My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)

Chapter 0321


Logan was about to knock this rude asshole flat on his ass. This man may have been drunk, but that was still no excuse for walking up to this table and treating Hazel like she was a prostitute. The guy deserved a good punch in the face for that alone.

With Dylan at his side, Logan was confident that he could take not only this guy, but also any buddies he had waiting in the wings. Logan gave a quick scan of the area, which was when he saw Tina sitting at the bar. Suddenly his fury entirely refocused.

He was willing to bet that Tina sent this man over here. He probably paid her fifty dollars

That didn't mean Logan could let him get away with it

Fists curled, Logan was about to throw his knockout punch, when Dylan intervened. Dylan wrapped his arm around the drunk man's shoulder and started leading him away.

"Why don't we get another drink, pal," Dylan said, an edge to his voice that revealed how truly pissed he really was. "While my friend goes to talk to the lady at the bar."

Dylan saw her too, then.

Glancing back at Hazel, Logan said, "Stay here."

"But, Logan

"I can handle this, Hazel."

She seemed annoyed but stayed put. For now.

"If you take longer than five minutes," she said, "I'm coming over."

Logan didn't think he would take that long so he gave a quick nod. Then he set his sights on Tina.

She must have been slumming it tonight, dressed in modest slacks and a sweater, drinking a martini at the bar. This wasn't her usual hangout - not nearly expensive enough. And those weren't here usual kind of clothes - not nearly flashy enough.

Either she was seeing how the other half lived... or she was following them.

Logan did not like the latter prospect even slightly.

Even as modestly dressed as she was, she still accumulated a lot of attention from the single men in the bar. Logan clocked no less than five watching his approach with a hawk-like stare.

He sighed, hoping Dylan was ready. This might still turn into a brawl after all.

Tina smirked at him as Logan came to stand at the bar beside her. Once there, he faced forward, looking toward the bartender, not at her. But he purposefully straightened his back and shoulders, making himself as intimidating as his frame would allow. He knew it allowed for a lot.

"What are you doing here, Tina?"

"I like this musician," Tina said. "He's one of my favorites."

Logan detected bullshit. "What's his name?"

Tina made a grunting noise. "What does it matter?"

"Why are you really here? How can you possibly show your face around us after the hell you've unleashed?"

Tina lifted her martini and sipped. "Yes, everything has turned into a spectacle, hasn't it?"

"I doubt you are here to apologize," Logan said.

"Oh, no. Not at all," Tina said and laughed. "I can admit that everything has... exceeded my expectations, but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the show. In fact, I'm greatly enjoying myself, watching you all flail about."

"Is that why you sent that drunk guy over to our table?" Logan asked.

"He was bothering me," Tina replied. "Might as well put you and Dylan to good use.

Logan disliked this woman and the way she treated people like commodities for her personal use.

Though... he'd always known that she was that way. It was one of the reasons he picked her to be his fake girlfriend to start with. He thought she would understand the back and forth. The trading of favors.

He was wrong and still suffering for it.

"What will it take to get you to leave us alone?" Logan said.

"I'm not even doing anything anymore," Tina said. "I'm just a spectator now. Watching the fireworks."

Sitting at the table with Maria, I was at my wit's end.

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