Chapter 55
Sofia Andrew
I've been out of the country for two days. I was able to close the contract with the Germans and walk around. Just what I needed to get Angel out of my head for a while.
"Such a beautiful and thoughtful woman. It's as if she carries the whole world," says one of the partners, Dominik, a very handsome man with light blue eyes who is muscular and intelligent. He is not an angel, but he has his own charm. "Or breathing fresh air to relieve stress," I refuted with a small smile.
"That is also valid. Sofia, what don't you know about Germany?"
"If there is something I don't know, how will you help me?" I asked with a raised brow.
"Let me buy you dinner even if there isn't. Tomorrow, you are going on a trip, and I won't be able to enjoy your company anymore."
"I told you that I am a married woman."
"You did, and I'm not proposing anything indecent, just one innocent dinner with me," Dominik said in an attempt to appear innocent, but I knew better.
I thought for a second and found no harm in agreeing. "Okay, then. See you in the hotel lobby at eight."
"I'll be there at that time," he said, looking delighted.
"Excuse me, the other partners interrupted us. "Sofia, it is a pleasure for us to do business with Let-technology. The ability of a beautiful woman like you to be so brilliant is impressive."
"Thank you, Mr. Antoni. It is a great pleasure to serve you and for you to trust our project."
"You have proven to be very effective both in security and in communication. It is one of the best platforms we have seen." Dominik interjects, looking impressed.
"In two weeks, Dominik will travel to show you the progress; he has to do business there and doesn't know the country," Antoni informed me.
"I have no problem being his guide, as long as he is in the country."
"It will be a pleasure for me to get to know you-I mean, your country," Dominik said flirtatiously, and I feel intimidated, I admit, because the man is charming.
"I have to go because I have to resolve other matters. Once again, it was very nice to meet you and do business with you, Sofia," Antoni told me, and we separated ways with Dominik accompanying me to the exit. "I'm looking forward to our dinner, Sofia," Dominik told me, never taking his eyes away from me.
"I'll be ready at eight, but I can't take too long; I still have a flight to take."
He bids goodbye with a kiss on the back of my hand, making me think he's such a gentleman. It's a shame that my heart is occupied by an idiot.
As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I contacted Isaac.
"Boss, I am hoping to hear good news."
"We have the contract signed and millions of dollars in the account." I broke the news, and he shouted in happiness.
"I knew he was going to like it; you're a genius, Sofia!"
"Thank you, thank you, and thank you. In two weeks, one of the partners is going to show us the progress and clear up doubts-you know, the trial month."
"But why do they need to personally come? Normally, we can monitor it over the network."
"It seems that the partner has something to do in our country, and he is going to take advantage of the time."
"Is the partner handsome?" I hear Amelia's voice asking.
"Hello, Amelia. Why am I not surprised to see you close to Isaac?"
"He's my boyfriend; who is he going to be attached to if he's not me?" Amelia replied, and I can imagine her rolling her eyes.
"Fair point."
"Well, your business is over, right? Now hand me the phone." She removes Isaac from the video call and takes possession of the phone. "Now, Sofia, is he handsome or not?"
It's my turn to roll my eyes at my friend. "He is handsome, very handsome, and he even makes me nervous."
"Wow, that's new."
"He is a very charming gentleman with an equally charming smile. I'm actually going to see him tonight for dinner."
Amelia squealed a little. "My friend bewitched a German; what a success!"
"Now, don't exaggerate; it's just a dinner between business partners."
"Sure, whatever, Sofia. I have been alive to know some businesses that have ended in a hotel room."
"Maybe if it's another person you're talking to."
She sticks her tongue out at me. "With a handsome German who wants to close a contract in a different way, there you are still thinking about your idiot husband who doesn't deserve you."
"It's not something I can ignore, and in case you forgot, there is a contract of fidelity, and even if he has broken it, it doesn't mean that I will."
"Yeah, yeah. Speaking of that man, he is looking for you like crazy."
"You haven't told him where I am, have you?" I asked suspiciously.
"No! What do you think of me? I just told him that you were on the beach enjoying cocktails with cute guys and welcoming being single."
I gasped and would have smacked her if she was with me. "Amelia! You didn't tell him that."
Amelia scoffed. "Of course I did! Let him suffer for a while for being an idiot. You should have seen him, Sofia; he was burning with jealousy and rage!"
"Jealousy, I doubt it. Perhaps he fears that I will divulge his secret. By the way, I found what I was looking for."
"The Arab that Elisa left?" she asked, and I nodded. "Where? Never mind. I don't know why I still ask when you and Isaac are both computer nerds."
"What I'm trying to say is that I was kind enough to tell him where to find his beloved," I told her with a smirk.
It's Amelia's turn to gasp in excitement. "The bitch will wish she's dead when she sees him."
