Chapter 42
Chapter 42
I woke up to noise, and my eyes fluttered open. I stared up a time the ceiling, and it a green fluorescent
blinking light that made a buzzing sound shined on me.
I quickly sat up and looked around to notice I wasn't in the hotel room. I started to panic, and looked
around the room. It was like an army bunk, with cement floor a bed with a not-so-comfortable matress
that only had sheets on, there was a cement door that had a huge lock on it. There was a Very Small
winow windows and the room was gross and dirty.
I stood up and started to walk to the door, but then got stuck. I looked back to see my foot tied in metal
chain which was tied up to the bed. My eyes widened and I quickly started yanking on the chain, but
every time I did it put pressure and inclosed on my ankle.
"What is going on?" I whispered to myself as my heart was racing. I ran up to the window and tried to
open it but it was boarded up on the outside.
I saw a door on the side of the room, and I ran up to it then opening the doorknob to see it was a just a
closet filled with a bunch of....
I gulped and my I turned pale white as I saw a bunch of....well...let's just say 50 shades of Gray
exploded in the closet.
I immediately slammed the door shut and ran towards the door again but fell once the chain wouldn't
go any further. The door then opened, and I looked up to see a man with broad muscles, brown hair
and black eyes.
"Well, well, you are awake" He smirked. I then realized who it was and started to move back as I was
still sitting on the ground. "Oh don't be scared..yet."
"Get away from me" I gritted as he approached me, and put a hand out to me but I stared at it with a
glare before he then took it away. "Fiesty one, are you?"
Zeke Monroe....Blake's older brother and head leader of The Veins gang. I only know him because
Blake mentioned his older brother was in Italy and showed me a picture.
"I SAID GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled with agony filling my voice. "Tsk, tsk. We're not going to make
this harder then it has to be, are we?" He questioned.
I didn't answer and pressed my lips in a thin line as I pulled my knees up to my chest and kept a glare
in my eye. "Tyson!" He yelled, and the door then opened "Yeah boss?"
My breath hitched in the back of my throat and tears pricked my eyes, as I saw him approached. His
piercing blue eyes met mine.
"Rain" He said as his lips tugged up into a smile "How you've been?" I backed up again as he started to
approach me, and I gulped silently.
"Tyson" I whispered in shock to myself as my heart felt it was shot when I said his name. "Ohh, don't be
such a stranger babe, me and I both know who we are" He smirked as he squated down to my height.
"You and I" I corrected, and he raised an eyebrow "What?" "It's 'You and I' not 'me and you'" I stated.
His smirk grew wider "But see it isn't. I always come first, you should know that by now."
My heart was racing from the panic that was rushing through me, and I wanted to burst out crying but
crying was only a sign of weekends to them.
Tyson ex boyfriend.
"Come on Rain" He said as he kissed my neck and I pulled away "Tys (Tice), we can't."
"And why the hell not?" He asked getting annoyed. I flinched at his yelling and exclaimed "Because I'm
only 16!"
"That doesn't matter!" He yelled "You told me once you finished the finals we could do it again!"
"I know, but-" I started but couldn't finish since Tyson cut me off "I'm going into college Rain, and am
the quarterback with a girlfriend that won't put out, do you know how bad that seems to the rest of the
I pressed my lips in a thin line as I stood there silently. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair
", I love you."
I looked up to meet his piercing blue eyes and he wrapped an arm around my waist then pulling me
closer to him "You know that" He said as he caressed my cheek "And I can show you even more how
much I love you if we do this."
I bit my lip and debated about what to do. "We did it before" He said. "Last time we did it, you got me
drunk at at a party" I said.
He then grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me closer to him as his grip tightened on my wrist as he
gritted into my ear "I told you never to mention that."
Tyson and I have been together for a year, and he was a senior while I'm a sophomore. He was the
guy every girl wanted, and the "Bad Boy" around town. He's caught up in some gang violence, but told
me not to go to the police.
"Do you want me to get your dad?" He gritted as a threat, then pushing me onto the bed. He climbed
overtop of me, and pressed his lips to mine. His hands unbuttoned my flannel then taking it off and
throwing it to the side.
I tried to pull awat, but he kept me under his grip and his hands unbuttoned my jeans, and tears pricked
my eyes. "Tyson-" I said as I pulled away for a second but he quickly smashed his lips back to mine
and this repeated.
His hands unzipped my jeans and he pulled them down my legs. "Tyson" I pulled back but he grabbed
my hands and pinned them against the bed on the sides of my head so I couldn't move.
"Do you want to do this the hard way?" He asked annoyed, and I swallowed a lump in my throat.
He then made his way to my bra clasp and I started struggling in his grip as he sucked on the skin of
my the side of my neck. "Tyson" I spoke, squirming in his grip "Tyson stop. Let me go."
