Alpha's Second Chance

Chapter 0202


I wake up the next day, and the first thing I do is take a shower. Then I dress in something that will be comfortable to walk in all day. So I chose sweatpants, a hoodie with a tank top underneath, and my comfortable sneakers.

I had used last night to make a plan to go by the best route through the second territory down to the last one. Where Mia was last seen around the border towns, if the rumors were true, but there was one way to find out.

Mateo and Massimo helped me find the safest route down there, including the safest towns, but they still urged me to be careful. Even though I had been allowed to walk through there, they told me to be extremely careful and to avoid the main city where the Alpha was.

After packing, I went downstairs, where Mateo, Massimo, and Pippa were up already.noveldrama

"Good morning, princess," Mateo says.

"Please just call me Rose, and good morning," I say and smile.

"I made you some breakfast. I also packed a small bag with some sandwiches and something. But I put some cookies in there, too." Pippa says and I smile.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that, but thank you," I tell her and hug her before I sit down.

"You have all been so nice to me and helpful. Thank you." I say.

"You are welcome, Rose," Massimo says, and we all eat.

After breakfast, I get ready to leave, and they walk with me to the edge of the town to make sure I find the right road. I thanked them one last time, and they all hugged me before I turned around and started walking.

The plan today was to make a border town or a town just before it and rest there until tomorrow before I went into the next territory. We had drawn a route on the map that I would follow to get there as fast as I could. But I was still set to be in that territory for four days, which worried Mateo a little, and he told me not to trust just anybody there. He had heard rumors that if you first went to live there, you could never move out again, or the Alpha himself would kill you.

The stories they had told me they had heard were horrible, but the middle territory was the largest after the attack on the fourth territory. The Alpha trained his packmembers to be killers, and this was the reason that no one had done anything about it.

As I was walking I sent messages to Mom and Dad and all my siblings on their phones, and didn't take long before Noah wrote back in some group chat.

>> Hey sis, this is a group chat with us, the twins and Mom and Dad of course. I thought this would be a way for you to talk with us all. <<

>> Hey, Bro, that is awesome. Thank you, it's a good idea, but remember, I walk a lot, and might not always answer right away. << I wrote back in the chat.

>> Hey Princess. Good idea, son. And don't worry, we know you can't be on your phone all the time. << Dad wrote.

>> Oo, this is a good idea, and we won't bother you too much sweetheart. Love you, be safe out there. << Mom wrote

>> Love you, sis. Be safe, HUGS FROM US. << Nora wrote, and I knew that meant Nadia, too.

>> Love you all. I will message you when I stop for the night. << I promised, and then I put music on through my headphones.

Italy was a beautiful country to walk through, and most places looked like they had kept the history alive. Today, the plan was to make it to Piacenza or Cremona, both border cities. Mateo had said to try going for Cremona as it belonged to Alpha Leonardo, while Piacenza was partly owned by the middle territory.

So I did what I was told, as I knew Cremona would be the safest place to get some good sleep before I walked into unknown and if rumors were true, dangerous territory.

After walking for about four and a half hours, I arrived in Casalpusterlengo, where

I was totaled to the road leading to Cremona. That should have been a longer walk than I had already done today, so I decided to take a break and eat a sandwich and a cookie before I continued.

As I started walking again after finishing my sandwich and cookie, I felt this weird feeling in my body. I didn't feel sick, just as if something was pulling at me, and I couldn't resist the urge to follow it.

It led me to some big markets.

Wolves walked past me, greeting

me, and bowed as if they knew who I was, but other than that, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. The feeling was still there, but I couldn't locate where it came from, sgì mentally smacked myself. For a short few minutes, I thought I had felt the pull of a matebond, but I knew I could not be that lucky.

An older couple came over to me and greeted me.

"Hello, you must be the girl the Alpha told everyone about. I am Filippo, and this is my mate and wife, Sofia."

"Hello, I am Rose. And yes, I am the one you heard about."

"Welcome to Casal. That is what we call our town, and it is shorter and easier." Sofia says and laughs.

"Thank you. I am not staying this time, though. I have to continue towards Cremona." I explain and smile.

“Yes, Mateo from Lodi, let me know

if you will pass through today. I

asked around this market. And a few here live between here and Cremona. A farmer has offered to bring you as far as to a small

provisional town. From there, it will take about three hours to walk to Cremona instead of seven hours." Filippo told me, and I was surprised.

“Really? Thank you. That would be awesome."

"He and his daughter will leave from here in one hour and twenty minutes. I will show you where they are, and you can look around here while you wait." Filippo says, and I bow my head.

"Thank you, it's a big help. Very appreciated." I say and smile.

They take MD to meet the man and his teenage daughter, and we agree on a time when I should be back here. I offered to stay and help, but the man insisted I use the time to experience a little of Italy, so I did.

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