"No, don't let her die just yet. I want to see her suffer from it. Make her regret every minute of her life for messing with me."
"I think she's not having a good time, Sofia. Angel has been harassing her."
"In that way?" I asked in curiosity.
"I think he wants to push her to her limits. Angel organized a meeting with the people from her past. Most of them were the "friends" she had and a few other classmates. He even included the professors she slept with. In fact, even Kevin went." "Get out! He did do that. And what did that pest do?"
"He was pale when he came in. He put a lot of pressure on him, and I think he knows something."
"Of course, he knows; before I left the country, I left him the folder that Patricia gave us."
"Ah, that explains everything. Did you also let him know about the abortion?"
"No, that's the golden bomb that I plan to leave for last. After all, that's how she manipulated Angel. What did you find out about Patricia, Amelia?"
"What she told us was the truth. It was the boyfriend, not her."
"Tell me you made him suffer at least."
"Uhm, I wasn't able to because Angel beat me to it."
I blinked a few times. "Now you have lost me."
"Angel brought Elisa to meet Patricia, and Patricia told him that Elisa had paid her boyfriend and that the only contract she had with you was the partnership. That she did not know what information she was talking about and how they were going to seize her." "But there was no debt paid, and Elisa looked like a liar in front of Angel." I finished what she was about to say.
"Exactly. According to what Patricia told me, Angel went to see her and asked her if she was the one who gave you the folders and why she hadn't said anything, but she didn't tell him about the baby, or the photos, or anything. That's when the boyfriend arrived and a fight broke out and the guy ended up imprisoned for hitting and threatening Patricia. Angel made sure that he wouldn't see the sunlight for weeks due to the mistreatment of a woman."noveldrama
"And what happened to the debt?"
"I paid it and the contract still stands, but I haven't told her yet. Let her suffer for a while. By the way, guess who is not having a good time as well? Your in-laws. I don't know what they did to your father, but Gerard is giving them a hard time. He closed all his privileges, and your father-in-law has even lost some business partners and deals," Amelia summarized, sounding very excited.
"Angel will surely support him."
"That's what surprised me as well, girl! He doesn't even want to see them! I'm telling you those three are up to something."
"Who?" I asked, and Amelia groaned in frustration.
"Sofia, come on! Your dad, Angel, and his grandfather. I swear they are onto something, and it scares me a little."
I hummed under my breath. It sure is suspicious. It's not normal for my dad to get along with Angel after what happened at the club."
"That's what I said, but your aunt and Vanessa don't know anything either."
"That is strange. I wonder what they're up to."
"By the way, when are you leaving for France?"
"First thing tomorrow morning. As soon as I arrive at the hotel, I will leave my things and go straight to the meeting with the fashion company. It just occurred to me that we could set up our Lee Andrew branch in France."
"That is not a bad idea, but we need to be prepared to distribute our products on a larger scale."
"Let it be big. We are going to launch our new collection, and I'm thinking we can do it in Paris. What do you think?"
"Not bad, but although our brand sells well, it is still not considered recognized in a country like France or Sofia. And if we launch there and it is not so successful, we are going to suffer a huge loss."
"Don't be so negative, Sofia. The idea is to create a partnership, and in a month we can see the fruit of our effort. We can advertise the launch in Paris, but not just anywhere; it must be the best. When we're together again, I'll tell you, and we can make plans together." "You know I trust and believe you in everything, Sofia."
"Amelia, returning to Elisa's unpleasant topic, the Arab should arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow; can you make sure he sees his beloved and Angel?"
"Do you want them to meet? Isn't that a disaster? He is Arab; don't you remember the fame he has? You never know what will happen."
"Although even I would kill Angel, I don't want to be a widow yet, but what I want is for Angel to know that while he was comforting her loved one in London, she was enjoying her last days of singleness. Also, I want everyone to know that the girl is engaged." "Do you want me to filter the information?"
"You know me, Amelia. According to the Arab, they are still committed and have a law or custom, or what do I know? It surprises me that Elisa is still her fiancée, not to mention that she still owes him a good amount of money. So I took it upon myself to organize a family dinner with everyone close to her and Angel at the usual restaurant. So when he comes to look for his beloved, I want Isaac to be in charge of filtering all that information, and bam! Elisa wakes up being the fiancée of the year."
"I bet when it's over, she'll want to crawl back to her cave," Amelia said while laughing.
"Let's see how she explains her commitment to Angel and that idiot who continues to believe her."
"Are you going to make Angel suffer? The poor guy is already like a soulless corpse because he can't find you."
"Let him be. Why should I care when he never did? I suffered for five years when he went on a trip without warning and showed up weeks later, the last time it lasted five months."
"Aren't you going to take five months to come back?" She teased me.
"No, Amelia, but he doesn't have to know that; in fact, he doesn't have to know anything about me at all. He wanted a copper; well, let him enjoy it because this diamond is having fun in Germany and is going to get ready to leave."
