His Little Flower (Felix and Flora)

His 67

woke up to a single text on my phone.

You can have the day off-

I was from Felix.

I smiled to myself, and snuggled deeper into my bed. A day off was exactly what I needed. Especially after the episode last night. But mostly because my nose was blocked and my head hurt. I had known that I’d come down with a cold. But the knowing never makes the arrival better.

groaned and pulled the covers tighter over me.

I was so excited to rest at home. But then, I heard the clinking of pots and pans outside. Ugh. My Dad was home. I’d rather go to work now than be in the house with him. I slowly got out of bed, brushed my teeth and took a warm shower. I popped an aspirin and went to the kitchen. I’d be a little late to work, but I guess that was fine. When I went to the kitchen, my Dad and I didn’t acknowledge each other. But I saw his gaze linger on the bruise he had given me.

I grabbed an apple on

le on the way out and ate it in my car.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and toast assaulted my senses as I stumbled into the kitchen, late and decidedly disheveled. My head throbbed with a dull ache. The smell of food made me hungry.

Linda peered at me through her glasses, eyebrows raised in silent condemnation. She was slaving over the stove making some egg morning. Flora,” she drawled, her voice thick with sarcasm. “Just

popping in for afternoon tea, are we?”

“Well, good

I was surprised at the mean words. It wasn’t like Linda to be like this.

I winced, my sheepish grin feeling more like a grimace. “Sorry, Linda. Cold hit me like a train this morning. It’s the worst cold dragged myself out of bed.”

of my life, I th

I think. I barely

She Liked, but her eyes softened with concem. Alright, alright. Don’t push yourself too hard. Here, take this up to Felix. Got him his usual scrambled eggs and toast just the way he likes it.”

She thrust a tray into my hands, the warmth of the plate radiating through the thin fabric of my shirt. I nodded. But then I decided some cut up fruit would be a nice addition to the breakfast tray. So I cut up some strawberries and a kiwi for him.

The tray in hand, I ascended the creaky stairs, each step a minor battle against the throbbing in my skull.

Felix’s door was slightly ajar, the rhythmic strumming of a guitar spilling out into the hallway. He was listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd. I peeked in, finding him perched on the edge of his bed, sunlight pouring through the window and playing in his messy hair. He looked up, a frown momentarily creasing his forehead before a quizzical look marred the soft look on his features,

“Hey,” he said. “You shouldn’t be here. I texted you, said you could take the day off.”

The lie I’d mumbled to Linda sat heavy on my tongue. “I saw,” I managed, “but honestly, I didn’t feel like being cooped up at home all day. Besides, a little cold won’t kill me.”

He gave me a look that could curdle milk, the concern in his green eyes battling with his usual gruffness. “Not a smart move,” he grumbled. He took the

tray from me.

“Have you eaten?”

I hadn’t, and told him so. “I had an apple.”

Sit down,” he ordered. noveldrama

I raised an eyebrow at him. When the look on his face didn’t change, I obeyed and sat down. He pushed the tray of food toward me. “Eat.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed. “No, I’ll eat later, Something in the kitchen. Some leftovers. Or I’ll go buy a sandwich.“

My hands automatically moved toward the food. I popped a strawberry in my mouth. It was fresh and tart. Within minutes, I had finished the whole tray. Eating made me feel better.

The unexpected gesture sent a jolt through me. He seemed oblivious, prilling the tray back with a grunt. “Seriously, Flora, Go back home. Sleep it off.”

His harsh words held a softness. I hadn’t brand in a while, a gruff concern that warmed me mire than the cup of coffee I desperately craved. He might be a grumpy, infuriating, ammaying man most of the time, but somewhere beneath the grill exterior lurked a flicker of… well, something.

He still cared about me.

Even after his actions last night, it still s

surprised me. I still couldn’t believe it

The thought startled me, bringing a smile to my lips despite the pounding in my head. “Maybe later,” I said, setting “But thank you for the breakfast. I’ll go right down and make you something?

