barge inside and continue
behaving like an asshole. This wasn’t getting me anywhere.
I knew Harry’s apartment like the back of my hand. I didn’t want to knock. I just had to see her again in
that hot outfit. I pressed on the door, aware that I had to step out of my comfort zone to make her mine.
I was aching all over and my breathing was irregular, but I felt amazing. The performance went better
than I expected. I glanced at the mirror and saw that my face was red. Then I noticed that I wasn’t
alone anymore. Dexter was standing in the room, not moving.
“What the hell do you want?” I asked, glaring at him. He didn’t even knock, just barged in here like he
owned the place.
“That was fucking hot, Sasha, and I would like a private dance… please,” he said, losing his usual
superior and demanding tone. That was a first, but I couldn’t just forget his pranks.
“I don’t give private dances, so you can leave now.”
“What if I won’t?”
I rolled my eyes and kept trying to sort out my messy hair in the mirror. He was still standing there, his
eyes hovering over my backside.
“What do you want from me, Dexter? I mean apart from sex?”
He shoved his hands deep into his pockets and looked away. Wow, for the first time since we'd met he
had nothing to say, no witty remarks or insulting ways of saying that he wanted to stick his cock inside
me. I couldn’t believe it. Maybe Dexter Tyndall wasn’t so mouthy after all when it came to normal
“I’m not the nice guy you need, but there is something about you, Barbie, that makes me want you.”
“If you want to sleep with me, then you need to learn how to treat me with respect. I’m a person, not a
thing that you can play with,” I said and picked up my horns that I had taken off earlier on. When I
looked up, he was just behind me. His eyes changed, bringing warmth and heat, silencing my internal
battle with what was wrong and right.
“I admit, we got off on the wrong foot and I’m sorry about the way I’ve acted around you. The truth is
that I’m fed up with running after you,” he whispered, leaning over and pressing his hard chest over my
back. Lust curled up my toes, taking away that reasonable side of me and replacing it with the old me. I
was amazed with the fact that he was trying to sound genuine. Maybe he did care?
I took a deep breath and turned around to face him.
“What if I tell you that I want to hang out, get to know you, before I drop my knickers for you?” I said
very quietly. I could see my own flustered reflection in his deep brown eyes. The kiss... oh my, I wanted
him to sink his mouth into mine, so I could taste his soft lips.
“I’m incapable of being in a relationship, and in my opinion, love is for losers. All I know, all I’ve ever
known is sex and only sex. I can assure you that you will be screaming with pleasure when I feast on
your sweet pussy.”
There was a lump in my throat and I couldn’t swallow it. His eyes were stinging my skin with lust, heat
paralysed my joints. My knickers were wet and he hadn’t even touched me yet.
“I’m not looking for a relationship, Dexter, but at the same time I expect you to treat me with respect. I
know that you’re no Prince Charming, but make the effort at least once in a while. Get to know me and
then we will see,” I said, pushing this whole thing where it shouldn’t be going. He fucked his way
through life. He was right. I didn’t know the real him. Maybe he wasn’t capable of behaving any other
Okay, so what? I wanted him to devour me hard and fast. This was bad and all, but I couldn’t help
myself. It’d been almost a year since I looked at another man the way I used to look at Kirk.
Staring into Dexter’s rich brown eyes, I saw his despair, hollowness and pain. He was hiding behind his
arrogance, acting to cover his real self.
Then his mouth was on mine. His kiss was forceful, primal, claiming my mouth but sensual at the same
time. I thought that my knees were going to give out at any moment when he brought me closer to his
chest. The kiss was more than just him running his mouth over mine; it seemed like he was consuming
every inch of me, until I couldn’t draw any more oxygen into my lungs. My heart pounded between my
ribs as his tongue slid into my mouth.
I moaned, losing whatever resistance I had. The muscles around my abdomen tightened. I felt his hard
cock pressed over my thigh, slowly teasing the entrance to my core. When he pulled away, I wanted to
cry out for the lost touch. I was turned on, so wet for him when I shouldn’t have been. My body craved
more, expecting it, demanding it. When I looked at his eyes there was pure lust there and he was
smirking at me.
“I told ya that you would want me, Barbie. Don’t worry, we will get to know each other better tomorrow. I
can’t promise I’ll change, but I’ll make an effort for you, with the dating and all that. Now you need to let
me leave or I swear to God I’ll bend you over the bed and fuck you in that sexy little costume of yours.
Stay away from guys in the other room and remember your pussy belongs to me.”
My lips didn’t seem to be working again. He left the bedroom before I had a chance to ask him if he
was still messing with me or was he serious? I turned into mush around him. I glanced at my own
reflection in the mirror, asking myself the same thing. Was I crazy?
Yet again I let him play me, but that kiss—I felt it in every inch of my body. The throbbing between my
legs was like hot lava, drenching me with need.
I was just about to pack my stuff and leave when I spotted a white, crumpled paper lying on the carpet.
I turned around and picked it up and started unfolding it slowly. It was some sort of message. I was
sure that something had fallen out of Dexter’s pocket when he was leaving. Or did it fall out of my bag?
The writing was small and very uneven. It took me a moment to grasp that it was personal letter to
Dexter from Uncle Joey. I didn’t waste much time thinking about the content and started reading it
straight away.
I know that you don’t want to hear me rambling about the other evening, but I’m a stubborn old man
and I needed to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for me.