Amelia looked proud of me. "That's my friend; let him suffer for being an idiot and enjoy the night. I'm not saying that you should sleep with him, but dance, baby, let loose, and the occasional kiss won't hurt you."
I just shook my head at her ideas, but it's not a bad idea.
I got ready at eight; I put on a black bell-shaped dress and burgundy shoes, and I just let my hair down. I painted my face with simple makeup and found myself simple yet beautiful. Angel doesn't know what he's missing, but others do, so if he can enjoy his life, I can too. "Wow, just when I thought you couldn't look more beautiful, you surprised me," Dominik exclaimed when he saw me.
I smiled a little. "Thank you so much. Do you mind telling me where we are going?"
"To the Gaststätte Sophieneck, have you been there?" He asked, and I shook my head. "There are plenty of Brazilian and German dishes, so you can choose the one you like, and then, if you want, we can go to the Ankerklause bar, which is a disco, or Lang Bar, which is a cocktail bar after." "Sounds interesting."
We went to Gaststätte Sophieneck first. We ordered two traditional dishes from both countries and the local beer. We talked about how he became a civil engineer and that he likes traveling, swimming, and coffee. I told him why I became an automotive engineer, how I started a technology company, and my plans to conquer the world. Then we went to Tresor and changed the itinerary. We listened to music, we danced, and we also looked at the river. I ended up drinking a lot, and when Angel called, I answered because I wanted to make him angry.
"Hello. Who is this?" I asked, my words slurring a little, and the music didn't let me hear well.
"Sofia! I can't hear your voice! Where are you?!"
"Who is this?" I asked again to continue playing dumb.
"It's Angel! Are you at a party?!"
"Ah, it's just you. What do you want?" I asked in a disinterested voice.
"I want to know where you are."
"Why do you care? I'm enjoying life, dancing, drinking, and meeting people!"
"With men?!" he shouted, and I flinched, my eardrums hurting.
"Yes, what of it? Is something happening at the company?
"No, I just want to talk to you. Where are you? When are you coming back?"
"I have nothing to talk to you about, Angel. Where am I? It's none of your business! When do I come back? I don't know, maybe tomorrow, the day after, in a week, a month, whenever I feel like it. As long as the company is not on the verge of falling."
"In case you forgot, you have a presentation to make, Sofia!"
I rolled my eyes at him. "Yes, Dad, thanks for the reminder. Are you done?"
"No, no, no, you're not leaving Sofia. I know you're upset, but let me explain. I read the folder you left me."
"I don't have time for this, Angel, and I already told you that I don't care what you do with your life. Be with Elisa or whoever you want. You had your fun, and I have the right to, and since I am literally getting divorced, I can enjoy what I have not been able to do the last five years." "Sofia, stop fooling around and stop making me angry. You're my wife, and no one is getting a divorce here."
"The papers you gave me and I signed say otherwise, Angel. That means freedom for me, so goodbye; you've already taken up my time, and they're waiting for me."
"Be careful what you do, Sofia; you don't want to see me angry," he warned with a growl.
"Dude, being angry is your natural state, but let your girlfriend put up with you because I'm done. I am passing that task to her, and that's it. Stop bothering me."
I hung up on him and glared at my phone. This idiot really knows how to make me angry!
"If you care, then suffer!"
"Are you fighting an invisible enemy?" Dominik interrupts me in a teasing tone.
"I just got a call from an idiot, but not enough to ruin the night."
We continued dancing and talking. Around two o'clock, I remembered that I had a flight to take, and Dominik offered to take me back to the hotel.
"Thank you for tonight, Dominik. I had a great time. I needed this to distract myself."
"It's a great pleasure, Sofia." He stared at me for a long time. Is he thinking of kissing me? Because I won't let him. Even in this state. "It's really a shame you're married."
"I say it sometimes too, especially these days, but what can we do?" I replied with a laugh.
He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Have a good trip, and I'll see you in a few weeks."
"In a few weeks, I'll wait for you to give you a good tour. Thank you and goodbye."
I went up to my room and sat on the bed without changing first. Why do I have to be married? Or rather, why do I have to be in love with an idiot who claims to be my husband and who doesn't love me? If only I wasn't in love with him, it would be easier.
"I hate him; he can't even let me dance quietly," I stated in annoyance, and my phone beeped.
'Sofia Andrew-Leffman, remember that no matter how angry you are, you are mine, so be careful what you do.'
I groaned and almost threw my phone away. Why does this man have to be so arrogant?! I snatched my phone and angrily replied.
'I don't belong to anyone, least of all yours. I am free, so stop bothering me and let me enjoy life.'
I took a bath and went to sleep. France awaits me tomorrow, so I need to rest. Damn, I think I drank too much.
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