Living With The Player

Chapter 40 Soccer Week[I]



The tutoring session went lovely. Dylan made no snarky comments or remarks, no flirting. He’s also kinda intelligent, once he gets past the whole bad boy issue. He’s an actual nerd. He’ll kill me, but it’s true.

As for Sunday, there’s nothing much to write up about it other than the fact that my parents ditched me, no new thing there. That’s practically all of it.

Now it’s Monday, back to my usual routine.

Up from bed. In the shower. Down the stairs. On Dylan’s bike. Get to school.

By the time I reached the stage, almost everyone was done with breakfast.

I took an extra ten minutes in the bathroom, but I didn’t mind since I had a full stomach from last night pizza.

One thing did catch me off guard. My parents eat breaking and eat bread. When did they return?

I avoided their gaze, pulling up a chair beside Dylan. They can save them apologises if they’ll keep making one mistake over again.

“Camilla, now that your parents are back for a while, do you want them to drop you off or continue with Dylan?”

Mr Emerton asked softly. I lifted my head, checking Dylan’s reaction.

Her hair was styled forward, black clothing as per his outfit, his face however seemed extra cheesy.

He even threw in a wink for me.

Parents it is. Maybe we can finally talk.

I can’t recall the last time that happened.

With that decision, I matched his smug grin with a smirk then answered

“I’ll go with my Dad.”

I said in a sweet tone. His eyes widened and he glared at me. This overconfidence is honestly getting thoroughly out of hand.

Just then, his lips twitched, mischief burning in his eyes.

“But how are we going to sneak off to a party after school?”

He zoned in my face, pouting his lips knowing that would surely catch their attention.

A few forks clung against the plate.

My dad was staring. On God! This is what payback looks like. Dylan is an arse. A fucking dick.

“You… went… to…. a… party….”

He drawled out, anger laced in each word. Fuck shit.


Dylan stuttered beside me, that was punishment for not picking him over my father. Not cool. Not cool at all.


Out of respect for the Emerton’s, I wasn’t scolded on the dinner table.

He did this perfectly. I pick them, he outed me, I get scolded because I picked them.

I rummaged through various ideas in my head, each one thinking of ways to kill Dylan without leaving a trace. Yes, that’s how annoyed I am and some more.

The first thought was I could suffocate him in his sleep, but he would scream and I might get caught, the second was slitting his wrist, he dies painfully buy I won’t have the balls to do that.

He’s a pain in the ass, I will get back at him somehow.

Dylan Emerton will get what is coming to him.

“You took Camilla to a party!”

I heard Mrs Emerton scolding at the corner.

I bit my lips wondering how quickly my prayers were answered. Karma came early today.

Time to play the victim card. I pouted, wiggling my brows trying to look so pitiful. It’s working.

“No mom, I….”

He trailed off, ruffling his hair without any defence. Backfire much?

He noticed she wasn’t ready to listen, she simply glared at him furiously.

“You two better get to school, we’re gonna discuss this when you get back.”noveldrama

That applied to both of us.

His mother and mine. Well, at least we are both getting equally punished. That’s the upside.

I did shake in fear while grabbing my things, heading for the car to wait for mom and dad. He gets to drive off alone, I’ll get the talk during the ten minutes drive. I should’ve just picked him.

No. He wants that. I will not let him win.

“You must be really happy now.”

He trailed behind me.

“I am happy actually but it’s not like I did anything, if you hadn’t opened your big mouth, none of this would happen.!”

I retorted.

He rolled his eyes.

“Well, why did you do it anyway? Just to get me in trouble?”

I frowned as he got on his bike.

“Nope. I enjoy taking you to school. Today’s just not gonna feel the same.”

He responded. I stopped my movements, he passed me and got on his bike quickly, as though the words weren’t meant to come out.

A smile crept up tugging Against my cheeks as I watched him start the bike the drive off.

My heart fluttered at his words and I found myself blushing slightly.

“Ready Darling?”

Mother asked as they opened the door. I hadn’t even noticed them walking past me. I shook my head vigorously in a bit to clear my head and I got into the car.

This was supposed to feel like old times yet I felt weird. I got used to holding onto him, the wind blowing past our faces as he drove, his breathing hitching the second I pulled tightly, how he smiles at the corner, the little things I enjoyed each day, instead, I’m stuck with my parents talking about the usual and being in the confines of a car.

Maybe I should’ve chosen Dylan.


Luckily, they kept to their words. Bad and good. Bad because I glued my face to the window, staring outside out of complete boredom. They uttered not a single word throughout the drive. Good because no scolding for now.

Finally, the ride was over as they pulled over close to the gate. I bade them goodbye before walking in.

Dylan pulled over In the lot, getting off his bike.

A few friends gathered around him, they began talking instinctively.

Must be nice. Being popular and all. Having folks to talk and chat with.

I held the edges of my bag, walking away briskly, ignoring him and his friends.

Back in the hallways, I took the direction leading to my locker. Everything was the same. Business as usual. Students discuss how their weekend went. A few gossiping about the kiss on Friday night as I strolled past them.

Business as usual. Wait a minute. Behind my locker, a figure caught my attention.

I narrowed my eyes and this better be some sick joke. A student fucking with me.

That jacket. I’ve only seen one person wearing that particular jacket. The ones with a serpent behind them.

“No! This can’t be.”

I looked again but it was true.

“Hello, students!”

The intercom sounded interrupting my half breakdown, I swirled my head to the mounted speaker at the side of the wall.

“Kingston high, our school and Richmond High, the visitors will be having a little friendly soccer match later this afternoon. The announcement should have been made earlier but it was omitted last week. Anyway, it will come up as a form of a competition between both students. Today is Monday, some of their students would come here for the first stages. As the competition progresses, some of ours would go there as per the custom. More details will be provided later. Enjoy soccer week!”

It trailed off. Before then, my head was beginning to hurt.

The bulleting board was right at the corner, I zoned in on one of the articles.

“The students of Kingston High will be here for a friendly practise match.”

It read.

My breathing accelerated.

That news has been posted since last week Wednesday. I usually go through these so how on earth did I skip it?

Fuck shit. So damn stupid.

“How could I miss this?”

I questioned myself.

“Brandon is a player for them, he’ll come over. That’s probably why Dylan was talking to his friends. It’s Brandon by my locker. He’s here already…”

“We’ll see very soon…”

His words from the party came back to memory.

I returned my gaze to the locker searching for him while trying to calm my heartbeat.

“School activities would be lesser this week because of the competition.”

Suddenly, his words began to ring in my head continuously replaying like a fricking loop.

He said we would be seeing each other soon, this is what he meant. I fought so hard not to talk about the past but with Brandon here, things are bound to come up.

Dylan is bound to find out. Today even. Brandon will tell him today.

Fuck shit!

He wasn’t by the locker anymore. Where? Just where did that bastard sneak off to!

Just as I thought, I felt a presence sneak up behind me.

I prayed silently before turning around meeting a smirking Brandon. The smirk you have when every fucking thing is going your wife.


He brushed my shoulders, poking my nose. Silvers ran through my spine at that tiny action. Trust me, they weren’t the good kind.


*Author’s Note:*

*Apologies for going M. I. A, had major issues. Looks like the truth may come to light? Will it? Well, we’ll just have to wait for chapter two. Much Love.*

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