Maid for the Mafia

Your Maid

**ROMANY** "With you..." I murmur, my back going rigid when I feel Alex's fingers tracing up the back of my exposed leg, stopping to stroke the skin just beneath my ass.

"Yes," Alex hisses, and I feel his breath skate over my shoulder as his other hand joins the first in stroking the other side. "You should have been in here *last* night. If I had known where you intended to go, I would have stopped you *then.*" His hands stroke around to the front of my shorts, then up and over them to caress the skin of my exposed stomach. A shiver rides through me at the unexpected gentleness. The way he's touching me is almost romantic. I've never known Alex to be this soft, not ever. Not at all. Unless you count the one time the cops raided. The morning of the night that he *sold* me to those bastard associates of his. He was gentle with me that morning and as I recall, I was similarly surprised. But later that night...he treated me like a whore.

*He would do it again for the right price.*

"Why should I have been in here?" I snap suddenly, stepping away from him. I'm surprised when he doesn't follow me, so I turn around. What I see takes my breath away.

His dark green eyes are filled with something like longing and his jaw is set behind a slight frown. The moment he notices me looking, his eyes flare bright with anger and he shakes all previous emotion from his face. One glance downward tells me he's hard as a rock, his thick and powerful girth giving rise to his towel and I hate that my mouth waters for him.

"You should have been in *here* because it is the safest place for you and because *you* are *my maid.* Not Damien's *girlfriend* as my new secretary seems to think."

"Your maid," I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Okay, thanks for clarifying exactly why I *shouldn't* be in here *with you.* I think I can brave a little blood stain. In fact," I say with a finger to my chin, "I might even like seeing this one."

I stomp toward the doors, in a rush now since there are only ten minutes before breakfast, but before I can get them unlocked Alex is behind me, caging me in between his gorgeously toned arms. "Do you like these little games you play, trying to make me lose control? Hmm? Do you have any idea how dangerous they are? What I might do if I decide you need a tighter leash?"

"I'm hungry, Alex," I snap. "I only came here to see if I could use your shower, not to fight with you. I've had enough bickering this morning."noveldrama

He chuckles darkly and I feel his teeth nip at my shoulder. "Are you suggesting that I extend the breakfast hour for the day?" he whispers, pushing into me from behind and grinding his erection into my back.

I growl, "Not if I have to fuck you for it."

He stiffens, freezing with his mouth on the skin of my neck and I suddenly wish I could take the words back. The last time we were together in his office flashes through my mind. The angry, punishing sex that was hot as hell, but that I basically agreed to just to appease him and save Simone's job..

*Shit. I think I fucked up.*

Alex's arms slowly slide from the wall. "Fine," he snarls, pushing off of me. "Get out."

*Damn it.*


"Out!" he shouts, causing the walls to rattle a bit.

I turn around just in time to see that look in his eyes again, the vulnerable, wounded look he tries so desperately to hide from me. But he turns around the moment our eyes meet and he heads straight down the hall before I can say anything that might save what I've just corrupted with my thoughtless words. Now I'm frozen in place, a strange burning pain aching in my chest.

*He has to know that I enjoy being with him. It should be obvious.*

*But I've just made it sound like a chore.*

*Like a punishment.*

*Or...a bribe.*

The sound of his bedroom door slamming drags me back down to earth and instead of leaving like he told me to, I head for his room.

*This is stupid, Ro. This is dumb. Alex doesn't have feelings. What are you trying to prove?*

When I get to his bedroom door, I don't hesitate, just throw it open and step inside, slamming it behind me as I do.

He's standing in his closet with his back to me and his towel on the floor. The taut muscles of his deeply tanned ass are like magnets for my eyes and of course my gaze goes right to them. The winding trail of glorious, sinewy flesh that ripples and flexes up his back with his every breath holds me mesmerized for a moment, not knowing what to do or say. My fingers itch to touch him. I want to taste him again, the way I did that night, but without the doped up haze. I want to savor every little groan of pleasure I steal from him while I'm used to *him* taking control, but now that it's my turn - now that I have a chance to - I don't know if I can.

*But I want to. Fuck yes I do.*

"What are you doing in here?" Alex asks, his voice lower than usual. "No one simply barges into my room."

I ignore that, glancing at his perfectly made bed as I step further into the room. Simone told me that the breakfast hour is when the maids clean the third floor bedrooms, so I know that they haven't been here yet. *He must have slept on the couch.* Mickey said he's been doing that a lot lately.

*But why?*

*Maybe he misses Stella and sleeping so close to where he used to fuck her brings him peace.*

The thought sends a boil of anger through my gut and I shake it off, glaring at his back. "I'm taking a shower. Call your kitchen staff and have something sent up. I don't feel like seeing Damien until lunchtime."

I don't linger long enough to watch his response. Instead, I head straight for his large, exquisitely designed bathroom and shut myself inside. I think I hear him curse me as I get undressed, but I don't let it bother me. One thing I know about Alex, is that if he didn't want me in here, I *wouldn't* be in here. Stepping under the spray of his five headed shower, I begin to feel rejuvenated. Still, I'm surprised when I spend at least twenty minutes there scrubbing my lady parts and Alex never once steps inside behind me.

I was sure he would. I left the door unlocked just for him.

Mildly disappointed, I grab a towel from the rack and wrap it around my hair, then I pull down one of his plush bathrobes and slip it on. Grabbing my phone off the bathroom counter, I see I have a text message from Ruby.

*Should I tell him about his cousin being here?*

*He probably already knows, he said he has spies here.*

*You're not that girl, Ro. Leave it.*

With a hefty sigh, I tap on the message. **Ruby-**

Tomorrow is the big day. Be sure and be at the back of the estate by midnight. Text Ruby the moment you are there and a car will arrive for you. If anyone follows you, or you're not there on by the deadline, the deal is off and Ruby will never make it home. Is that understood?


Yes. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get off grounds though. They don't let me come and go as I please.


LOL. There's a tunnel under the house that leads to the woods behind the estate. It's a big secret. Hardly anyone knows about it. It's up to you to find the entrance. A little hint - it would be in the most private area of the house. The one place Alex doesn't even allow the maids to clean. Start there. Hopefully you find it, for Ruby's sake.

I delete the message thread and then contemplate what he said. There's only one place like that that I know of.

*Alex's office.*

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