Chapter 26
Chapter 26
"Load up" Craig said and I heard shoes scrapped against the stones on the ground, in the parking area
outside the warehouse.
I turned to see Chloe, and she said softly "Hey".
"Where have you been"?! Craig yelled and Chloe began to cry "I'm sorry-I....I-I just...with my parents
and all-...and my boyfriend being kidnapped-..."
"Boyfriend my ass" I muttered and Vince, Will, and Peter all chuckled and smirked.
Vince slung an arm over my shoulders "That da' girl".
It was morning, and we spent all last night getting ready and having a plan to find Ryker. I wanted to
just go find him already!
Chloe looked at me and said "He's my boyfriend Rain"! noveldrama
I scoffed a laugh "Boyfriend? Haha! More like fuck buddy, he doesn't like you Chloe! And you know
why? Because you're a clingy ass bitch who needs to go back from where she came from".
She slapped my across my face and I turned my cheek and it stung for a second then clutching my fist
and I was quickly restrained by the guys and they all said "Rain! Rain! Calm down!"
Chloe gave a smirk and said "And you know what we're going to do when he gets back? Well it
involves no clothes and a bed".
I struggled in the guys grip, and wanted to punch the living daylights out of her.
"Rain"! Reece warned and threw me over his shoulder and started to walk away.
"You mother-fucker bitch"! I yelled after Chloe as Reece walked away from everyone and set me down
and I huffed then pushed my hair out of my face.
"I thought I told you, you are the Mrs. Future-Rain-Anderson" He winked and I kicked him in the shin
and glared "Not the time Reece".
"Well it's not the time to kill Chloe, you can do that later. And I volunteer as tribute to help" He nodded.
I raised an eyebrow and crossed my hands over my chest "Did you just quote the Hunger Games"?
"Maybe..." He smirked and I let a small laugh escape my mouth. "Now, you done trying to commit
murder"? He asked.
"When am I ever"? I remarked sarcastically.
"Point taking" He said and I chuckled.
* * * * * * *
I ran into the hotel room, and up to the front desk where the lady was.
I put my hands down on the desk and said "I need to get into room 8-A on the 7th floor"!
Everyone came up behind me and the lady raised an eyebrow "Sorry miss...but I can't let you in there".
I can't believe I'm saying this...
"Do you know who I am"? I asked in a snobby tone and she blinked and looked taken back by my tone
and attitude.
"I'm Rain Thompson...the sheriffs daughter" I stated and twirled a piece of hair around my finger and
her eyes widened "Oh sorry Miss Thompson, here...." then giving me the keys.
I smiled "Thank you" and walked away.
Everyone stared at me dumbstruck and Leah asked "How did you do that"?!
"Being the sheriffs daughter...has some advantage" I shrugged and walked to the elevator, and
everyone got in and I hit the 7th floor button.
"I still don't think anything is here" Craig stated and I rolled my eyes.
"We should go back! Craig's right there is nothing here. Plus why do you care he's MY boyfriend" Chloe
stated. Chloe has been trying us not to come and to let the problem solve itself...
I rolled my eyes "He's not your boyfriend Chloe".
"Yes he is" She stated and crossed her arms over her chest, and I gave an amused look "And what
signals that he's your boyfriend, Chloe. tell me".
"We make out" She stated proudly, and I rolled my eyes "Newsflash Chloe, Ryker and I have made out
"So you do admit you two have made out!" Will and Peter exclaimed happily and smirked cockily, and
the elevator doors opened.
Ryker Anderson
"Fuck"! I muttered as I accidentally cut my wrist with the knife I was holding in my hands as I tried to cut
the rope apart.
"So......" Rhett came out with a gun in his hand "We're going to wait to kill you, till Rain gets here
because it'll be more interesting to see her reaction".
I glared at him and gritted "Don't fucking do that to her"!
"Oh really"? He asked an raised an eyebrow "Because we can do much worse to her....would you like
that instead"?
I tried to get out of the grip and struggled under the force of the mixture of rope and duck tape, and I
knew exactly what he was thinking.
They were going to rape her, or force her to sleep with one of them, and that's not going to ever fucking
"Don't fucking touch her"! I yelled and the smirk grew wider "That's what I thought. So tell me
Anderson....I mean just between us for old time you really like this girl"?
I clenched my jaw and muttered "It's none of your fucking business"!
"Oh...but it is" He smirked and my eyes went dark and I glared at with him.
If glares could kill, he would have died 350 times by now.
Of course I like Rain!
What fucking asshole couldn't see that....well apparently Rain....
She's so oblivious, to see I was only using Chloe to try to distract myself from Rain, but it obviously
didn't work....
"Blake"! Rhett yelled and Blake came out and Rhett said "Call Rain, let's have a little chat".
Blake took his phone out and called Rain.