Yes, I have a laptop, but I have been writing to people all my life and I’m not planning to stop for the
sake of technology. Besides, letters are personal and more meaningful. You should try replying to one,
out of courtesy.
Right now I’m enjoying myself in sunny Marbella, drinking Pina Coladas with fifty-year- old Priscilla.
She is a stunner and if you could see her right now you’d agree. We are planning to sail to Portugal in a
week or so.
I’m going to give you the same advice as always.
Stop locking yourself in your apartment and start to socialise, explore Edinburgh, and start a new
hobby. Grow some balls.
I don’t get it—why do you want to spend all your evenings with an old grump like me? You probably
think that I don’t know what I’m talking about, but in the past two years I got to know you pretty well.
Your problems won’t magically disappear if you stay locked away in an empty room.
I haven’t had any seizures for years. My epilepsy is mild and it had always been controlled by
medications. That evening when you found me, I was under a lot of pressure. Some unexpected news
had reached me and I was stressed, worried about someone that used to be very close to me. I guess
it was my lucky day that you decided to visit me just after the attack started. I can’t thank you enough.
You reacted quickly and efficiently, placing that cushion under my head, moving me away from any
danger, and I’m still thankful you stayed with me until the ambulance arrived. After I stopped convulsing
I was amazed that you didn’t simply panic, like other people would.
I know what you’re probably thinking: that I’m too old to look after myself and I need someone to check
up on me once in a while. Dexter, you couldn’t be more wrong. I’ll be fine, so don’t plan to hire anyone
for me.
I also want you to start considering your own future. Yes, you do have a business and your family, but
you have to start thinking about settling down. You need a loving and beautiful woman in your life. Trust
the old man on this. Too much fun is never good for you.
Our friendship means a lot to me. I appreciate our evenings together, and our golf tours on the
weekends. I even started watching some shows on that Netflix thing you showed me a few weeks ago.
You were right—I do like those Sopranos. Why is Tony always eating though? Now I don’t think I’ll ever
be bored.
I’m proud of you, proud that you didn’t lose control that evening.
Go out, meet new people while I’m enjoying my time in Spain. Don’t sit around and wait for me. You
have a couple of weeks to practise golf, because I’m planning to beat you as soon as I get back.
I re-read the letter a few times, digesting the words, the message and that strong unique voice that
belonged to a man I had never met. Dexter and Joey were friends. I didn’t want to believe it, but the
proof was right in front of me. My dead uncle was an epileptic, liked gangster movies and golf. And
apparently Dexter had found him when he was going through a seizure. From this letter I found out
more about Joey than I ever had.
It looked like Dexter had looked after my uncle and spent a lot of time with him when he was living next
Was it possible that there was more to Dexter beneath the nasty, obnoxious behaviour he’d shown me
since I got here? Harry said that very thing to me only a few moments ago.
I knotted the paper back into a ball and hid it in my cleavage. Dexter must have dropped it accidentally
when he was here in the room. There wasn’t any other explanation.
I took my time changing, convincing myself that I was a challenge to Dexter, that he wasn’t actually
planning to date me.
I was afraid to come out, to face him again. I didn’t believe that he simply had left. After fixing up my
makeup and exercising my breathing for about a minute, I stepped back into the living room wearing
my black dress. My eyes searched for Dexter, but he wasn’t around. There was a possibility that he
had picked up a woman and taken her to his apartment. What did I expect anyway? That he could
change for me? Why should I believe that one statement he made about making an effort for me? I
couldn’t be that stupid. Maybe his friendship with Joey meant that he was someone else, but what if he
wasn’t ready to show me that part of himself?
“Sasha, that was superb and so sexy,” Harry said, embracing me in a hug. “And Dexter, I have never
seen him so mesmerised by anyone. Don’t tell him that I told you that.”
“Where is he?” I asked.
“He left a few minutes ago. I have no idea what you said to him, but this is the first time that he ever left
Okay, that didn’t mean anything. Besides, I shouldn’t care. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was relieved. I
couldn’t help thinking that maybe he would see more in me than just a quick fuck. After all, I was Joey’s
niece and he had respected the man.
When I glanced at the clock I realised that it was after eleven. I was bullshitting myself, thinking that I
could do this, pick up some random guy for sex. The truth was that Dexter had been rocking my boat
since I moved in here. Now I had a clear indication that I needed to get to know him.
“Thank you, Harry, for giving me a shot. I’m going to go as well. To be honest with you, this party isn’t
really for me.”
Wow, Sasha, you just admitted to this hot guy that you don’t sleep around. Pathetic.
“I know, darling. Go on, run to him. I bet he’s waiting for you, and thank you for rescuing me tonight.”
“Anytime. It was nice to meet you. Don’t be a stranger. I’m in twenty-one, so pop in and see me before I
disappear. And Dexter isn’t my Prince Charming; he is just some guy that wants to get into my pants.”
“Aren’t we all?” he asked, grinning.
I shook my head and left. Gavin and all the guys that had talked to me were already busy with other
women. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my own apartment, knowing that I wasn’t like them. I
wanted more, so why would I get hooked on a man like Dexter, thinking that he could fulfill this stupid
Dexter’s placed seemed quiet. I was tempted to knock at his door, but I quickly went inside and locked
the door, knowing that this would be a mistake. Tonight, he'd showed me a different side of him. It was
just words and I had no idea if he was going to remember any of it tomorrow. There was definitely more
to Dexter than his rude remarks and fiery attitude. He had a filthy mouth and I liked it, but I was ready
to die rather than admit to him that he was turning me on.
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