A Broken Contract (Alpha's Secret Regret)

Chapter 0031

Nick POV

"This is a surprise, mother, and not a very pleasant one! I'm rather busy," I said to the Luna. She shouldn't be in Orphic at all. Not right now.

My driver pulled over a few feet from the curb where Sara stopped. A simple middle-class neighbourhood with picket fence in some houses. The small home looked much like the one she lived in with her father and son. When they first called to tell me she was leaving the penthouse, I'd almost had them stop her. Then they'd reported immediately that my mother was heading to the resort.

I'm not in the least bit ready to tell the Luna about my son. And a reunion with her is the last thing Sara needed right now, too, I'm sure of this.

It's clear that the girl wasn't stupid enough to be trying to run away with the child, but she should've picked up my call. My men had watched her with her dad before I got here. According to them, all they'd done was talk. My mother was talking to me on the phone, but I'd zoned off. There's some movement inside the house. I sensed Sara and the boy walking towards the door. Their little visit was over, it seemed.

Quickly, I got out of my car and signalled for one of my men in the SUV. They were ordered to follow her wherever she goes, but it was time I took over for the evening. "Mother, I have to go," I said unto the phone.

"Have you been listening to a word I've said?" She sounded frustrated.

"Richard will escort you back to the hellipad himself once you're ready. I'll be back in L.A. before the end of the week," I told her and hung up.

As I headed towards the tinted car, I threw the keys at the guard, and he caught it like a pro. "You can take this car back to the resort, Xavier. I'll take over from here."

Seconds later, they zoomed off, leaving me with the driver and gamma that Rich assigned to stick with Sara. The movement in the house seemed to pause, but I knew Sara and the child were standing near the door. "This is her friend's house, alpha," the gamma said. "They work together in the same local council."

"I see," I replied. Since I hated to ask outright if this friend was a man or woman, I simply asked,

"What's their name? This friend."

"Janet Brown," he replied.

That was most decidedly a woman's name. I sighed and sat back in the car, waiting for them to emerge.

Sara was smiling at whatever the

child was telling her when they finally came out. But the smiles faded as soon as she spotted the car. Then the gamma got out to` open the door as the trio descended the porch.

"I already called a taxi," Sara told him. "Don't worry about it us."

"Get in, Sara!" I barked from inside the car.

She would learn soon that I have zero patience for her newly acquired attitude. I was still pissed that she refused to drive the car I got her. "She's testing my patience," I thought aloud.

My tone must've scared her. She

heaved a deep sigh of defeat, then led the child and entered the car. They both waved at her friend as thenoveldrama

driver rolled up the windshield.

The ride back was silent. I was fighting to hold back from lashing out in front of the pup. I remained cool and waited patiently as the driver sped back to the resort.

When he served into the driveway,

the first thing I saw was Jake, waiting by the large entrance. Our car pulled to a stop in front of my beta, and the gamma went to open the door on Sara's side.

"Well, hello, young wolf," Jake greeted my son with a smile.

I saw the shock that flashed in Sara's eyes when Alex gave him his signature grin.

What? She didn't expect the kid to be well acquainted with the beta in such a short time?

'Well, join the club,' I said silently. The boy truly was friendly. He had sharp senses, too, and was quick to know family.

"C'mon. I need to introduce you to someone while mommy and daddy have a little chat," Jake said to the kid.

Sara and I went very still at his words as I glared at him.

The error of his words hit him, and he muttered, "Oh oh."

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