Rhett wormed "If you fucking say anything, she'll be killed too".
Well there went my plan...
"What"?! She snapped as she answered the phone.
"Aww Babe, what's wrong"? Blake asked.
I clutched my fist and tensed up. Nobody calls her 'Babe' but me.
"Drop it! Where is he"?! She yelled into the phone.
"Where is who"? Blake asked pretending to be clueless.
I clenched my jaw and listened carefully.
"Cut the bullshit Blake! I will find you, and I will castrate you with your own fucking hands, and you'll be
wishing you were sleeping in Israel with a flock of sheep"! She threatened.
I smirked proudly.
That's my girl!
"Oooo, you know you're cute when your mad...with all your 'threats' and everything" Blake said.
"That threat will become your reality if you don't fucking tell me where you are"! She gritted and I heard
Craig's voice yell in the background "Ryker will find you! And Rain likes you"!
Rain quickly hung up and I fought back the smile appearing on my face.
* * * * * *
"AHAH" I hissed in pain and groaned as Blake cut a slit with his blade against my cheek and neck.
"Don't" Blake warned "You're already going to die".
"Exactly" I snapped back "I'm going to die so what does it fucking matter what I do"!?
Blake looked about fed up with me and grabbed a gun then pointing it at my chest.
"Blake"! Rhett's voice yelled and Blake dropped the gun and whirled around to Rhett.
* * * * * *
Rain Thompson
I walked into the room and knelt down on the ground by the king bed.
I pulled out a box and Will asked "A box? We drove an hour to get a box? Rain you owe me gas
I went to open it but there was a lock "What? No-this doesn't make any sense. In the dream Ryker said
I could get it".
"It's a DREAM Rain, they aren't real"! Craig said.
"No, I think Rain is right. I mean she dreamed about the 7th floor and the 8th room and something
under the bed. We came to the room and there was something under the bed" Leah explained.
Liz quickly walked over to the nightstand and pulled out a drawer and grabbed a key "Try this" and
handed in to me.
I put it into the lock and turned it, as the clock clicked and opened. I opened the box and and saw it was
some sort of gun.
Craig grabbed it and took it from me then scanning over it "It was Ryker's dads. It has Anderson
engraved into the side of it."
"Why would Mr. Anderson leave a gun in this hotel room"? Neil asked and cocked an eyebrow.
"That's something only Ryker would know...unless Leah or Reece do you know"?
They shook their heads and put their hands up in surrender, as they had no idea what it was for.
"Great...." I muttered and stood up.
"Let's go find Ryker" Neil sighed, and we all nodded and walked out of the room.
* * * * * * * * *
We drove to the cathedral, and I was anxious and I bit my lip.
"Ready"? Craig asked and everyone nodded and I took a deep breath. I fixed my leather jacket and
tied my converses again and fixed my jeans before we got out.
The guys held guns out, and I kept a blade in my pocket, and I kept it tucked into my hand close by.
"Head out"! Craig ordered and Vince and I ran up and everyone ran separate ways, and I heard noise
coming from inside.
I opened the back door and walked in and heard noise and I quickly hid behind a wall and heard a guys
voice say "I got it boss"! then footsteps coming towards me.
I inhaled and held my breath by pressing my lips in a thin line and stopping the rise and fall of my
chest, as the guy came closer and closer.
I closed my eyes shut and hoped for him not to come closer.
Please don't come closer...please don't see me....please...
Damn I have to sneeze! Rain this is why you're not in horror movies!
I tried to hold it back by then end up sneezing "AH-CHO"!
Vince was outside the door waiting for the coast to be clear.
The guy came and his eyes went dark when he saw me, I quickly clutched my fist and punch him in the
jaw which sent him flying back.
I kicked him in the gut and smashed him up against a wall and kneed him in the balls and the guy
groaned in pain and fell to the ground.
Vince came in with wide eyes, his jaw dropped, and a overall shocked expression "We could have just
shot him..."
"I don't like killing people..." I said as I took one last look at the guy "Besides he never did anything to
me" I smirked.
Vince looked at me shocked "Well aren't you Bad-ass, Thompson".
I rolled my eyes and we jogged down the halls of the cathedral.
"Go! Go! Go!" Vince yelled and we ran out into a room and Vince pulled the trigger numerous time and
aimed at random guys in the room.
I ran to one of the guys who was shot down dead and grabbed the keys that were hanging off the side
of his belt.
I don't know how many guys Rhett got here, but we've killed about 15 guys by now....and thats just
Vince and I..who knows about the rest of the gang.
"We have to find Ryker, now" Vince said and I nodded in agreement.
I quickly texted Craig and explained everything.
I grabbed one of the dead guy's guns and it was a revolver, and I took a magazine and loaded it with
bullets then slapping it into the gun and looked at Vince "Let's go".
