Forgotten Wife: Let the Traitors Kneel Down

Chapter 202


As they walked through the halls Sirius couldn’t stop wondering what was going on with the princess, what was the secret she wanted to keep from the king.

Upon reaching the room where the queen and the baby princess were, Alessandro opened the door very slowly, as he didn’t want to wake his daughter if she was sleeping, but upon hearing the baby’s laughter, he ended up opening the door out of greed and entered saying.

"My beautiful princess is awake."

Alessandro went to where she was, took her in his arms and began to kiss her chubby cheeks. Sirius entered shortly after, and upon seeing the princess he knew the reason why the queen had intercepted him in the hallway, he knew what the princess’s secret was.

"Isn’t she beautiful?"

Alessandro asked as he showed him the baby in his arms. Sirius nodded silently, which didn’t please Alessandro.

"Are you not going to say anything?"

Sirius realized that the king wanted him to praise the princess, and he wouldn’t be satisfied until he praised her properly.

"Forgive me, your majesty, it’s just that the princess’s beauty took my breath away, it left me speechless."

"I understand you, she is the most beautiful thing that exists in this world."

April arched one of her eyebrows as she looked at Alessandro, he cleared his throat and corrected himself.

"You are also beautiful my love, you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

April ignored Alessandro’s words as he tried to fix what he had said and greeted Sirius.

"Long time no see Sirius, how have you been?"

"Very well, your majesty, thank you for asking."

"Thank you very much for coming, please have a seat."

Sirius took a seat in front of the queen, both of them exchanged glances as Alessandro tickled the baby.

"I suppose Alessandro has already said everything."

“I don’t know everything, but she asked me to accompany her as her guard on her visit to the kingdom of Laios.”

“That’s right, I must go close the rift of Hades that is there, it was a promise I made to my brother and now I must fulfill it.”

“What if it’s a trap? I mean even if he’s her brother, he’s the enemy.”

April showed him the mark of the alliance between them and answered.

“I’m aware of that, but if he betrays me he will also die, our alliance is not just word, it’s by blood ties, if he betrays me, he will also die.”

“I understand.”

Gabriel entered the room and said.

“Your majesty, there are some documents that need to be approved immediately, please return to your office.”

Alessandro hated the idea of ​​having to go back to work, but he knew that Gabriel’s words weren’t a lie, there were still many documents that required his signature, so with great regret he handed the baby to April, gave her a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye.

"I have to go, I’ll see you later."

Once alone, Sirius approached the little princess again and with a voice full of concern said.

"Now I understand why she came to intercept me this morning, even though she’s only six months old, her power has already awakened."

April caressed her baby’s chubby cheeks as she said.

"That’s why I’m so worried about Lissana."

"I understand your concern, the power she possesses is too great for such a small body, you know that could be dangerous, right?"

Yes, I’m aware that she could suffer from an overload of magic, I’ve been using my magic to stabilize hers, but it’s not always effective, sometimes she uses nullification magic without meaning to."

Sirius stared at the baby, the little girl was overflowing with power, April was someone very powerful and possessed an almost unlimited amount of magic, but that girl seemed to have inherited not only April’s power, but also Alessandro’s.

"What powers has she manifested?"

"So far, fire, air and sometimes light magic."


"Yes, I was also surprised the first time I discovered it."

"Normally, a person can only manipulate one element, although in your case it is different, you possess two elements, although your flames do not burn."

"Now they do, since I broke the last seal, I have begun to handle my magic even better and do things I couldn’t before."

"What I mean is that manipulating so many elements can be very dangerous for her."

"I know."

"The princess could die."

April remained silent, she seemed surprised, but not at the same time.

"I think she already feared it and for that reason she has kept her power a secret."

April stroked her baby’s head and replied.

“I’m aware of Lissana’s power and to be honest, it terrifies me in more ways than one, but that’s not the only reason I’ve kept her power a secret.”

“I suppose the questions you wanted to ask are related to that.” “

Yes, my mother gave her life to hide my power, but now I believe that she didn’t do it just for my father but for his family as well.”

“For the elves?”

“Maya once mentioned that children born between a human and a possessor of light were considered an aversion, if that union were to happen and a baby was born, the elves would take those children to their kingdom, removing them from the human world, since they were undefined creatures, creatures that did not belong to the Light, but neither to the darkness, therefore their power was greater than that of a normal elf and a human, if I am considered an aversion for being a half-breed, what do you think they will think of Lissana if they discover her existence?”

“I think nothing good.”

“Exactly, that is why I fear so much for the fate of my daughter, I fear that in the future they will try to separate me from Her.”

“I respect your decision to hide your daughter’s power, but if you ask for my opinion, I think Alessandro deserves to know what is happening with his daughter.”

“I will tell him, but this is not the best time to do it, so, could you keep this secret?” “I already told you I would, I won’t break my word.”

“Thank you very much Sirius.”

“Back to the main topic, when do you plan to leave for the kingdom of Laios?”

“I would like to leave tomorrow if possible, but I still have to wait for Cassian. There are some things I need to take care of before we go, so I don’t think leaving tomorrow will be possible either.”

“I understand, then I’ll be waiting for you here, come back when you’ve put your affairs in order.”

“I’ll come as soon as possible, I don’t think it will take more than two days.”


Sirius stood up and said to her.

“I’ll leave immediately, so I can leave as soon as I can.”

“Thank you very much, Sirius.”

“You’re welcome April, see you soon.”

After Sirius left, Lissana used her wind magic raising the curtains with a strong gust of wind, immediately April used her magic to cancel her daughter’s magic.

What worried April the most about having to leave was being separated from her daughter. She feared that her power could get out of control in her absence.noveldrama

She caressed her baby’s cheeks and said to her.

“My little one, you must behave while I’m gone.”

April had so many questions about her daughter’s power, about what she should do to protect her, but there was no one who could answer them.

She gave a big sigh.

“How I wish you were here, mom.”

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