He didn't listen and his hands went to unhook my bra but I started pulling back from him and he pushed
me violently back against the bed. "Tyson stop!" I begged as tears pricked my eyes.
He wouldn't listen to me, and I did the only thing I could and screamed at the top of my lungs "HELP!"
as he then covered my mouth with his hand.
The door then opened and Mrs. Blix; Tyson's mom walked in. She stared shocked and Tyson's face
turned into anger.
"Rain..." She trailed off still surprised, and Tyson got off me "I think it's time to go home." I blinked
repeatedly as I stared at the ground and nodded slightly.
"Come on sweetie, I'll give you a ride home" She said and I nodded, then grabbing my clothes and
putting them on. Mrs. Blix cleared her throat "I'll wait for you in the hall", then walking out of the room.
I finished buttoning my flannel, and Tyson quickly grabbed me and pushed me uo against the wall, and
his normal piercing blue eyes were black and he gritted "You're so dead, Thompson."
I gulped then pulling away and walking out of the room.
After that, Tyson refused to let me go and forced me to have sex with him or threatened to tell the
whole school that I was basically a virgin in bed. I became mute for a month after that, I was put in
therapy. I then found the courage to break it off with Tyson in sophomore year summer with the help of
* * * * * * * * *
Ryker Anderson
I grabbed the cigarettes and a lighter from the dresser. Taking the cigarette out I started to light it, but
stopped when I remembered Rain hates cigarettes.
I threw them down onto the dresser and ran a hand through my hair.
Just tell her what the pills are for...
I grabbed the bottle of pills out off the dresser and looked at the label as I studied it for the moment.
Anger took over me and I chucked the bottle against the wall, and pills went scattering everywhere.
There was a knock at the door and looked to see Alessandra. "Hey" She smiled slightly, and I shifted
my eyes over to the otherside of the room.
"Ryker...just tell her.." Alessandra trailed off and I stayed silent as I kept my back towards her. "You love
her, so why is this such a big deal?" She asked.
"It's because I love her" I muttered and turned around to face Alessandra "I don't want her being so
concerned about me instead of herself, because that's the person she is."
"'re Bipolar, not dying of cancer" She sighed, and I rolled my eyes "It doesn't even matter
anyways. Medical bills are adding up, with Melanie's and Faith's payments, Reece's college's
all to much. I'm going to have to cut the prescription."
"What about Leah?" Alessandra asked as she leaned up against the doorway. "She's already working 3
jobs, and we're both splitting the bills for Reece, Faith, and Melanie" I stated.
"What about Rain?" Alessandra asked and my eyes flickered up to hers and I gave her an Are-You-
Serious look. "Don't give me that look, I'm being serious."
"I'm not asking my 18 year old girlfriend who's in high school for money!" I exclaimed, and saying it out
loud made it sound even more pathetic.
"Ryker" She narrowed her eyes at me "You know she's just more....well-off. Money isn't a problem for
her." I shook my head. Then everyone else barged in breathlessly.
"Rain's missing" Vince said breathlessly and my eyes widened. I quickly grabbed my phone and
pushed past them in the doorway. I ran down the hallway, and barged into her room.
It was empty and I walked over to see her phone on the dresser, and there was a cloth on the ground.
Everyone came in, and I picked up the cloth and scanned it over. "Someone drugged her" I said as I
tried to comprehend what had happened.
Rain's been kidnapped..
"This is all my fucking fault" I muttered, and quickly ran over to her closet where I knew there was a
knife, and I quickly put it in my pocket and Craig stopped me "Ryker we should think about this before
doing anything stupid."
"Rain's just been kidnapped, and you want to 'think about it'?!" I gritted through my teeth "Because if
you think I'm doing that, you've got another thing coming for you" then pushing past everyone.
I took the Skylines keys and ran over to it, then speeding off and trying not to run over everyone idiot
that doesn't know how to drive.
I clutched the steering wheel as I clasped my hands around it, and pressed down on the gas and sped
through the streets.
This is all my fucking fault...
If I would have never got mad at Rain and left, this wouldn't of happened. She wouldn't of been
kidnapped by God-knows-who and taken to God-knows-where.
* * * * * * * *
Rain Thompson
"Let me go!" I cried as I pounded on the door and screamed at the top of my lungs as loud as I could.
"Zeke! Let me go!" I yelled, the chain putting pressure on my ankle. I was pulled back by the chain and
collapsed on the ground.
I have been left in this room for hours without anything. It was getting to me, and claustrophobia kicked
in, as I was freaking out. I placed my hands on the ground and lifted my head up.
I saw a match under the bed, and I quickly sliding it across the cement floor, but it wouldn't lit. I tried
over and over again but it wouldn't light.
I sighed and took my fingernail then sliding it across fast, and it took to a flame. I quickly stood up and
walked over to the door as far as I could.