We ran out of the room and down the halls as we held the gun out, and I saw a guy approaching us
with a gun, I quickly pulled the trigger and fell back and collapsed to the ground.
"Damn....remind me never to mess with you" Vince said still shocked.
"Guess those summers with my grandfather in Maine at the shooting range, paid off" I stated.
My grandfather always said to other people 'She does not miss' which means you're a really good
shooter and hit in the middle of the target 95% of the time.
"They probably have him captivated in the main room" Vince stated and I nodded as we ran down the
It was gray cement walls and floors as it was cold and I smelt mildew and a shiver went up my spine, I
had a bad feeling...
I heard gun-shots go off, and I froze and looked at Vince. "Your call" Vince said "We can go towards the
shots" as he nodded down the hall "Or we can run out and go back to the main entrance and start all
over again".
By 'Start all over again' it means that this place is so big and is like a Labyrinth that you can get lost in
for hours.
Just call me fucking Maze Runner Thompson!
I bit my lip and thought for a second and looked down the hall and another gun-shot went off "'s
your lucky day Baker, we're going towards the gun-shots" then I ran off.
"Why was I paired with you again"? Vince muttered then running to catch up with me.
I looked all around me and we heard repeated gun-shots go off, and it sounded like a Glock; and
depending on the bullet you have for a Glock and can kill someone with one bullet.
My heart was racing as adrenaline ran through me, my life feels like a action movie.....
I ran as fast as I could as I sprinted threw the corridors and Vince was right beside me. I ran to a room
and saw Liz and Peter.
"Hold your fire"! Vince yelled before they shot us and Peter put his gun down and Liz ran up and
hugged me "Oh thank God, I thought one of those gun-shots killed you".
I pulled back and shook my head "No".
"You 4"! A guys voice yelled and he came up and grabbed me by the arm and slammed me into a wall
and punched me.
I kicked him in the gut which sent him flying back. He hunched over in pain and I punched him and
grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and punched him in the gut then finding his pressure point and
pushing him down to the ground and he was out cold.
Peter and Liz stared at me dumbstruck and Vince smirked cockily.
"H-how did you learn how to fight like that?!" Liz exclaimed and I shrugged "I don't know" then bending
down and grabbing the guys gun and taking the magazine out of it and saw it was a full case of bullets.
I put it into the revolver I had and held it pointed down.
"We think they have him hostage in the main room" Vince said as he referred to him and I, and Peter
said "Craig thinks they have him in the tunnels of the church".
I pressed my lips in a thin line and shook my head "No...they wouldn't put him there...Blake would have
known that we would look there, plus the tunnel has a bunch of trap doors to get through...Blake
wouldn't be able to figure them out, you have to memorize a bunch of codes to figure it out..."
They all looked at me shocked "How do you know this"?
I bit my lip "I may have traveled off...when we stayed here...I was curious and knew something was up
with this place.."
"Rain!" They all scowled.
"What?!" I defended "I'm an adventurous person...". It's true I am a very adventurous mom
always use to call me an 'explorer who's up to trouble' because I would always go explore in the woods
and get myself into trouble.
But my mom never seemed to care..she was a very free-spirited person..but my dad got angry about
every-time I left from when I was 4-13 years old, then once my mom left I couldn't just leave and
explore anymore.
I heard a gun-shot go off and I heard Ryker's voice groan in pain.
My eyes widened and I quickly ran off and they all yelled after me "Rain! Rain! Rain wait!"
I ignored it and continued to run and ran as fast as I could as I heard them run behind me, I followed
the yelling and gun-shots.
I ran up and saw a window wall. A window wall is a clear wall that is made out of rubber glass and you
can see right threw it and the other people can see you.
I placed my hands on the glass and my heart sunk as I saw Ryker, and he was all beaten up with a
stubble beard growing on his face, he had bags-under-his eyes. A black eyes and had marks and cuts
Peter, Liz, and Vince all came up behind me.
I was frozen, I couldn't stand seeing him like this...everything went deaf in my world and I zoned out
and focused only on Ryker as Vince, Liz, and Peter were all shouting my name and trying to get my
Ryker's head snapped towards mine and his eyes were dark and full of different mixed emotion.
Rhett punched Ryker in the jaw while he wasn't looking then shoving him back and grabbing a gun and
pointing it at Ryker.
"NOOOO"! I screamed as tears streamed down my face and I pounded on the glass and my heart
They're going to shoot him! They're going to kill him!
Vince grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back and I was screaming at the top of my lungs for
Rhett and all the guys in there to stop, but they couldn't here me.
"RYKER! RYKER! RYKER!" I screamed as I tried to get out of Vince's grip as he was holding me back
and my face was flooded with tears.
Rhett pulled the trigger.
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