The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement, “It’s alright. I’ll eat at work.”

“Are you sure?

He nodded. “Plus, Linda always salts her eggs too much.”

He was

right.: She did.

the tray down on his


He chuckled at his own little comment, a low, rich sound that reverberates through me like a forgotten melody. I felt a lightness bloom in my chest, pushing back the dull ache in my breail…

It had been so long since I had heard or seen him laugh…

His laugh was velvety aisd manly and light and it was like the room was filling with sunshine at the sound, It warmed me to no extent, I smiled at him, and for a moment, the few little seconds of mirth were so sweet, so beautiful.

“Maybe,” I teased.

He shook his head, a genuine smile gracing his features.”

I left the room soon enough and went downstairs. While I got

at to do sonse cleaning, I saw Felix leave for work, acknowledged me with a noi.

dressed in i dap

dapper suit. He

Later in the day, I was in the kitchen when suddenly, Liam himself materialized in the doorway, his hair still damp, a Starbucks cup clutched in his hand. “Coffee from your savior,” he announced, grinning mischievously. “Hope you like pumpkin spice.”

I loved pumpkin spice!

A grin spread across my face. “Liam,” I breathed, turning to him with a grateful smile. The sight of him, with coffee in hand made me smile very hard. I was thinking of a nice, hot coffee the whole day. “You didn’t love fo

“Oh, but I did,” he insisted, placing the cup beside the sink. “You got soaked to the bone last night, caught a cold because of the rain. Least I can do is caffeinate you back to health.”

“How did you know I have a cold?”

He winked, “Call it a sixth sense.”

“Your sixth sense is detecting colds?”

He chuckled, rolling his eyes. “Atom told me

His eyes zeroed in on my face, I knew he was looking at my bruise. “What happened?” He asked, “I wanted to ask you yesterday, lou.”

“Oh Nothing”

He seemed to sense my hesitation, his grin fading. “Hey,” he said softly, reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from my face. “You

fingers glazed the tender skin of my forehead. The intimute gesture made me shift in my step. “hist a fall,” I mumbled, avoiding his

He tilted my chin up gently, his green eyes searching mine. “Flora,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m so glad you’re okay. And… I’m glad you forgave me.”

“Oh,” I breathed. “Yeah. It’s all forgotten.”

Most of it

“I’m really glad that we’re friends, Flora.” He whispered to me. “I think I can really count on you.”

“I think I can count on you too.” I said, but it was a lie.

“I’ll get you some aspirin,” he offered. “I’ve got some in my car.”

“No, that’s-”

He silenced me with a soft smile. “Learn to accept help, he promised, his fingertips tracing the bruise on my head. “Right now, let me fix your car and make things right.”

“Fix my car?” I exclaimed, surprised. “No, Lam! I can call a mechanic. Please don’t trouble yourself.”

“It’s no trouble.” He urged, “Just a friend helping a friend. I’m sure you’d do the same for me.”

The unspoken offer of friendship, of a tentative, cautious rebuilding of trust, resonated with me. And so, I nodded, a warmth spreading through me that went beyond the comfort of the hot coffee.

The rest of the day was a blur of activity. Liam tinkered with my car. I worked in the kitchen.

a moment, then relaxed,

When he finally declared the car fixed, a triumphant grin on his face, I impulsively threw my arms around him. He stiffened for an his hands hesitantly returning the embrace.

It was an awkward hug, but it was a hug nonetheless.

As we pulled apart, a shy smile dancing on my lips, he met my gaze, his eyes shimmering with an emotion I couldn’t decipher. “Thanks.” I said, my voice

“I barely a whisper. “I owe you one.”

“You don’t,” he answered.

Chapter Comments

Tracey Blair Price

her car was still at Felix’s house hence why she walked, almost got attack by 2 men after she fell getting dirt and scraping her hands before she ran into Felix who drove her home.

Valeri Burnet Lauletta

I’m confused did she have a bed or did she sleep on the sofa.


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