I slipped the match under the door out to the hallway, and hoped to would catch fire to something, so
someone would come down here.
I heard it catch to something then a bunch of smoke alarms go off. I backed up and walked to the
otherside of the room and stared at the door.
I heard yelling on the otherside of the door, down the hallway. I quickly grabbed a glass cup that was a
aside of me and waited for the door to open.
It bursted open and I saw a bunch of guys come in. They came over to me and unhooked the chain
from my ankle, then grabbing my arms.
I then through the glass at them and it shattered once it hit the ground. They let go of me, and I quickly
sprinted out of room and down the hallway that was on fire.
I inhaled a bunch of smoke and broke into a coughing fit but ignore it. I ran as fast as as I could and
had no idea where I was going.
I tripped over a piece of wood on the ground and heard yelling "Hey! Get back here!" I looked back to
see se broad guy running towards me.
I stood up from the ground and took off, trying not focus on my ankle I knocked a bunch of stuff behind
me so it would slow the down the guy.
I came to a hallway and saw some guy running towards me in the way I was running, and I turned
around to see another guy coming at me.
I looked around and began to panic as my breath was heavy and right when they were about to grab
me, I jumped up and caught a pipe that lead to a vent.
I pulled up my legs and let the guys run into each other as I hung above them. I pulled myself up into
the vent and had a Déjà vu moment back to when Ryker and I were in school after hours doing chores
for Mrs. Doyle and I had to climb up to the vent to get to room key.
I shook it out of my mind and tried not to think about him, because right now I'm the priority for once. I
crawled down the vent and came to a dead end. I sighed then backed up and kicked a platform.
A whole formed and I jumped out into a hallway. It was flooded with smoke and I squinted my eyes to
see a door which led to an exit.
I ran out of the building to what led me to a field in the middle of nowhere. It was all opened and in the
far distance there were moutains bordering the land. I quickly ran up a hill indent to try to escape.
I was then tackled to the ground and I looked up to see guy with blond spike up hair that was perfectly
messy and bright green Hazel eyes. My breath faltered and he stared down at me as he caught his
Zeke and a bunch of guys came running up "Good Job, Landlock. You caught her." The guy who was
overtop of me nodded slightly and stood up from the ground.
I was then grabbed violently by some guys and they threw me back against an old rusty truck, and I hit
my head against it.
"You want to play Thompson?" Zeke gritted in my face as he glared at me "Because I'll point a gun up
to your head and pull the trigger, cause after that it's Game over."
I stayed silent and we exchanged glares. "Pull a stunt like that again and I won't hesitate to slit you'd
throat open. Any words?"
I looked up to his brown eyes that bored into mine and said out of anger "Go burn in hell, fucker."
He punched me straight in the face and I clutched the side of my jaw as blood started to escape my
"Let's go" Two guys grabbed me and pulled me away and back into the worn-out run-down warehouse.
"Hey" A voice said and I looked up to see the guy with blond hair and green Hazel eyes walk in. I
clutched the coffee mug in my hands, and tried not to break it under the pressure I put on it.
He walked in and sat down on chair across from me as he leaned closer to the edge of the seat and
folded his hands as he stared at me.
"I'm James, James Landlock" He introduced as he stuck a hand out to me. I looked down at his hand
then back up at him, and he sighed "Not a hand shaker, I see" then pulling his hand away.
I glared at him, and he said bluntly "I'm not going to hurt you." I scoffed and shook my head "I'm not an
idiot, I'm not following for your game, Landlock."
"So you do talk" He tried to lighten the mood "No. Really, Rain. I promise I won't hurt you. This isn't fair
that they kidnap you when it's not even your fault."
I raised an eyebrow and gave a confused look "What? What are you exactly talking about?"
He gave me a confused look "Ryker Anderson...he got caught in a faulty drug deal for selling
prescription instead of what was ordered."
My eyes widened in response, and I asked "W-what exactly were these prescription d-drugs?"
"Uh...I think they were for Bipolar Disorder" He answered, and my heart sunk
That's what the pills were for...
Ryker was dealing drugs...
"Didn't you know this?" He asked confused "I mean everyone says you guys are really close..and that's
why Zeke targeted you; to get back at Ryker. They said they could bring Ryker in by torturing him while
capturing him, because that's what would get him."
I took in everything that was happening and looked up at James "You have to let me go.."
"Rain, I'm sorry...but I can't do that..." He shook his head "I'd get us both shot if that happened."
"If you really wouldn't hurt me, you'd let me go right now" I pleaded "Please, Please I beg you." noveldrama
He stared at me and clenched his jaw as his eyes turned dark. I gave him a pleading face of hope, and
he stared at me for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry Thompson. I can't do that" He said then standing up and walking out of the room as he shut
the door behind him.
I started to run after him only to be pulled back again by the chain around my ankle that was tied to the
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